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Do you like psychedelics but not weed? Options
#1 Posted : 9/5/2011 2:34:06 AM

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I do.

Weed doesn't feel right to me. I feel stuck in my own head. Whereas psychedelics free me.

How about you guys?
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- Jiddu Krishnamurti

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#2 Posted : 9/5/2011 2:45:48 AM

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I love cannabis but I cant smoke it constantly. If I had to choose I would choose mushrooms and ayahuasca over cannabis as things I need in my life. I had to just cut it out completely at one point for 6 months because it was making me so jaded and sort of stuck in one place in life. I was really able to move beyond that phase once I broke my addiction to cannabis.

It is a great tool IMO and I definatily get something out of it when my use is less frequent than a chronic habit.

That said, there are times when I really dont like it. Sometimes I will smoke and regret it and feel like I dont like the effects at all. It is not as appealing as DMT, harmalas or psilocin for me. I find harmalas a more healthy alternative for daily meditations etc, but that is just me personally and others might feel differently.

I smoked all day every day for 5 years and I got alot out of it, but I also feel like it drained me and was a real unhealthy habit by the time I decided to stop smoking for a while.
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#3 Posted : 9/5/2011 4:10:42 AM


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I'm not a fan of weed at all, use to smoke regular but found the enjoyment was replaced with very negative effects from its use.
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#4 Posted : 9/5/2011 5:49:31 AM

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I love weed Very happy and always will. I think if it was legal for recreational use, the world would be a better place, which is clearly why it's illegal... But that's sort of a given.
#5 Posted : 9/5/2011 6:15:15 AM

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I really dont think cannabis is enough to create much change. Maybe it is just where I live, but everyone smokes or has smoked here reguardless of laws. Even when I was in the US..the stuff was everywhere. It's not like it is not easy to get and I think most people these days see it as a more or less benign thing as far as drugs go. If it was going to change the world I think it would have already, more than it already has anyway.

Ayahuasca, mushrooms and cacti etc are the things that can and will help to fully awaken people, then they will have to put for the effort to apply what they learn.

It's not that I dont think cannabis opens the mind or anything, just that I think in modern culture we are already surrounded by it's influence though alot of people just dont realize that cannabis intoxication was the inspiration behind much of it.
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#6 Posted : 9/5/2011 6:21:10 AM

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I think what matukuul meant by the world would be a better place if it were legal is (and I could be mistaken) there are a LOT of squares out there who won't touch an illegal substance because of the various social taboos attached to it. Granted society is warming up to it in general but I'm referring to hardcore squares.

These are the people who would get the most benefit from it being legal because it will help them see through all of the bullshit. Eg "Why was this ever illegal to begin with?" and hopefully they would start questioning more.

Not to mention how it would allow these people to relax a bit and quit taking life so seriously all of the time.
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#7 Posted : 9/5/2011 6:35:47 AM

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it would sure as hell free up some jail space and then maybe some of these people who are in the business of creating "criminals" to lock up as slave labour would have to get real jobs. That would be nice Smile .
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 9/5/2011 6:36:56 AM

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Melodic Catastrophe wrote:
I think what matukuul meant by the world would be a better place if it were legal is (and I could be mistaken) there are a LOT of squares out there who won't touch an illegal substance because of the various social taboos attached to it. Granted society is warming up to it in general but I'm referring to hardcore squares.

These are the people who would get the most benefit from it being legal because it will help them see through all of the bullshit. Eg "Why was this ever illegal to begin with?" and hopefully they would start questioning more.

Not to mention how it would allow these people to relax a bit and quit taking life so seriously all of the time.

and from there it may be only a slippery slope to legalization of other plants as well Very happy

it may be a pretty optimistic idea but its definitely possible....but i also guess the 'powers the be' may need a good hyperpunting first Twisted Evil

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#9 Posted : 9/5/2011 7:34:52 AM

No.. that can't be...

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I smoked weed almost daily for over 15 years, and used to love it. Little by little after a point I found that it detracted more from my life than the benefit that it gave. I stopped smoking it a few years before I gave up cigarettes making my last weed high almost 20 years ago. I really don't like inhaling smoke at all.... but vaporizing DMT occasionally is pretty amazing.
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#10 Posted : 9/5/2011 8:34:12 AM

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Melodic Catastrophe wrote:
I think what matukuul meant by the world would be a better place if it were legal is (and I could be mistaken) there are a LOT of squares out there who won't touch an illegal substance because of the various social taboos attached to it. Granted society is warming up to it in general but I'm referring to hardcore squares.

These are the people who would get the most benefit from it being legal because it will help them see through all of the bullshit. Eg "Why was this ever illegal to begin with?" and hopefully they would start questioning more.

