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theories on synchronized hallucinations Options
#1 Posted : 8/29/2011 5:07:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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this weekend I had a DOB (Bromo-DMA) experience with my girlfriend. just after we woke up on saturday, we had breakfast, and we had a sublingual DOB blotter. We spent the day watching movies and music videos and normal stuff and at evening we were hanging out on our front yard and at one point we were both staring at our house wall in hallucinations. We both knew we were hallucinating but we were in silence. Suddlenly she says to me, im seeing all this scenery of maya civilization and trees and pyramids and a goodess being worship all with a very alien like kind of scenery mixed with jungle scenery and i was seeing exactly the same things she was descripting it was a totally concious hallucination.

do you guys hace heard of any theory that explains how is it possible for people to hallucinate the same things?
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 8/29/2011 5:48:12 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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I think this topic is a good one, I'd just like to emphasize that the focus of this thread should stay on the phenomenon produced (shared hallucinations), rather than the substance ingested as DOB is an rc. Any questions should refer to this thread.

Now having gotten that out of the way...

I'd like to say that one numerous occasions, with different people, I have had shared hallucinations with DMT-joints (150-300mg of dmt placed dead center of a cannabis joint) and changa-joints (~300-400mg changa rolled in the center of other herbs). These experiences have repeatedly brought realms from "there" into a space shared by myself and those who were smoking with me. Especially with the DMT-joints, the cannabis seems to act as a tether, keeping you anchored in this reality while creating a terrarium-like effect of bringing hyperspace into this plane, around a shared-reality-bubble of you and your partners in smoalk.

My theory is that some degree of the experience is independent enough to be viewed by people sharing the same space/same drug...another option would be that the effects are so similar in people that when you smoke like this, the people somehow affect each other so that each believes they are having a shared experience, thus a shared experience is created, as we have no way of knowing, even if we appear to be discussing the same phenomena, whether or not we truly are (as we are all stuckin our own heads).

I'll start off with that, although I think there's a LOT to be said on this subject. Great post! Very happy
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#3 Posted : 8/29/2011 6:03:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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yes I totally agree in the "terrenal hyperspace" environment. I was talking to my GF about how those hallucinations looked like a merge between out of body vision and concious awake hallucinations. I just plainly cant find an explanation for this, i know that someone can affect someother's trip by talking another into it. but this was a trip that was happening exactly the same for both before we talked about of it. lets say that 80% of the images depicted on the hallucination were the same according from the descriptions we told to each other, and the rest were non-matching due to, i think, the personal implications obviously inserted in each brain, but anyway most of the vision was matching. I must say that for moments the visions were astonishgly vivid as if some scenery was being revealed to me, it didnt seemed like someting "I invoqued" or something I was yearning to see. it just came out of nowwhere since we were not hallucinating before the vision happened.

certaiun color visions and distorsions on images where happening before, but nothing like this. and nothing like this happened after, it was simply beautiful, everything was in hyper space like coloring. we even saw hindu gods merged in the mayan scenery.. it just cant be explained.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
#4 Posted : 8/29/2011 6:22:47 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Yea...I know what you mean.

I was lying in bed smoking a changa-joint with a friend and we started to experience these energy fields. As we described what we were seeing, it quickly became apparent that although we were using different terms, we were describing the exact same unfolding of events. The room expanded out, the walls slipped away...these energy gradients extended over everything. We got halfway through the joint discussing the similarities until we eached toked enough that talking was not an option.

Once we were down from the near-breakthrough, we resumed the second half of the joint picking up in the same fashion. I was talking about seeing "beyond" the room, she was talking about "energy fields" and as we began to discuss the geometry of the continued visions and the way in which they were interacting and moving, it was clear we were discussing the same thing, while the vocabulary used to discuss it indicated that we were relating to the phenomenon with slightly different understandings of what it was. For me, there was also a certain level of psychic-empathy...her thoughts and feelings felt as if they were bleeding into my experience and I'm pretty sure she reported the same thing.

Along similar lines, one time with a dmt-joint, my friend and I were smoking outside my summer apartment and upon each getting 3-4 puffs in, we looked at each other and asked at the same time, "Are you here?" indicating the space that had formed around us. We were having identical sensations and visuals and literally blabbed back and forth for about 10 minutes confirming as much as possible. This was the first time I smoked a DMT-joint with someone else.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#5 Posted : 8/29/2011 6:45:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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pfff awesome experiences, i guess we can only speculate on how this is possible. I opened another thread on spirituality:

Solubility of self matter into hyperspace

were i speculate on the possible matter one sends into hyperspace for traveling and how this matter could be ruled by chemistry laws and being like this, blending into someone elses matter and this blending could happen on the way out to hyperspace.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
#6 Posted : 8/29/2011 9:42:41 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Has no one else encountered this phenomenon?

I know I've heard some of the popular lecturers on entheogens broach it with some regularity...I'm surprised no one else has stories to share.

The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#7 Posted : 8/30/2011 6:16:57 AM

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People are a telepathic species, no doubt in my mind regarding that.
My own theory for it is too long to present, but basically not only do we do it, but language pollutes and prevents it, or prevents us from noticing it by distracting us. Language is not meant for thinking, just communicating.

Tales of shared hallucination abound.

I have had several experiences of this nature and know others who have as well. I have also read several accounts of it.
Not only this, but you can sort of broadcast it as well as receive it. Remember that aya was used for telepathic communication and remote viewing for centuries if not thousands of years. In fact it was used heavily in tribal warfare to both remote view the enemy as well as launch psychic attacks at them, among other things.
#8 Posted : 8/30/2011 2:35:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This has happened several times to me. The two most notable, my best friend and I took 100mgs of molly each with 3.5-4g of mushrooms each. We broke through into mushroom hyperspace for about 3 hours. Some of the freakiest trip content of my life. So freaky we didn't talk about it with each other. What did happen, is we both talked about it with a mutual friend who realized that we were describing the exact same experience, down to verbatim quotes of this disincarnate intelligence that came to speak with us.

Another time, with a different friend who later it came out had very much exaggerated his psychedelic experience. We were dose testing a new batch of ruemosa I had made, and when we didn't feel anything at the 45 minute mark, we doubled up. Big mistake. Anyway, at one point we had to walk down the road to signal to a friend who was trying to find the house. During the walk, I realize that I'm suddenly on the other side of the sidewalk, and feel completely different. I turn to my friend, and it's my body, my body turns to me, and says with my friend's voice "What the fuck?" They had the same experience as well. It lasted for a good 5 minutes or so.
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