wow, well that took a lot of reading-
I just wanted to pass on a few thoughts.
1) all beings attain enlightenment eventually, and all-is-one... that means, vishnu is no 'better' than you, jesus is no different from you. yes, of course things are relative, but nondifference is the whole idea. everything is ONE thing. you are the thing.
2) you are allready one with christ, vishnu is your higher self. you are vishnu. If you've never encountered yourself as a higher being, I highly suggest it. I was chanting hare krishna: the blue light appeared but it was fatter than it usually is. I remembered the experience from some other time. "There's no one else here, I thought. He must mean me. Yeah? I said." Wow, I thought, It's the way he's just casually like "yeah?".
3) higher paths do get you there faster, and yes, of course you can take shortcuts.
4) in the forest of awareness stalks, domes of beings.... it's not just a multi-faceted reflective domes of beings... its a mutlifaceted-reflective-SPHERE of beings, and all beings are reflections of the supreme being. there is a 'sweep', and this is the bhudda's being, he IS awareness only. it's possible that the wiser among us know when the sweep is coming, and avoid it, warning others to avoid it also; so that wisdom is handed down like a baton. Wisdom works like magic, SO valuable, you wouldn't believe how it works. I heard that the sweep is how you let them know that you are what you say you are.
5) there are so many selves occurring at any one time that there is no such thing as 'reality', only multiple reality tunnels. As R.A.W and Leary promote: when you master reality, it becomes like a dream to you. and people will be like BUT HOW CAN YOU DO THESE THINGS!?
6) the big guys don't LIKE you telling these secrets. they don't WANT you to have enlightenment, on two accounts:
a) the mindless masses get jealous, cannot take themselves out of it. they hate what you are, they tear you down.
b) the various deva's and gods and so on protect themselves with *intense* furiosity. better people than you have made attempts for enlightenment, and failed.
7) no one is who they say they are. Ganesh, hides inside Krihsna. Siva pretends to be krishna. Once I saw siva floating and he was shouting 'give it back, give it back!' ... we had taken his trident.
8.) the bhudda can fly. he floats in the astral, powered by the equivalent of 100,000 swimmers. in reality, he's sitting, he IS the plane, the bhuddaic plane. If you follow the bhudda, you don't have to swim, if you cut your own path, you must learn to be a SWIMMer. (in the spiritual sea's).
9) There are games within existence, where you can win, IF your good enough. The thing that gets me though, is that these guys *won't even tell you* that your playing, or what the rules are. That's the idea of becoming a master, you've have to do it FASTER and better and with more furiosity than anyone else, to the point where you utterly OWN reality and then, only then, are you free of it.
10) There is an actual place, where dreams and reality are tangled. This place was unlike anything I have ever seen before. This was no hallucination; This was a completely different *world* altogther. My eyes were open, 'i' was in the same room I had just had the most INTENSE transformation in, but all of the objects, were absolutely different. I was told (I think, by shiva: you are a musician? so play!) you bastard,I thought, you won't even appear to me, how can I defeat you??
This place was where dreams and waking eyes-open reality were exactly one and the same; because of the fact that the ultimate state is just permemently 'awakened.' It was so so obvious how SOME people can accumulate such good karma; and how they personally seem to have SO much. but it's not them, it's not for them personally... Its in servitude of the gods. because of the location they are physically being in: everything is there, all the talent is centered there; all the resources, television crews, publicity, so on- it's the mind of the machine. The deal is though, you don't even get an experience. You cannot know this, you cannot BE what you think they are being, what they are really being, Is something which is enjoying the INNER joy equivalent to that state. You get there by being more of a servant. Deeper, Deeper levels of servanthood.
11) I've seen enlightenment exist as a passage of text which you know you have had a hand in writing, which clearly proves that you are enlightened. Fuck knows how you got it, but you remember this self having definitely written it, and so you start writing a bit, and bang, you have realisation that you're there, and experiential knowledge that you did it, and bang, you're there.
