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Psychoactive plants in India Options
#1 Posted : 9/7/2011 6:45:22 PM

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Hey there!

I'm soon traveling to India. I'm therefore wondering what psychoactive plants could be found growing wild in the country. All types of psychoactive plants are interesting, but of course psychedelic ones are the most interesting. Maybe there's even some DMT sources growing wild?

I know Cannabis grows wild in many areas, and Peganum harmala, and also Amanita muscaria. Both Datura stramonium and Datura metel too. What other species can be found? I've heard Psilocybe cubensis grows in some areas, maybe one also can find other species of psiloc(yb)in containing mushrooms?


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#2 Posted : 9/7/2011 7:47:48 PM
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I'm fairly sure psilocybe cubensis grow in Inida, and cattle are revered in India as sacred animals so surely you'll find a few cow pats around there...
#3 Posted : 9/7/2011 8:12:29 PM

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All over south India people grow and chew Areca Nut (More often called Betel Nut) It stains the mouth very red, which is strange to see.
It is psychoactive but not psychedelic, sorry.

"Areca nuts are chewed with betel leaf for their effects as a mild stimulant,[1] causing a mild hot sensation in the body and slightly heightened alertness, although the effects vary from person to person. The effect of chewing betel and the nut is relatively mild and could be compared to drinking a cup of coffee. The areca nut contains tannins known as arecatannin, gallic acid, a fixed oil gum, a little terpineol, lignin, various saline substances and three main alkaloids: Arecoline, Arecaidine and Guvacine which have vasoconstricting properties.[2] The betel leaf chewed along with it contains eugenol, also a vasoconstrictor. Many chewers also add small pieces of tobacco leaf to the mixture, thereby adding the effect of the nicotine, which causes greater addiction than the drugs contained in the nut and the betel"

Click HERE to see the Wikipedia article
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#4 Posted : 9/7/2011 8:46:18 PM

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Hey I'm going there in october! Where in India are you going? I'm flying first to Chennai and then on to Thiruvannamalai. Going to work at an orphanage for a while and then make my way up though the country.

If you're going to some tourist locations like Goa there's probably whole lotta drugs there. I myself am not very interested in these places.
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#5 Posted : 9/7/2011 9:12:05 PM
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Tordyveln wrote:
Hey I'm going there in october! Where in India are you going? I'm flying first to Chennai and then on to Thiruvannamalai.

Shocked cool

Are you planning on going to Sri Ramana Maharshis ashram?

#6 Posted : 9/8/2011 5:40:36 PM

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I'm mostly going to stay in the north and east, I think, but I don't have a strict plan to follow. I'm not planning on visiting the normal tourist attractions, I want to see the real India, and I want it to be a journey every day. I'll let the wind show me the way, so to speak! Very happy Looks like I will have to wait a few months before traveling though.

I know there's lots of drugs to get, in Goa and elsewhere, but that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking to research what psychoactive plants grow wild, so I can harvest them myself. Maybe there's some Acacia or similar growing there too? Would be so cool to make DMT brews (Peganum harmala already grows wild) while traveling India as a backpacker... Very happy
#7 Posted : 9/8/2011 6:11:06 PM

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@ evening glory
If it is your first time in india it WILL be a journey every day!!
#8 Posted : 9/8/2011 6:25:54 PM

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In south india there´s definitely plenty of cubensis, Kodaikanal for example, from monsoon or the months following. If you go anywhere south near karnataka, I also highly suggest going to Hampi, ask jbark he also went there and will second what I said

If you go in october, its charas harvest season in himachal pradesh, I highly recommend going there even if not in october. There are plenty of wild plants (¨Jungli¨ ), as well as plantations. But be careful where you´re trekking, and with police too.. Send me a pm. In any case regardless of cannabis, doing one of the treks there is amazing beyond words, for example chandrakani pass which goes from Malana, over the mountains at 4000m, over to Kulu valley. Here I posted some pictures:

Ill post some more another time.
#9 Posted : 9/8/2011 10:37:02 PM


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Especially anywhere near monsoon season.
The north is beautiful but pay heed its not always particularly safe.
Feel free to pm me about it too.
Himachal Pradesh <3

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#10 Posted : 9/8/2011 10:40:11 PM

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Why are you posting links to antibiotics and anti-parasitic drugs? Because I may need them in India? Well, okay, but this thread is about psychoactive plants in India... Thanks though.
#11 Posted : 9/9/2011 1:42:11 AM

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This may not be of any help at all, but when i saw this thread it reminded me of this ceremony from the "Sanchez get high" series. Kind of a silly series really, where the Dirty Sanchez dudes go around the world trying to "get high" from anything and everything. Pritchard goes to the amazon and takes ayahuasca and said it was the most amazing experience he's ever had.

They also go to india and go to a 'soma rasa' ceremony. I found the vid on youtube and the ceremony starts at minute 5 if you wanna just skip straight to it. I don't think they mean it, but they act sort of disrespectful. It is probably why all the Indian's leave him in the tent on his own at the end. What they don't show is Pritchard in the hotel room afterwards going out of his mind with a head full of psychedelia.

#12 Posted : 9/9/2011 3:00:48 AM

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As for DMT containing plants, I am pretty sure Desmodium is quite common due to it's use in ayurvedic medicine.

Do a Google search for Trout's notes on Desmodium. With the exception of gramine showing up in a few species, they are quite promising it would seem, especially for 5-MeO-DMT.
#13 Posted : 9/9/2011 8:56:19 AM
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..you could help solve the mystery of Acacia catechu ('Khadira'Pleased, said to contain tryptamines (see Trying to improve Acacia info. p.5)...Smile
Infinite I
#14 Posted : 9/9/2011 11:16:24 AM


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I also reccomend Hampi like endlessness and Jbark. Amazing place, a german bakery in a small side street had something called hash browns which were anything but, potatoes and vegetables in a strange sauce, oh one of the highlights, as was the mango tree restaurant, stunning cheap good quality food, no alcohol and no beer, my dad being a tee totallar vegetarian was in his element lol I loved India and met some amazing people, the majority of people were really nice, met a load of nepalese people working down south who were so warm kind and hospitable, I have a place to stay if I ever go to khatmandu and I will take them up on their offer one day! They were brilliant friendly genuine people who we fell in love with and will visit, not just to go there but because of the friends we made, we could learn a lot from people like that in the western world. Good acid in Anjuna, a lot of folks go to goa stock up then travel, know your not looking for that so this post is probably pointless! lol
#15 Posted : 9/9/2011 11:55:22 AM

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nen888 wrote:
..you could help solve the mystery of Acacia catechu ('Khadira'Pleased, said to contain tryptamines (see Trying to improve Acacia info. p.5)...Smile

Cheers, that's GREAT! I will for sure, if I find the tree. Do you know any other species found in India?

Thanks for the tip on Desmodium spp. too, will take a good look at Trout's notes. Thanks for the other replies too, they're interesting! Pleased
#16 Posted : 9/12/2011 8:50:00 AM
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..hey Evening Glory, there's also Acacia chundra (sometimes called a variety of A. catechu)..i remembered the other day that one or two indian Pandanus (Screw Pine)species contain DMT (formally tested)..i have heard one pandanus successful report (keep u posted, i wannna get the details right)..Pandanus looks a bit like a fat-trunked palm & is usually coastal..

..may the mysteries unfold on your journey..Smile
#17 Posted : 9/12/2011 7:45:09 PM
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DoingKermit wrote:
This may not be of any help at all, but when i saw this thread it reminded me of this ceremony from the "Sanchez get high" series. Kind of a silly series really, where the Dirty Sanchez dudes go around the world trying to "get high" from anything and everything. Pritchard goes to the amazon and takes ayahuasca and said it was the most amazing experience he's ever had.

lol they seemed to be effected by the mushrooms more through my eyes, i thought it was funny but maybe you just gotta know someone welsh Laughing
#18 Posted : 9/12/2011 10:03:28 PM


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go to Goa for chem - LSD , mdma , coke (all are very easy to get)(its best to be in goa from october end to begining of feburary , all the rest is more boring , also the cop situation in Goa is getting difficult but always be ready to bribe them and keep your stash hidden )(even if the cops act friendly don't tell them you're a drug user , just try to keep it simple and as a visitng clean tourist , and do whatever you want smoke , drink do entheogens , do whatever don't tell)

go to himachal pradesh for cannabis ( more than 52 kinds of cannabis resin )(with malana and rasol being the absolute best ) don't go to manali , go to kasol and make base camp for a few months(its beautiful) ,the whole parvati valley region is all amazing smoke

warning: pls dont smoke with baba's in the mountains they can trick you by mixing cannabis with datura in their chillums and later rob you when you're tripping , please buy your own cannabis from any reputed dealer and smoke well and enjoy
also before buying cannabis inquire with fellow tourists and know the prices and don't get ripped off by the dealer

kodaikanal in karnataka - for psilocybin mushrooms (but they are very weak , you'll have to eat an ounce maybe before anything happens )

and also
Goodluck Razz

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#19 Posted : 9/12/2011 10:11:33 PM

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Jin, you have just crossed a fine line. Please edit your post, you should know that talking about where to score drugs, bribing cops and what not, is absolutely a no-no here. (plus this is not what E.G. asked for). Please read the attitude page.
#20 Posted : 10/12/2011 7:37:54 PM

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Thanks again for all answers. I'm planning on trekking in Himachal Pradesh, as endlessness advised me to do, want to visit Parvati Valley! Smile I've found info that Desmodium gyrans syn. Codariocalyx motorius is growing in most of India up to 2500 meters. It contains moderate amounts of several entheogenic tryptamines, see this thread. Also, if anyone knows about any other psychoactive plants growing in India, please do tell! Smile
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