SWIM is helping a friend try to save a mostly failed extraction that had quite low yields. SWIM has been given a very large amount of acetic acid solution that has not been adequately reduced or bassified. There would be in excess of 15 litres (dont ask me why swims friend decided to use so much vinegar???) This solution was given to SWIM after it had been somewhat bassified (ph around
... SWIM addded approx >300 grams of NaOH which raised the PH to 8.4 ... not wanting to add any more NaOH and unsure of a safe way to reduce the volume of liquid and increase the PH SWIM is now unsure what to do.
SWIM is considering it unsafe to reduce such a caustic solution with heat using stainless steel or glassware... or can she proceed with carefull monitoring of ph? After watching videos of NaOH easily melting glass under heat SWIM is really at a bit of a loss as to what to try next...
Can anyone please recommend to SWIM how to proceed. Ideally swim would like to increase PH to around 12 to continue and to try to save extraction... Theoretically there should still be quite a lot of spice in the solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated