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Surprising and somewhat upsetting story about (street) DMT Options
#1 Posted : 9/19/2011 3:53:07 PM

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One of my friends was at a club this weekend , as in a nightclub , A young and up-market nightclub in a big city. He was there drinking a lot of alcohol and dancing to typical dance commercial dance music just like everyone else there.Whilst dancing he started dancing near some odd guys, a bit dodgy looking and in a posse to be honest, they finished dancing and he was invited to sit with them in their private booth. At this point he assumed drugs would be involved and though not into that scene was friendly anyway, after chatting for a few minutes to this blatantly underworld guy and his posse, the guy offered my friend DMT , asked if he wanted to go try some in the bathroom. My friend obviously turned down

This really surprised me , DMT at a club , to be done in a bathroom , being pedalled like i've never seen another psychedelic pedalled. And this isn't even one of my cities alternative clubs. These are straight up boring tight shirt wearing dicks.

I thought 98% of people didn't know it existed, now it's a club drug?

Is this what DMT is becoming ?you seen the same ?

What do you say?


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#2 Posted : 9/19/2011 3:57:46 PM

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It's definitely gaining in popularity, but I wouldn't be concerned about it becoming a club drug. I think what you saw was something of an anomaly. DMT has a certain way about regulating itself. I've seen it at concerts and festivals, but never in a club.
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#3 Posted : 9/19/2011 3:58:02 PM

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Probably just a rare situation with some disrespectful fool having bought it off some drug dealer.
Shit happens
#4 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:11:03 PM

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I'd rather have lost my virginity to a syphaliptic whore than to have first encountered DMT drunk.... In a public toilet.


#5 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:11:57 PM

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This is a sorry/sad story. Almost reminds me of "Enter the Void."

I don't go to those types of clubs - I wouldn't get in the front door for being too old and real I'm sure. BUT, I still talk with folks who go clubbing periodically and I AM starting to hear reports of young adults trying to use DMT as a club drug - using smaller, sub-breakthrough doses.

DMT paralyzes my behind, BUT I'm reminded of some of the 20-somethings here who talk about getting up and dancing after dosing! Sounds insane to me but I'm twice the age of the average person who says these kinds of things, so maybe they do get up and dance . . . .

I sincerely hope that this does NOT become a prevalent trend. DMT does NOT need the bad press, young folks do not need harrowing hyperspace trips in club bathrooms playing pop music. . . . in my opinion.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
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#6 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:16:30 PM

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Magicman wrote:
This really surprised me , DMT at a club , to be done in a bathroom , being pedalled like i've never seen another psychedelic pedalled. And this isn't even one of my cities alternative clubs. These are straight up boring tight shirt wearing dicks.

I'm not for this substance being peddled anywhere publicly, especially in club settings, but this statement stuck out for me. Is DMT reserved for a specific class of people? Would it be fine to do it at a venue in which Shpongle were performing? I'm sure most natives of Latin America do not approve of the way Westerners in general go about treating this substance. My point being, who is one to judge who should be taking this substance?
"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse
#7 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:17:39 PM

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haha Very happy bruahhahahahah Very happy what a story!!
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#8 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:18:32 PM

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Good lord! DMT in a dirty bathroom? Sounds like a sure fire way to get bitch slapped by the molecule. I mean I get a bad vibe during trips if my house is a bit dirty.
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#9 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:19:22 PM

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Pandora wrote:

I sincerely hope that this does NOT become a prevalent trend. DMT does NOT need the bad press, young folks do not need harrowing hyperspace trips in club bathrooms playing pop music. . . . in my opinion.

Mine too. And who's not in here?Laughing
#10 Posted : 9/19/2011 4:39:26 PM


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Ahh . . . Can't these club kids stick to X and LSD and all the traditional club drugs? Though, like shrooms and salvia, which have been around a while, DMT is at no real risk of becoming a club drug. Hell, it takes me months of praising the molecule to friends to get them to even THINK about trying it. How's a drug deal going to advertise DMT in a club? Maybe give it as free fake bumps of coke? That would be bad, and, damn it, now that I said it, the idea is out in the ether and someone will no doubt do this . . .
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#11 Posted : 9/19/2011 5:10:59 PM

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Totally off topic, but…
Pandora wrote:
DMT paralyzes my behind, BUT I'm reminded of some of the 20-somethings here who talk about getting up and dancing after dosing! Sounds insane to me but I'm twice the age of the average person who says these kinds of things, so maybe they do get up and dance . . . .

Hehe, it isn’t that hard to dance with spice and I wouldn’t put it down to age. I have probably danced with every substance I have ever worked with, and dancing plays a very central part in my life. To me dancing is natural and I like stretching the boundaries of what is possible with dance and altered states.

