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Mushrooms From Outer Space? Options
#21 Posted : 9/18/2011 1:54:08 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#22 Posted : 9/20/2011 7:37:07 PM

The Rhythmic Dúnedain

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If you are referring to the T Mckenna theory that psilocybin spores radiate from stars and travel the universe in search of conscious beings to trip out I would agree that this is a little wacky. Though it is true that psilocybin is the only 4 substituted indole found on earth I don't necessarily think that this means it comes from a star. Hell maybe the zeta reticulans brought them here because they were bored of early hominids eating and throwing their feces. Who knows? I guess you can't prove or disprove the theory but at the same time you can't prove or disprove that there is a teacup in orbit around mars right nowWink
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#23 Posted : 9/20/2011 9:12:00 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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ocean_of_unity wrote:
If mushrooms are from outer space... are we as humans from outer space relative to the mushrooms? Afterall, we share a mutual symbiotic relationship.

My understanding is quite simply that mushrooms grow for a purpose and that purpose is to provide a 'protocol' with which inquisitive minds are granted access to 'see' beyond the apparent solidified world we are accustomed to whilst 'not under the influence'.

Its all about entertainment... if sitting infront of the tv watching soap operas is enough to keep you happy then thats great... however when the time comes we must move on and embrace new challenges within the frequencies of perception. (unless your a real soap opera junkie!)

The brain is like an aeroplane... Put some fuel in the engine and your off to another land, a real land in its own right! We only see what we see due to our 'standard everyday chemical composition' and ofcourse we see other worlds when that chemical composition is adjusted...

Nature provides the tools to go on holiday!

Well put.
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