It seems sometimes that a lot of people are not familiar with ayahuasca being used for warfare and sorcery designed to attack others.
Classically ayahuasca using shamans were not only healers, they were also those who would bring harm to others.
There is now a tremendous emphasis upon love with aya and things like DMT, but classically the emotional context of use also allows as much hate as love. the user can focus on either and there is nothing in and of the use of these things that is by default associated with any one emotion, rather love and hate, fear and humor, disgust and desire, these are all linked and inseparable and often part of exploring self. The idea that love and hate are not connected seems incredibly dangerous, they are sort of two sides of the same thing, and neither is good or evil, both have their place in life and both have the ability to help or harm.
In many cases tribal peoples used ayahuasca and allies for hundreds if not thousands of years, yet in none of these cases did they become a people free of war or hate, nor did they become a people free of peace or love. Be careful in thinking that things like aya and DMT make a person more peaceful, peace is born of the will for peace, this is determination.
Imagine that you love something and it is under threat or it is harmed, the result of the attachment that love constitutes will inevitably result in a hate like emotion the same way that a mama bear gets angry at threats to her cubs, because she is attached to them.
There are those who want to dwell in a feeling of love, a feeling of attachment, please be cautious about this, because there is an aspect of balance to the universe and being and for every state there is a proportional and equal and opposite state. Perhaps the largest mistake we can make is to believe that we can attain a state where reaction, attachment and temptation no longer exist. No person is immune to the so called faults of humanity, remember that the same nerves that sense pleasure also sense pain. Emotions are like this too.
Anger has a role in nature, just like it does for mama bear, it would be wrong to be incapable of it, but it is not right to dwell in it.
To be without the capacity for hate is to be without the capacity for love,
it is best to not get carried away with either.
this is what i believe
what do you think?