Back to the topic – I can’t imagine doing it at a club or in a toilet! I know it is used on the dancefloor at some parties (illegals I guess, I must admit I have yet to see it in front of me though) here in the UK. I would happily do it at the right free party in a field, but then a free party is, erm, free. I have yet to try it outside of my own room. Sometime. Maybe.
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#12 Posted : 9/19/2011 6:42:08 PM

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Seems like some people can use dmt in a very fiendish way without any problems, i´m glad that is not the point for me or anyone i knwo.
#13 Posted : 9/19/2011 7:37:56 PM

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I'm not for this substance being peddled anywhere publicly, especially in club settings, but this statement stuck out for me. Is DMT reserved for a specific class of people? Would it be fine to do it at a venue in which Shpongle were performing? I'm sure most natives of Latin America do not approve of the way Westerners in general go about treating this substance. My point being, who is one to judge who should be taking this substance?

You are right, it's a generalisation, but one that must be made for the sake of conversation and this one leads me to believe that they would use for reasons most would agree are incorrect.

You guys are right, never mind right or wrong, good or bad, who the fuck would want to do this in a dirty club bathroom?

It is becoming more popular for sure, what with facebook even pedalling it, I am very interested to see how it's proliferation progresses . I am worried though.

Bummed to heat that others have seen the same.
#14 Posted : 9/19/2011 8:35:13 PM

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i was offered with some extracted DMT this weekend at a the beach. it was somewhat crystal meth. Clouds warned me about it and its real. lol.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
#15 Posted : 9/19/2011 10:05:50 PM

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soulfood wrote:

I'd rather have lost my virginity to a syphaliptic whore than to have first encountered DMT drunk.... In a public toilet.



Amen. Wow. Can you even imagine breaking through in that environment? YIKES!
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#16 Posted : 9/19/2011 10:18:42 PM

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caliwa wrote:
i was offered with some extracted DMT this weekend at a the beach. it was somewhat crystal meth. Clouds warned me about it and its real. lol.

Interesting...I ran into a fratboy here about two years ago who claimed to have tried dmt (shortly after I mentioned the existence of it to him)...his experience sounded much more like crack cocaine than dmt.
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#17 Posted : 9/19/2011 11:56:22 PM


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Ive often thought about a semi light pharma trip in a nightclub, i think it could be quite good Smile
#18 Posted : 9/20/2011 3:34:06 PM

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easyrider wrote:

I'm not for this substance being peddled anywhere publicly, especially in club settings, but this statement stuck out for me. Is DMT reserved for a specific class of people? Would it be fine to do it at a venue in which Shpongle were performing? I'm sure most natives of Latin America do not approve of the way Westerners in general go about treating this substance. My point being, who is one to judge who should be taking this substance?

Here's the thing. We may do it in a bedroom in a city unlike a shaman, but we can still respect it reverently, and try to handle the experience in as much of a spiritual way as we're currently capable (if we're so inclined). Doing it in a club bathroom seems clearly disrespectful to the extent that anyone who were actually aware of some of its true nature would be showing disrespect. Is DMT reserved for a specific class of people? It certainly isn't for everybody, and there's only a small percentage (relative to the rest of the psychedelic community) who like to return to repeatedly annihilate themselves. Shpongle strikes me as a somewhat different situation (though it doesn't have to be). It really depends on the intentions of the user and greater context: did they extract it themselves?; are they looking for the live music to aid in taking them to realms and phenomena not yet experienced (personal growth)? The difference between the club bathroom and Shpongle boils down to mind set. People generally go to clubs for two reasons: get fucked up and find girls (or guys). At Shpongle the mind set and intentions of a person are more likely to be of a higher character....and if not, then I suppose in the case of those people, that there is little difference between the club bathroom and a Shpongle concert.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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#19 Posted : 9/20/2011 4:45:05 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
caliwa wrote:
i was offered with some extracted DMT this weekend at a the beach. it was somewhat crystal meth. Clouds warned me about it and its real. lol.

Interesting...I ran into a fratboy here about two years ago who claimed to have tried dmt (shortly after I mentioned the existence of it to him)...his experience sounded much more like crack cocaine than dmt.

Well probably this type of happenings could explain why some fool was doing "DMT" in the bathroom.

Or if it really was D, he probably hadn't smoked it before!Laughing
I simply couldn't imagine someone who's tried D before, doing it in a bathroom.
#20 Posted : 9/20/2011 6:08:23 PM

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tele wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:
caliwa wrote:
i was offered with some extracted DMT this weekend at a the beach. it was somewhat crystal meth. Clouds warned me about it and its real. lol.

Interesting...I ran into a fratboy here about two years ago who claimed to have tried dmt (shortly after I mentioned the existence of it to him)...his experience sounded much more like crack cocaine than dmt.

Well probably this type of happenings could explain why some fool was doing "DMT" in the bathroom.

Or if it really was D, he probably hadn't smoked it before!Laughing
I simply couldn't imagine someone who's tried D before, doing it in a bathroom.

My guess is that DMT is not to be understood by the average random drug consumer, neither the faithful stoner who ocassionally does LSD/shrooms/mezcaline. Some unethical dealers may offer garbage in the (fancy) name of DMT just for the purpouse or merchandise i think, but in confident DMT is never becoming mainstream as ayahuasca will never become mainstream simply because people is not interested in this kind of drugs because they are not recreational neither give pleasure.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
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