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snake doctor
#1 Posted : 8/26/2011 6:21:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 12
Joined: 23-Aug-2011
Last visit: 03-Sep-2011
Location: desert southwest, US
hi all,
this is my first post here relating some of my experiences and this may be a long read for some of you who are interested in the experience only. if you would like to skip past some of the events leading up to it, you'll find it below.

normally i'm a bit methodical about recording and documenting my experiences for reflection later on, however these experiences are being recalled from memory. i'm certain i've forgotten some of the less impressionable details, but for the most part they are all intact and in the proper timeline. i wish i was more of a linguist, poet, artist & physicist, but my prior experience with 'bringing things back' has served me well. Smile i'll try my best to convey not only what i've seen/heard, but some of my interpretations as well.

here's a quick sound bite about myself for those of you who don't venture into the introduction section. i'm in my early 40's and would consider myself a seasoned entheogenic voyager. i've been exploring psychedelics for more than half my life now both recreationally and deeply. after countless journeys through the spectrum with the classic and more popular allies, i've taken some of my first steps into hyperspace. i will humbly say that i've seen and experienced quite a bit with entheogens, and i'm quite ecstatic over my initial meetings with this wonderful molecule/spirit/ally.

my inevitable meeting with dmt was quite a long time coming and actually caught me a bit by surprise. why now i wonder? i read dr. strassman's book soon after it was released, and have a nice little subsection of my library devoted to entheogens. i am interested in all spirit plants/molecules, especially indigenous and historical usage regardless of whether i actually intend to try them personally. i've always been intrigued by dmt, and could have hastened the experience if i had really wanted to...but a wise friend once told me that it finds you, and that just seemed right to me, so i knew that we would meet eventually.

i'll skip the formalities and logistics surrounding the meeting beyond my introductory post, but suffice it to say that after an initial breakthrough a generous gift from hyperspace appeared. you know the old saying that good deeds repay you 10 fold? apparently my karma has caught up to me....after all these years. i don't actually believe in karma in the traditional sense, but i do feel there is a mutual attraction between the spirit and i.

you never forget your first time do you? i doubt that i will. i lurked around the nexus for a bit after receiving my gift, prior to opening the present. i was simultaneously contemplating, refreshing and updating my curiosity about what to expect, but just enough to get my bearings. i wanted to avoid preconception and placebo effects.

i've always been fascinated with the virgin experience of dr. hoffmanm and his bicycle ride. i think a lot of our own experience is governed by preconception amongst many other factors and based in part on past experience and everything we've experienced. the contents of our subconscious may manifest and be colored by our conscious selves, often in productive or healing ways, sometimes in tragic ways.

ok, enough rambling and onto the experiences... Smile

the first time...

i was gifted a healthy amount of residual vaped material by a friend. it was related that what was left in this glass pipe was overly sufficient for quite a journey or three. i've never smoked anything else with this method, and wasn't quite sure on the technique beyond the quick tutorial he gave me.

i wanted to decline based on my desire to know 'exactly' how much and of what. i'm very careful, but i trust the right people, and realized it was time for the meeting after all.

eyes closed, diffuse light coming through the window on my left. 6am sunday morning, pristinely quiet house, pleasant ambient music, good night sleep, feeling refreshed and alive. my experienced sitter of many years by my side. i'm not fearless or bold, but i'm quite capable of composed inquisitiveness when facing the unknown. i'm nervous like a child on their first big rollercoaster ride... excited, but confident. here we go! Smile

the first pull was a very strong taste, maybe singed it a bit and scorched my mouth chemically. better sit up more the next time... holding forever. luminescent spiderwebs, gradually morphing into a pattern like a chrysanthemum, but more geometric, less organic, not very flower like. (old school terminology surfacing in my subconscious?)

drab colors, olive green and grey against black background slightly spiral pattern. second hit... pattern becomes deeper and morphs from 2d to 3d. diffuse light from the window intruding and distracting a bit. all of a sudden, the pattern shifts away from the light so that i might better see it. i didn't move my eyes, it moved... i follow it internally with my eyes like a moth to a flame. the spirit seemed to be optimizing on my behalf, showing me the way in a cooperative manner to get the most benefit based on my preference and personal wiring i suppose.

it was not an egoistic 'you need to look here' type of thing. it was very gentle and knowing of me on a deep level, it was more of 'hey check this out...' Smile so, the pattern takes on a more pronounced 3d effect and becomes a bit 'brighter' in hue, not as drab. exhaling the 2nd hit, i exclaim out loud to my sitter that it's 'so gorgeous' and give the thumbs up. our signal to vape a 3rd hit and assist me in the inhalation process.

