Kronas wrote:Television is a babysitter, I have seen countless times, rooms full of people become zombies in front of T.V.'s.
If you think that T.V. is an art or artistic, you have horrible taste in art. It is a tool for brainwashing the masses. Occasionally there may be some informative programs on, but no where near the amount of information that the internet holds.
If you have smoked DMT and had a breakthrough experience, and still enjoy watching didn't get the message LMFAO
Ill let everyone in on the secret....we don't need T.V.s..............because we have EYES, that allow us to watch the coolest shit you could possibly imagine right in front of you all the time, a.k.a. LIFE
Peace - Kill your T.V. (Turn it off)
I respect that this is your opinion Kronas, but aren't you being more than a bit judgmental? If anything spice and its concurrent spiritual lessons seem to teach, it is that humans are in
no position to
judge anyone or anything.
You don't like TV. Fine. No reason to put people down who find that they enjoy
some of it at times.
People become zombies in front of a lot of things. Doesn't mean they should kill it. I've seen campsites full of people become zombies in front of campfires... People get entranced by sunsets, waves crashing, waterfalls, movies, plays, concerts, ballet, fireworks, you name it. This is not an indication that the object of attention is bad. It is simply
interesting to the people who choose to observe it. TV is part of that thing you tell us to observe... LIFE. So are murder and rape... but I would rather watch Ancient Aliens, personally.
You like the internet. Great. I do too. But let's not kid ourselves. Most websites are as
bad if not worse than TV. The internet is
filled with advertisement, scams, malicious viruses, people tracking your every move... Neo-nazis & The KKK have websites too. Furthermore, from a fiction point of view, the "content" tends to be
laughably amateurish. Sure, an intelligent person can wade through the nonsense and crap to find the gems of information... but the same can be said of TV.
I said this before on this thread, but I will say it again:
If you watch a TV show on the internet, you are STILL WATCHING TV. The television set is just a
delivery system. The medium of TV involves the
entire art form from inception in the minds of screenwriters, through development and production, manifested by actors and photographers in conjunction with music supervisors, set designers, propmasters et. al. and delivered in multiple formats including DVD, internet, and traditional TV broadcasts. If you doubt that these people are artists, you are entitled to your restrictive definition of the term.
Most people consider photography, dance, acting, writing, interior design, architecture, music composition and all the other artforms that make up TV to be
Good art? Who knows? But these are clearly art forms when practiced independently. Why on earth do they cease to be art when combined?
I am not a fan of country line dancing. I don't tell the people who practice and enjoy it that what they are doing is not dancing.
To all of you
too cool for TV types out there... judging other people because they like to watch fiction created by
professionals while trumpeting the virtues of YouTube (nonsense created by idiots) does
not make you hip. Turn
off your TV.
Go outside. Don't buy a television at all. But the fact that you are reading this on a monitor of some sort shows that you are a hypocrite. If you wanna unplug... go right ahead. But if you like your computer, play video games, masturbate to internet porn... and
still find it cool to neg on TV... you are just being a snob and trumpeting your DOC over others.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha