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There is no Love in Hyperspace Options
#21 Posted : 8/31/2011 10:29:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think I see what you are saying Caliwa, let me try and give you my take on this. Love is energy, as is the light that hyperspace is constituted from, it is what binds everything. Humans, and this realm are constituted of matter as well as light - and this is where the imperfections creep in. We cannot conjure up impossibly entertaining light toys, or fill each other with pure ecstasy just by changing form and infusing every atom with the deepest meaning, that is beyond our power.

BUT what we do have, that is tangible and real, are our relationships and bonds to those around us, we are constituted of matter, chemicals - at its basest love is a chemical reaction, when you meet some one you are attracted to you, and they feel the same, you have chemistry. The divine goes so far beyond chemistry because these are realms of light, ever changing, ever mutating with the greatest of ease - there is no need for chemical reactions in a sea of consciousness. And yet this sea of consciousness is love beyond what our mere mortal minds can fathom, because its purpose is not as base as finding a reproductive partner, survival, fitting into a group, feeling responsibility. Once mortality is removed from the equation, love can exist in its purest form.

How ever, love even in our lives evolves, mutates, dies, and is re-born, in many ways it is a touch of the cosmic unity that we experience at much greater levels out there - here on earth, and we are lucky enough to be able to share that.

Hope that made sense Laughing

Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 8/31/2011 11:02:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Purges wrote:
I think I see what you are saying Caliwa, let me try and give you my take on this. Love is energy, as is the light that hyperspace is constituted from, it is what binds everything. Humans, and this realm are constituted of matter as well as light - and this is where the imperfections creep in. We cannot conjure up impossibly entertaining light toys, or fill each other with pure ecstasy just by changing form and infusing every atom with the deepest meaning, that is beyond our power.

BUT what we do have, that is tangible and real, are our relationships and bonds to those around us, we are constituted of matter, chemicals - at its basest love is a chemical reaction, when you meet some one you are attracted to you, and they feel the same, you have chemistry. The divine goes so far beyond chemistry because these are realms of light, ever changing, ever mutating with the greatest of ease - there is no need for chemical reactions in a sea of consciousness. And yet this sea of consciousness is love beyond what our mere mortal minds can fathom, because its purpose is not as base as finding a reproductive partner, survival, fitting into a group, feeling responsibility. Once mortality is removed from the equation, love can exist in its purest form.

How ever, love even in our lives evolves, mutates, dies, and is re-born, in many ways it is a touch of the cosmic unity that we experience at much greater levels out there - here on earth, and we are lucky enough to be able to share that.

Hope that made sense Laughing


yes definetly made sense. I guess we just cannot escape from love. it somewhat terrifies me that the essence of man permeates the hiperspace. I have always thought this terrenal experience is some sort of test for us not to be naive in some further higher ways of life. if we are to be men for all eternity that really would be discouraging.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
#23 Posted : 9/1/2011 1:01:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Maybe hyperspace permeates into the essence of man? Maybe it is 2 way? The two are inextricably linked IMHO
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#24 Posted : 9/1/2011 4:08:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I haven't read every post in this thread, as i have no time, but what i felt over this past weekend with some buddies of mine really showed me the essence of love and once again i got a bit teary eyed (that's been happening quite a lot recently). I get this overwhelming feeling that DMT is trying to show me that the universe is made of love, but this doesn't mean that i can't comprehend that there may be a dark side too.

I have had a few powerful experiences over this past weekend and I can't tell if its my love for DMT that is growing or DMT's love for me that's growing. I guess they are both one in the same, as DMT is a reflection of ourselves anyways.
#25 Posted : 9/1/2011 5:24:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Purges wrote:
Maybe hyperspace permeates into the essence of man? Maybe it is 2 way? The two are inextricably linked IMHO

I follow on that.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
#26 Posted : 9/1/2011 9:07:22 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I think your talking about the love you feel through relationship with other things, and through the contrast of feeling separate/suffering we get to taste feeling unity again through relationship with another thing?

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