12) there are different degrees of enlightenment. Gods are more enlightened than enlightened people, no matter how spiritual; as they have transcended those plane entirely, albeit they still have to *EXIST*. Siva exists as pure consiousness; which is a mechanism of being, most certainly free from suffering.
13) Shpongle is a platform to help you realise your enlightenment. Make the effort to know the highest higher beyond music and distractions, and prepare to be completely humbled and utterly destroyed and THEN AFTER you get all sorts of things; because you DON'T desire them. Eventually with DMT, You can go through 'rebirth.' Death does free you from desire.
14) through desirelessness, you will be raised up and up and up, and you will be terrified, but then you will enter a place of deep peace, and have many many recurring experiences of total liberation.
15) Nirvana is the destination, yes, but also the journey is worth SO much. BEING YOU is worth so much.
16) Afterward, I was driving, realised I could exist INDEFINAETLY in this way, and listening to levitation nation, I saw ONE sheep infront of a whole flock of sheep, and all the other sheep were chasing behind it just running and running. It was MAD!!! The outer world *IS* the inner world, the idea is that it's SO perfectly connected that we don't even notice, like looking through a sheet of invisible glass that you cannot smell or taste or see or touch. The indians call it 'brahman and atman are one.'
17) There are SERIOUSLY evil things in the spirit world. BE CAREFUL.
18.) The bardo of life and death it is due to the fact that there IS a 'middle way.'
19) you will reincarnate faster than you thought. you think life is long: its not. life is a blink, then you reincarnate and it all happens FUCKING QUICKLY, so be happy and be grateful.
20) These words are not enough, you wish your own experiential understanding.
21) there are many, many weird and amazing things which occur;
a) Quantum physics used to generate energy, literally just two giant ball-bearings like the chinese medicine balls; we ALWAYS use energy, we just can't avoid it, hooked on juice... so eventually, one becomes empty, then there's an IMPOSSIBLE flip which occurs. Now the empty one is underneath and the full one is ontop, the being can continue to hide and have energy. The logic was 'jesus, that's IMPOSSIBLE. Yes, SO Impossible that it HAS to happen!! As I said, There are games within existence that you must WIN - but we DONT EVEN TELL YOU YOUR PLAYING.
b) The elves are really flat planes of beings; this is how the mystic interacts with the crowds of people. Beyond Domes of beings, there are SPHERES of beings, bhudda in the centre; glowing with luminoscity.
c) the ocean of consciousness - IS VAST.
d) Everything comes down to one hair. It's not the fact that that hair exists there, it's the fact that everything else is in the state it's in.
e) To be enlightened you have to be able to explain what matter is, since it is too messy to really exist. You have to show time and space. Normally, you'd just be allowed to do an 'illusion of space.' That's what i'm talking about doing it 110% and coming back around the other side and standing their for a minuite. People think you're normal... but your not: your on the OTHER SIDE of the wheel of dharma.
f) Levitation is possible. I remember the debate: "UH... you're levitating! No, You're all just holding me up!" If you think about it, Once everything is One, Where (Except from HERE) is the one?
g) Jesus is a master, I beleive he has attained eternal life. It has to do with how you die; I remember people plopping at the surface of the sea that is death, Some people went further down, but jesus was STRAIGHT DOWN. he sits on the bottom, bounces back up again. Surviving death. This was from my own personal vision.
We do not beleive its possible but there are many things which DO occur which we simply screen out because it's so unbeleivable.
h) The ultimate AIM of enlightenment, and true peace, is to dissapear in the centre of the mandala. The only way you can do it. Everything is connected, everything is important. The only way to reach true peace, is to TOTALLY master every aspect of the experience, every aspect of yourself, every aspect of everything, including reality, other people, and everything. Then, You are hiding in plain sight. There is a TINY TINY speck of a dot where you can exist, free from suffering.
i) likewise, jesus has more time than anyone else. women are automatically gifted TWO seconds: one for the life they carry; but Jesus was so virtuous, that he learned this, and earned himself an extra second even though he carries no child. Please take this with a pinch of salt though.
j) He's still here. We simply do not BELIEVE that he's here; we cannot accept him as a part of our reality. It would be like having a football stadium in your living room, but he's here, shaping the world. Teaching through dreams, subtley influencing those who need it. The whole problem If I remember correctly, his path, was that he HAS the answer to end suffering, and although he's passed on teachings, in actual fact people have begun to resist what he says; and instead of listening to him, which is what he says, "please, just listen... just listen..." they CHANT; JESUS CHRIST! JESUS CHRIST!!! and cannot hear him. It is to do with the balance of planes; he cannot end their suffering because it would CAUSE EVERYTHING TO CEASE TO EXIST.
k) it's possible to EAT words, since both sides of the tau are important; the words and everything that is not those words.
l) a zen master, through having NO thought in his head, can say what you were thinking or going to say, because of the fact that at ALL TIMES we must be saying Vishnu's name. EVERYTHING is simply an effort to remember the highest love, bhudda, krishna, jesus, whatever. It's not mean, it simply IS that way because of the fact that EVERYTHING IS ONE.
m) This is just about me personally, but jesus said 'I and the father are one.' and I realised that I was the state of being I knew as my father. In the language of the time, it's jesus's way of suming up the Zen metaphor:
The blue mountain is the father of the white cloud.
The white cloud is the son of the blue mountain.
All day long they depend on each other, without being dependent on each other.
The white cloud is always the white cloud.
The blue mountain is always the blue mountain.
And as far as I know, The father always communicates with the son through metaphor. What he says is always BIG, not usually using words; almost always with the entire
Situation. His difficulty is in understanding the son, and likewise the son in understanding the father. The difficulty is because it's the same entity in the first place, the same being. For a while he was kicking my ass as a zen master would. I met him shortly after nirvana, and decided it was ganesh. although this is not what he said, and not what I said, we were just having another conversation, talking about something else, but the real situation, the real reality of what had just happened was absoloutely apparent. (another tell-tale sign of enlightenment:
rarely ever do we use words, if we do there will be another conversation over the top of the 'apparent' conversation. it's embarressing to say some things out loud. at some points, i'd just be meditating and i'd hear others just say like "this happened." so, we're even at the level where we're aware that all there is is consiousness, no physical objects at all, and nothing ever happens. It is like that. Just a state. "this occurred." oh right, okay. "i'm here, your there." oh sure. It's all simply agreement on one level or other; and that is the crux of enlightenment too: there is a choice.
You have a choice. many people don't even think they have a choice about what they can be.
the conversation was 'so, I can either stay here and get more confused, or leave and be clear about what I'm doing?' This is the personality of ganesh, Very wise, but very very confusing. He causes confusion while krishna, shiva, duke it out. bhudda ususally has a hand in it aswell.
n) This is just about me personally. As far as I know, I don't ever reach 'old age' as I know it. At 30, time goes funny. It's to do with smoking. After 30, your life races past you, then your 50, then it's all just made of photos; so what happens is you encounter a different kind of thing entirely. These beings look old; but who knows HOW old they are since at some point, we lost track of time entirely. Your eternal self never dies, and does not have an age. Brahman is absolute, and timeless. Also, I never witness the death of my parents. I'm not saying it's not possible, and of course i'm afraid of that, but where I was, nirvana, It was so totally complete that I was glad of the fact that I never have to see them go. The thing is though, the further we are from it, the more incomplete it seems. It seems like we should be able to have X and Y and Z, and when we try and find we can't, we get mad and say that it's incomplete. But it's not. We are complete. It's just different from how you think it should be; and again, it's because all is one.
o) Time, as a function of seperation, is a 'joke.' as I said if you can 'get' the joke, as one of the challenges of the game of existence, you can be free of it. but only if you use it with right intent; not 'oh haha time is a joke i'm on acid, fuck you' but 'see, time is a joke! haha isn't this great, we are one!' only with right-intent will anyone support you.
p) time, when you are not vibrating highly, becomes like islands, disconnected and apparently no connection between them. WE can progress slowly, or we can reach for the highest and deal with it like that, in a blur. but, either way, the suffering is the same, and the path is the same. we all walk a path carved out for us by higher beings, and then it gets to the ineffable, unfathomable, unpronouncable, somewhere out of time, and that all secures the timeless, formless unity that is everything and everyone.
