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#21 Posted : 9/11/2011 2:38:55 PM

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I do enjoy fine Tequila,Rum,Whiskey,Vodka,Beer,and wine. However i enjoy warmed red wine that's been soaking with Blue Lotus flowers even more. Wink

--Alcohol can be a relaxing pleasure when respected, and appreciated. But when the appreciation isn't there is when problems arise...That's why i say it's better to buy 1 good bottle than 3 bad ones...

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"

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#22 Posted : 9/11/2011 6:05:38 PM

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warm red wine soaked in blue lotus? What a great idea, i never thought of that, I enjoy an occasional glass of red wine myself, this sounds like a nice bed time sedation drink Smile
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He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
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#23 Posted : 9/11/2011 6:08:58 PM

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tele wrote:


Tweakers never hurt anybody!

*Though this graph cannot be too accurate. Why does amphetamine cause more harm to others then methamphetamine? Wut?
Expect nothing, Receive everything.
"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
"The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
#24 Posted : 9/11/2011 6:36:30 PM

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Mindlusion wrote:
warm red wine soaked in blue lotus? What a great idea, i never thought of that, I enjoy an occasional glass of red wine myself, this sounds like a nice bed time sedation drink Smile

Hi Mindlusion.
Actually i normally seep 12 grammes of blue lotus in 350ml red wine for a minimum of 1 week, and 3 being better..Agitating it every few days and giving good vibes.

-I warm it till it's steaming before sieving it and drinking it. It's also IMPORTANT to eat the plant matter. I also chase slowly with at least another 350ml of room temperature red wine. I'm giggling and very upbeat pretty quick, and the blue lotus deffo has aphrodisiac properties....Wink

---MMM, amphetamine causing more harm to others....mmm, dunno, maybe it makes people more agressive than meth which makes people more kinda zoned out???
--People that take meth tend to spend all their time indoors smoking the stuff, whereas amphetamine users tend to be more outgoing perhaps.
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#25 Posted : 9/11/2011 7:41:25 PM

No.. that can't be...

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soulfood wrote:
I don't even think of alcohol as a drug. In the same way I don't think butane is a drug. Alcoholism is solvent abuse.

Until recently, I'd drink quite frequently, but now that I exercise quite a lot I've noticed that just a few drinks can near double the time it takes my body to recover.

It just seems to dissolve everything inside you and disable the more complex mechanisms of your brain rendering you a lizard!

Soulfood, that is my thought exactly. It is a simple molecule that is a very good solvent which interferes with various biological systems. It is hardly a drug in my mind. It is mildly poisonous to a point. I have not drank it in a long long time. To me it seems akin to taking a solvent like toluene and huffing it...

Besides, when I drink, the following equation used to be often operative past a certain point which I used to pass usually:

Instant Asshole = Alcohol + Me
Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
#26 Posted : 9/11/2011 7:47:03 PM

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I have slightly different ideas now , and more to say , but this will do for now . For interests sake, make of it what you will.

Previous alcohol thread
#27 Posted : 9/11/2011 7:47:46 PM

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tele wrote:

Sooo... cannabis is worse for you than valium and methadone? I would be wary of that source....
#28 Posted : 9/11/2011 8:07:56 PM

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I thought the same thing when I saw that chart...seems that it is biased and caters to the interests of certain people/organizations etc...

My thing is with alcohol, besides growing up watching family members turn into incohernat assholes every time they drank(which was every day all day from before breakfast to the time they slept) is that is is sooo toxic. Surprisingly alchol is not neurotoxic..although it is extremely toxic to virtually every other organ in the body.
Long live the unwoke.
#29 Posted : 9/11/2011 8:07:57 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
alcohol is a shit drug IMO. I personally find it repulsive and have not drank it in about 2 years. That is just me though.

β€Ž"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929


#30 Posted : 9/11/2011 9:00:30 PM

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RayOfLight wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
alcohol is a shit drug IMO. I personally find it repulsive and have not drank it in about 2 years. That is just me though.


