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Succesful ayahuasca nausea elimination Options
#1 Posted : 12/12/2010 5:56:50 PM

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Upon my first expeditions into hyperspace, i found myself in love with the experience. The one undesirable aspect was the nausea.... i would vomit but continue to have stomach cramping until i entered a mild "after-glow" state. appreciation of colors, and a higher level of consciousness. i wanted to push further, to learn more, but the nausea was too intense. i came back here and did some reading in the pharma-huasca section. after a few hours of reading, i tried dosing 2 tablets of pepto bismol with my brew. SUCCESS!!! no purging, and only minor nausea. on a whim, i added shredded ginger root into the mix and completely eliminated nausea. Since then i have been able to achieve full communication with the higher being(s) with no undesirable effects. I have even been able to eat while on my voyage, and walk, run, jump, etc....!It is quite cathartic to run through a forest while in hyperspace.... i feel as though i truly am the jaguar... not merely borrowing his vision! i do limit my intake to fluids and fruits though, as my higher consciousness does not wish to consume animal products.

another trick i have learned to avoid a bad experience is to take a modest dose, and assess the direction of the trip an hour later. If i feel good about the experience at this point, i will dose again at T+1 hour. this way i can achieve breakthrough only when i feel it is prudent to do so. If i feel a malevolent force, or any anxiety, i simply stop or will only maintain at a lower level consciousness. This also keeps me from wasting product, since some nights i can blast into hyperspace with modest dosages, and other times i require a higher dose. this is can be atributed to diet though, as i have yet to fully embrace the cleansing period before hand, though my higher level of consciousness has steered me toward a raw fruit and vegetable diet, with no meat. Eggs have become my main source of protein....


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#2 Posted : 12/12/2010 9:32:32 PM

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very nice to hear, and wow, becoming the jaguar!

i have used ginger to alleviate motion sickness and nausea many times, will remember for next aya journey, thanksSmile

i do limit my intake to fluids and fruits though, as my higher consciousness does not wish to consume animal products

yes, i too think our higher consciousness knows a bit about diet, and what is needed to stay in these higher places.
olympus mon
#3 Posted : 12/12/2010 10:15:30 PM

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thanks thats a god read. i envy your ability to run through a forest on ayahuasca! that must be fun.

good call on your method of dosing. i agree not every time is the right time so to speak. theres no worse feeling than taking a big dose and realizing its going south. you know you have a long, long, night ahead.

i like the idea of testing the waters as well, only downside is the duration of the journey can be very long when re-dosing. ive had 4 hour peaks that were not fun. healing...yes, but not a good time.Laughing
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#4 Posted : 12/13/2010 1:30:28 AM

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I hope that my experiments can help others embrace the light and knowledge, to enhance their own ventures into the knowing. With the nausea in check, i have found perfection. i truly am in love, and i know the meaning of the word for the first time in my existence. my next foray will be to witness a lightning storm while one with the forest. I think the lightning, wind, rain, and thunder should be a feast for the senses! Do any others venture out to the wild while in pursuit of knowledge? i find it constrictive to sit inside while the teacher is just outside my door, waiting to embrace me in her branches, vines, and leaves.
#5 Posted : 9/16/2011 12:39:32 PM

Not I

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I know this thread is old....

But I'm preparing my first ayahuasca brew for me and a couple of very close friends tonight.

Can any one else attest to using ginger and or pepto to reduce nausea?

I've done pharma with no nausea and loved it. Im hoping I can either make the purge relatively painless tonight or avoid it all together.

Any ideas from others here? All tips are welcome.
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#6 Posted : 9/16/2011 12:52:48 PM
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Ginger definately works for me in reducing nausea.
#7 Posted : 9/16/2011 12:56:27 PM

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I wouldnt worry too much - you may not get much nausea anyway (I rarely do). And if you do, just lay still.
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#8 Posted : 9/16/2011 1:01:29 PM

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polytrip wrote:
Ginger definately works for me in reducing nausea.

Ploy do you shred some ginger into the brew or do you just eat the ginger? I've got a whole ginger root in my fridge and I was thinking about just grating some into the brew.

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#9 Posted : 9/16/2011 1:08:48 PM
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I eat shredded pieces of raw ginger whenever i have gastric things going on like heartburn or nausea. It almost works immediately.
#10 Posted : 9/16/2011 1:17:34 PM

Not I

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Thanks poly.

I'll just take the ginger root with me and then we can all chew on pieces after we drink the mixture.

I feel like a little kid at Christmas time. We've been planning this adventure all week!

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#11 Posted : 9/16/2011 1:36:37 PM

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Ginger works well in any form.

Other things that help are Fennel, Mint and any alkaline substances that are not counterindicated for RIMAs.

Alka Seltzers are basically just baking soda.

Cannabis is fairly strong in its anti nausea effects (for those who are used to it). I have quit weed completely, but many of you are still stoners from what I gather.

As with any substance, be careful. Do allergy tests. Try the substance before hand, and NEVER eat or consume anything anywhere near a harmala ingestion unless you are VERY sure it will not react adversely. Don't just take the word of people on a forum. (myself included)
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