22) You can attain enlightenment, Through Virtuous Fearlessness and DMT.... Through right-action and right intention. The intention, is to free all beings from suffering, not just healing for the sake of you want to be a healer, but because the being needs it. healing because its housekeeping, de-attachment to any fruit of the labour, claim no praise for it.
23) You can also attain enlightenment through the hare krishna mantra, and by being spiritual. Krishna consiousness is when you apply the same ALL-OUT willpower described above, to chanting krishna's name. His name and his form are identical, because true peace has no words and no sound. Eventually if you chant hard enough and fast enough and focus on no other thoughts, and go deeper in your heart, and go without rest, and forget about your body and so - on, just HIGHER LOUDER CLEARER FASTER DEEPER and so on, until you can ENOUNCE the name, You have realizations, your praying, EVERYTHING becomes one, you may cry tears of joy or sadness, you will want to stop and feel tired. KEEP GOING. You must push yourself FLAT OUT. HELL BENT, MIND-FOR-NOTHING-ELSE, until you are one with krishna. Focus ONLY on the love. Focus on NOTHING else. We have the love. WE ARE JOYOUS. YES, there is fear!! BUT FEAR IS NOTHING!!!!
Keep going. MORE. DEEPER. you will have seen things, visions. chatted with other selves in your beyond-mind state. Eventually there is no sound. there is no light. you are free'd from desire. you are free from suffering, for now. You may crash back into maya later. You will be at the state of realisation, connected with your bhuddahood, connected with the bhoddisatvic wish... situated there, you must discover it for yourself though.
Through increased knowledge of the supreme being, You gain the insight into what it is that you're supposed to be doing to achieve that unity. Then you feel DEEP devotion to god, DEEP connection with godhead, and oneness with everything.
24) the best thing about true peace.... Was not the way every breath no longer had that horrible 'tax' on the top of it, that draaag of inhalation... or how there were no aches and pains everywhere as usually is, or how there was not a single noise, not a click or a humm or a pop or anything: but how I could just do whatever I wanted with my beingness. With the whole of me. With the whole of myself. I don't know what I was doing... But I was playing, I was doing something. Just Messing about I think. But the best part is how I could just do that, whatever I wanted,
without fear of EVER being interupted. I'd just walked a pretty 'high path' so, I wasn't into jacking off or playing with my asshole or anything, but I mean just... I don't know! Exploring visions in my bedcovers. I took the laptop under their and witnessed "shpongles' falling awake" as a complete reversal of what it actually IS. The real track title is 'rising asleep' or something, and the actual riff, is a piece of mathematics. It is not an elegant guitar riff, soaring magestically its way through played by a skilled musician.... it's a slowed down version of ONE BEING attempting to SCRABBLE his way into the music buisness, turned inside out, turned around, every time he scrabbles at the string, this bit of elastic band, it hits some other note in the guitar progression. I heard it... in my mind, it fell appart. It's an equasion, a peice of beingness, and it is composed of that long effort to get into whatever it was... I had visions of many many hands grasping for something, a level of suffering, or just one being DESPRATELY trying to get into the music buisness, as all is one..... and a couple other little particles, and it broke appart in my mind. It's from a mathematician. passed through the use of as my dad says "the work of many hands." I.E using the being that is pure consiousness. Using that, That being could manifest many things very deep and very perfectly. So then, my sister telepathically asked "how did you do that?" and I said "when you
show them, in a way they can understand, and in a way they can beleive, then that's enlightenment."
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!