--Can i ask you guys if you've savoured and enjoyed quality spirits like good 100% agave TEQUILA ??

-i think it can be a delicious and highly enjoyable experience if done right...Cool
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#31 Posted : 9/11/2011 9:24:33 PM

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christian wrote:
iTS NOT EVERY SOCIETIES favorite drug, it's just the only legal one -that's all. Biologically speaking some people cannot cope with alcohol,so it doesn't suit everyone.

It's true. A lot of people use it simply because it's legal, and all their friends are doing it. Sad, really.

As for biologically speaking, that's also very true. I didn't realize until my twenties that I have an enzyme deficiency and my body can't break down alcohol. So I get very sick when I drink it. Even if I didn't, I don't think I would enjoy it much. My experience is also very similar to fractal's...seeing family members drunk and incoherent, having them breathe it in my face when I was young.
soulfood wrote:
I don't even think of alcohol as a drug. In the same way I don't think butane is a drug. Alcoholism is solvent abuse.

I always bring this up when I'm involved in a discussion about drugs or alcohol. People spout their crap about how drugs are illegal for a reason, blah blah, and alcohol would be illegal if it was that harmful. I try to remind them that it's POISON. Would you go and drink a bottle of pure alcohol? Hell no. You have to dilute it or it's POISON. I ask them, would you drink any other solvent? Acetone? Benzene? Chloroform? Smile The only exception being water Pleased

As biased as that graph is, I still love how mushrooms are at the bottom! Very happy
#32 Posted : 9/11/2011 10:31:57 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I thought the same thing when I saw that chart...seems that it is biased and caters to the interests of certain people/organizations etc...

My thing is alcohol, besides growing up watching family members turn into incohernat assholes every time they drank(which was every day all day from before breakfast to the time they slept) is that is is sooo toxic. Surprisingly alchol is not neurotoxic..although it is extremely toxic to virtually every other organ in the body.

I'm sorry. I came from a family of quiet sophisticated alcoholics, so in my house drinking was just a thing that was always happening, and you didn't want to deal with my parents sober that's for sure. So to me it just seems like a normal thing, which is probably why I drink too much.
#33 Posted : 9/11/2011 11:21:21 PM

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I am just thankful I was only exposed to it more or less indirectly, becasue I grew up close to my grandparents and saw them all the time and my grandfather is one of the craziest drunk I know. He gets mean and angry and treats my grandmother like shit every time he drinks, which is always. He is old and sick now and people have had to take care of him time and time again. One day my grandmother went away for the day and he ended up falling over and smashing his head right through a big glass coffee table and my aunt found him later passed out on the floor..another time he was walkin back from town and fell over and broke his hip and again, just passed out that way until someone found him..on another occasion he fell off my parents balcony becasue he was hammered and broke his other hip. One time when I was a kid he nearly ran me over with his outboard engion when I was water skiing and my mother had to freak out and scream at him..he gets hammered all the time and goes off on his ATV hunting..guns and alcohol dont mix BTW.. The guy is just a crazy ass drunk and he gets very mean often when he is hammered. I remember when I was a kid and used to stay over at they're house he would be up at like 6am already halfway through a bottle of wine, or worse well into a bottle of whiskey..I am really surprised my father is not an alcoholic at all growing up in a house like that, nor is his sister..I guess they saw enough of it to realize how fucked up it really is.

