Has anyone here experienced this? And how would you compare it to a bad trip?
I've had feverhallucinations three times in my life, and it is the most horrible experinces I've ever had. Nightmares usually doesn't bother me too much because you only have to wake up to stop them, but when you have this fever they continue when you're awake. And it is not your common nightmare were you are scared shitless. No, it is sheer terror all the way through.
Really strange horrible terror.
One time I laid in bed staring at a pen on the floor and I have never been so scared in my life. I was more scared of he pen on the floor than I have ever been of anything.
Another time I hallucinated that one of our sofas at home were full of wooden barrels. I was afraid of them aswell.
The first time this happened to me was horrible. I had no control over anything. I had a feeling in my stomach that there was sort on an invisible string going out from me and it was always either too thin or too thick. It was a horrible feeling. I also had a feeling that my inside was made of rusty cogwheels
The second time was equally horrible. Same thing with the string and the cogwheels happened. But I remember that I got some control over the string. I could make it thicker or thinner if I concentrated enough and found a balance were it felt good. About 15-20 cm thick. I got some control over cogwheels aswell. I remember that if I focused on things that were clean and stable, like a shining white pyramide with a bright blue sky, it felt better.
The third time was like the second but with a little more control.
On top of all this I had to run to the toilet to either puke or shit diarrea, once both at the same time. Just after puking I had a break from all the horrible things for about 10 min. Then hell broke loose again.
Anybody recognize this from their own fevers or bad trips? I have never had a bad trip.
Everything I write as Tordyveln is made up. I lie all the time.
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