Not to mention how it would allow these people to relax a bit and quit taking life so seriously all of the time.

fractal enchantment wrote:
it would sure as hell free up some jail space and then maybe some of these people who are in the business of creating "criminals" to lock up as slave labour would have to get real jobs. That would be nice Smile .

universecannon wrote:

and from there it may be only a slippery slope to legalization of other plants as well Very happy

it may be a pretty optimistic idea but its definitely possible....but i also guess the 'powers the be' may need a good hyperpunting first Twisted Evil

Exactly, all points I was trying to make... Especially the legalization of psychedelics and weed together could truly shine a light on the government's history of lies, hypocrisy, an etc, and lead the masses on a path towards the realization that we have the technology to feed clothe and house every human being on this planet, the power to end war, and that we would be much better off living in a society that was more concerned with nurturing creativity, individuality, joy, and love, and providing the freedom and resources to express those notions instead of a society that is basically nothing but herds of mindless sheep who are nothing but slaves to consumerism and yada yada yada.. You know how the story goes..

And to those who claim weed effects them negatively, are you sure you are not just blaming the weed for your own shortcomings when it is yourself that is to blame? Not saying you are.. Just curious. I understand it's not for everyone I suppose.. But I really don't see why not, besides maybe you don't wanna pay for it, and your health, but if it was legal you could grow it, and I mean I really don't think it's that bad for your health... 9-5 jobs are bad for your health. Weed is good.

#11 Posted : 9/5/2011 9:18:27 AM

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I think weed can be beneficial if used as a tool and not as a crutch.

From personal experience, smoking all day, everyday, really isn't good for your mind. Everything becomes kinda foggy and you live your life in a daze so to speak.

I've recently quit smoking weed (day 5 so far, woo hooo) and I can tell a huge difference in my mental clarity, dream recall and I feel a bit more energetic.

I know I am addicted to weed and I am going to follow Frac's path and stay off of it for several months. I don't know if I can handle 6 months, but I am going to try. When I do smoke again, it will only be a little bit here and there to keep my tolerance low and the effects high.
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#12 Posted : 9/5/2011 9:48:26 AM

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ewok wrote:
I'm not a fan of weed at all, use to smoke regular but found the enjoyment was replaced with very negative effects from its use.

Exactly the same for me. I'm glad I quit, it can be really addictive, even if people tell otherwise. Especially when mixed with tobacco.
#13 Posted : 9/5/2011 10:37:11 AM

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sheepie wrote:
I do.

Weed doesn't feel right to me. I feel stuck in my own head. Whereas psychedelics free me.

How about you guys?

> I understand your point, Sheepie. However there are different types of weed, some heady and slothful like indica, and others happy and active like sativa. Also, i think that perhaps smoking is not the best route for some. Perhaps ingestion can be a better way to go.Perhaps it was meant to be eaten rather than smokedWut?
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#14 Posted : 9/5/2011 11:15:09 AM

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Its interesting that you distinguish between weed and psychedelics. Weed can be a very psychedelic tool at the right levels - when you are really high, but not too high to be monged out and not give a crap about anything. It takes practise to get to / maintain that level but can be very rewarding.

I have been a daily smoker for the last 7 or 8 years, and it certainly has slowed me down some what, but I have managed to go travelling, get a degree, run a club night, perform as a DJ, make music, look after my pets, have a girlfriend and lead a normal social life etc, while being very high most of the time. I enjoyed every minute of it, and do admit that at stages (like last year of Uni) it did become a crutch, a retreat from stress. the last couple of years I have been smoking a small amount in the evening, and making a concerted effort not to over indulge.

This last week I made the decision to have a break from it, and to be honest I feel crap lol. I haven't had much sleep, so the first half of each day I feel horribly tired, by evening time I am no longer tired, and often can't get to sleep until 3-4 am. Now you may say that is because I rely on weed to get to sleep, which is true, but even before I was a regular smoker I had difficulty maintaining sleep for extended periods of time. At the moment, I am less productive than when I smoked.

What I am trying to say is that it just suits some people better than others. I am going to maintain my abstinence from weed during the week, and keep it as a treat on week ends and see how that suits me as I am trying to make positive changes in lifestyle and diet which weed makes it hard to do.

Weed is a tool, as are other psychedelics. DMT has helped me gain a fresh perspective, and get to the point of quitting weed, weed also, after a DMT trip, lets me access the information gained from a different angle, and helps maintain the meditative mind state that Spice provides.

So, yes, I probably do like weed better than psychedelics at this point in time but only because I am relatively new to entheogens. Something tells me though that Changa will be a powerful ally for the next stages of my life.
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#15 Posted : 9/5/2011 11:43:24 AM

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Something that might help you sleep is to make a pillow out of dried hops and lavender.
It's a cheap and effective way to get a great nights sleep.
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#16 Posted : 9/5/2011 12:20:21 PM

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Dried hops eh? I have used lavender before, but not hops, you have me intrigued... Hops is a close relative of the cannabis plant, no?
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#17 Posted : 9/5/2011 1:06:09 PM

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I'm honestly not sure what it's related to. I just know they use it in beer and as a cure for insomnia.