I have another older friend who I concider to actually have been one of my esoteric teachers at one point..that is a lonnggg story I wont get into now but he is also a crazy alcoholic. The guy can take more acid, mescaline and mushrooms than anyone I know but he also drinks like a fish and at only 50 years old is pissing blood all the time and has liver disease becasue of it. It really makes me sad watching someone who is important to me and taught me so much just die like that.
Long live the unwoke.
#34 Posted : 9/12/2011 2:21:16 AM


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somethings definitely fishy about that chart

I can't even imagine how society would be today if alcohol had never been abused by humans..that's an interesting thought.. Anyways alcohol definitely isn't my thing anymore. i drank way too much when i was 13, and then for the most part stopped after that. I've seen many of my family members and friends deteriorate from abusing it..and every time my grandpa comes to family gatherings i would sit and watch as everyone basically encourages him (and everyone else) to drink even more.. luckily he's a nice drunk and has never gotten into a car accident or seriously hurt himself.. despite living alone in the woods, drinking all day every day, being basically deaf from the war, and having only one eye.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#35 Posted : 9/12/2011 3:46:20 AM


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I don't drink anymore, I realized that it was a vile poison at any psychoactive dose, and that I was slowly killing myself with it.

It's the source of fucked up trips imo, not just alcoholics but any addiction. I don't know how to explain it, but I get like a mental movie of someone visibly decaying whenever they drink alcohol. It's abosutely ingrained in me to not drink. I cannot stand the stuff.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#36 Posted : 9/12/2011 8:22:05 AM

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Dioxippus wrote:

soulfood wrote:
I don't even think of alcohol as a drug. In the same way I don't think butane is a drug. Alcoholism is solvent abuse.

I always bring this up when I'm involved in a discussion about drugs or alcohol. People spout their crap about how drugs are illegal for a reason, blah blah, and alcohol would be illegal if it was that harmful. I try to remind them that it's POISON. Would you go and drink a bottle of pure alcohol? Hell no. You have to dilute it or it's POISON. I ask them, would you drink any other solvent? Acetone? Benzene? Chloroform?! Very happy

-Funnily enough, people used to drink diluted Ether, and sniff Nitrous oxide in the " good old days". Trouble was the Ether farts were highly inflammable, yes true...imagine it!!! Laughing

>> People will do anything to get high. Always have done, and always will //It's a human need to do so.I think it is wrong for the government to make that choice for us. Especially when some of them don't follow their own rules. What a complete joke all that is......
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#37 Posted : 9/12/2011 8:55:06 AM


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Was thinking of making maca beer one day then fusing it with blue lotus. Funnily enough I got my first visuals and lucid dreams due to a 2 week booze binge when I was 15 - I learned its called "Alcoholic hallucinosis". Full fledged visions of people, like in dreams walking about before my eyelids or in a darkened room. Many people said it sounded horrifying but I found it amazing how a a part of me was showing me all of this without "my" having a say in it.

I'm glad for the early experiences I've had with it all I guess, otherwise I'd probably just be getting into it now that I've entered university..
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#38 Posted : 9/12/2011 1:11:27 PM

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soulfood wrote:

It just seems to dissolve everything inside you and disable the more complex mechanisms of your brain rendering you a lizard!

Haha so true...I got drunk last night and now I feel reptilian. Im not drinking for a loooooong time now.
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#39 Posted : 9/12/2011 6:00:12 PM

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I like alcohol in moderation, a nice glass of wine, or a couple of ales on an evening are very enjoyable. I learned in my teens how dangerous abusing it could be. That is partly why I got much more interested in good ol' MJ...

My Dad drinks half a bottle of whisky most nights, often after a bottle of wine - now that scares the crap out of me Sad he just can't / won't stop, it makes him into an angry, argumentative, bigotted person, which I cannot stand. Sober he is a lovely guy, it's like he has a personality transplant. My bro also was a horrendous alcoholic, and damn near made his liver pack in through cheap, strong cider and cheap vodka, resulting in 2 years in rehab. The risk with stopping cold turkey are seizure, stroke and all sorts of other horrid crap.

So, imo, low -moderate usage is fine, but abuse will lead to all kinds of pain, both for you and those around you. Family life wasn't much fun when both my Dad and Bro were pissed all the time.
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#40 Posted : 9/12/2011 6:28:45 PM

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Purges you must be a strong women by now.

Purges wrote:
I like alcohol in moderation, a nice glass of wine, or a couple of ales on an evening are very enjoyable.

Agreed Razz

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I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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