Here is a link for further reading if you're interested.
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#18 Posted : 9/5/2011 1:12:14 PM

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Weed is pernicious. For me anyway.

I love it. I think it is one of the most important plants on the planet. And I don't regret my decades of daily use. It should be legal, and it beats the hell out of drinking alcohol.

That said, I simply can not be moderate with it. If I could take a bonghit twice a month or puff a joint that people were passing around and not get sucked back into morning to night usage in a matter of days... I would.

Unfortunately, while the first puff is wonderful and glorious and I am not tempted to restart the habit... it is only a few puffs more than that where I completely fall off the wagon. Bonghits for breakfast.

I quit many times over the past 6 years. 6 months. A year. Almost 2 years. But no matter how long I stopped for it only took a couple times getting high for me to fall right back in. It seems that once you have been addicted to something, you retain that weakness indefinitely... or at least for quite some time. Plenty of friends of mine can be moderate with cannabis. Just not me.

So, I let it go. And it has been much better for me. What was a medicinal and beneficial relationship as an intense teen who might otherwise have gotten into a lot of shit, is now a limiting crutch that inevitably drags me down to lower vibrations and kills my motivation.

There are plenty of other things that give me more rewarding consciousness expansion, so whatever.
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#19 Posted : 9/5/2011 1:48:36 PM
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Purges wrote:
Its interesting that you distinguish between weed and psychedelics. Weed can be a very psychedelic tool at the right levels - when you are really high, but not too high to be monged out and not give a crap about anything. It takes practise to get to / maintain that level but can be very rewarding.

This last week I made the decision to have a break from it, and to be honest I feel crap lol. I haven't had much sleep, so the first half of each day I feel horribly tired, by evening time I am no longer tired, and often can't get to sleep until 3-4 am. Now you may say that is because I rely on weed to get to sleep, which is true, but even before I was a regular smoker I had difficulty maintaining sleep for extended periods of time. At the moment, I am less productive than when I smoked.

What I am trying to say is that it just suits some people better than others. I am going to maintain my abstinence from weed during the week, and keep it as a treat on week ends and see how that suits me as I am trying to make positive changes in lifestyle and diet which weed makes it hard to do.

Weed is a tool, as are other psychedelics. DMT has helped me gain a fresh perspective, and get to the point of quitting weed, weed also, after a DMT trip, lets me access the information gained from a different angle, and helps maintain the meditative mind state that Spice provides.

Weed can be very psychedelic depending on how it is ingested.

Being a health conscious non-tobacco smoker all my life, I would never smoke weed in a joint. Instead, I used to have a 'bottle', namely a 2 litre coke bottle filled up with hash smoke (and no doubt gaseous plastics, aluminium etc.). These things would knock you for six, and I got in the habit of smoking ten of these per day. At first it was only ever great intense fun, but after a couple of years of doing this constantly, some very negative consequences came into being and it was when things started to turn bad, that the experiences became most psychedelic. I had many of the types of experiences that people report on DMT from being in hashish induced trances, but only with none of the openess and feeling none of the joy of the universe. At the very lowest point, I felt as though I had left my body, and viewed myself as being nothing more than a pile of meat and bones with blood squirting through it.

Someone in this thread mentioned that cannabis left them feeling 'stuck in thier mind'. I often struggle to find a way of defining the effects of cannabis but 'stuck in mind' would be a pretty good broad description. To me cannabis is a drug which acentuates all physiological faculties of indulgence, be it appreciation of music, food, sex, social company, and so on. Thus, smoking cannabis can give very good insights into the inner workings of all of these 'faculties of indulgence' and can provide the user with an understanding of the roots of specific expressions of 'mind' that would otherwise remain hidden from him. For example, it was through smoking weed that I figured out that my strong preference for a specific female name took its roots in my psychology as a result of the girl who 'I fancied/fancied me' when I was just six years old, which lead to a very early expression of my understanding and attraction to the opposite sex being sown in my mind, psychologically tied to this specific name. I never get this exact type of psychological insight from say LSD or mushrooms, where my 'insights' tend to be much more in connection with the life that is around me and also the life that is within me.

Needless to say, I also cannot really handle hash these days and even with a small amount, it doesn't take long before I feeling all kinds of negative consequences. I think for many people, being plunged into 'mind' is quite ok as it was for me in the past also. However, being plunged into 'mind' comes at the expense of being less receptive to 'lifeforce' and for some people, due to various reasons, this is a untenable situation for thier own psyches. Therefore it is quite a common thing that many people report not being able to handle cannabis at all, yet being perfectly ok with much stronger (and therefore supposedly much more potnetially dangerous) hallucinogenics such as Pscilocybin, LSD, and even DMT.
#20 Posted : 9/5/2011 4:56:29 PM

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For me, Sativa weed tends to start up the same gears which psychedelics do, but it doesn't provide enough energy to break through. A lot of energy is spent on finding the gateway to the other world, leading to a crazy mental mindfuck which is very tiring, both brain- and body-wise.
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