3rd pull inward...holding til i'm about to burst. the pattern takes on a more animated 3d fractal view and becomes a bit wavy as if projected onto a drape or translucent fabric. the pattern/surface combo starts to pinch as if grabbed from behind by a giant hand. the diffuse light from the window and my computer monitor intrude further, as the pattern begins to draw me into it i blink my eyes in a bit of a reality check. a split second only...

leading up to this blink...i'm a bit disappointed at the non-symmetrical nature of the environment i had chosen. i can be a perfectionist at times but it's not a requirement. i prefer to have an 'optimal' experience, but not in a controlling 'it has to be a certain way' type of thing. i accept and allow for the novel and unexpected. so yeah... i could spend an eternity swimming in this beautiful slightly imperfect chaotic ocean of positive form and negative space.

upon closing my eyes after that microscopic blink, i suddenly realized i had broken though. the pattern was gone, the lighting was no longer relevant, my bedroom was transformed. cubed in size with an aesthetic that i would consider paradoxical spatial perception. by necessity, i have to relate this in 3d space, metaphor, and using some commonly available symbology due to a lack of proper syntax of hyperspace at this stage. there are many aspects to the experience that just don't translate as i'm sure you all know (i think that'll come in time through sharing and researching the vastness of hyperspace and cherry picking mutually resonant ideas from this forum)

normally, music is the focal point of my experience. i also love great visuals and can evoke them with other entheogens quite easily against plain backgrounds in subdued lighting, but i'm mostly an 'eyes closed, ears open type'. (i can get into this more later, but i feel at times the nervous system is just a formality and a translator for a 'direct' knowing.)

surprisingly for me, the visual component was forefront and foremost. the music was a bit too loud, for once. i did hear a prominent and sustained 'tone' that i had never heard in this piece of music that i thought was very pervasive and exaggerated. if you are curious...i had chosen solar fields - air song (8am version) for my musical accompaniment. quite minimal, but quite an earful this time around.

after i broke through, i perceived a circular portal of sorts opening up in the floor area. immediately i had the perception of a feminine presence, while simultaneously observing an entity that resembled alex grey's 'sophia' rising through it. i didn't feel 'high' or altered at all... there was no body load.

intellectually i was in awe, but the experience felt very neutral emotionally. this 'entity' rose through the portal spiraling upward, i couldn't make out a disctinct face or even a head, not that i was trying to focus on details so much as being overwhelmed with the profundity of everything. there was a strong attraction on my part to observe what she was wearing, which was a dazzling and mesmeric jeweled fractal wonderland. i felt like i was unable to focus on particular details with my eye/vision pathway rather than just focusing attention to certain aspects of the whole experience.

she continued to rise upward spiraling as she goes. i also observed what i perceived to be a caduceus that accompanied her. she wasn't holding it. it was floating along side her, and it was somewhat like my avatar but in motion. instead of the traditional snakes, the coiling was what i thought to be dna. pulsing, rainbow strands. there was a wing like accompaniment but not 'flapping' or even moving. transforming constantly, but simultaneously static... quite a paradox. as she reached the top of the scenario/space she dematerialized, but her presence was still felt and remained as an observer.

suddenly, very close to me i perceived an entity that was just like an outline of a humanoid form. a shadow outline mostly, that seemed to come into my field of 'vision' and look over me. it was like we were observing each other, but in a mutually curious way. i didn't sense any gender or ego to this entity.

my awareness then shifted back to the top of the vision where i perceived a winged entity. again the wings weren't flapping but in a perpetually transforming yet static state. my first thought was a very fat bat, but there was also a nautilus, roly-poly pill bug quality to it. i felt like the vision was starting to fade a bit, when i picked up on the the pervasive tone running through the music and the experience trailed off through this musical tone fading.

coming back to baseline with a big grin on my face, i opened my eyes and had the most immense feeling of wonder. i turned to my sitter and started to gush about how amazing that was, recounting the experience. the experience lasted about 15 min total, but i wasn't really timing it. just going by the length of the song which is 16.5 min.

goodnight for now, more experience reports to follow...
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Maya Angelou

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 8/26/2011 7:54:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 7
Joined: 02-Mar-2011
Last visit: 09-Nov-2011
Location: Ohio
Very wonderful and descriptive experience report. I also consider myself the 'eyes closed, ears open type,' although I've never phrased it that way. Sounds like your first voyage was a good one. It is intriguing how some things just sort of happen or find you. Psychedelics found me one day and I was very hesitant and against it. Somehow I through out all the preconceived notions and decided to dive in. I've never been the same.
Peace and Love,
snake doctor
#3 Posted : 8/27/2011 9:30:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 23-Aug-2011
Last visit: 03-Sep-2011
Location: desert southwest, US
thank you buji. i take it you are an audiophile as well?

during my higher dose, non-recreational experiences exploring some other entheogenic spaces i rarely have visuals anymore because my preference is to be so immersed in the music. suddenly with dmt, i'm so interested in what i'm 'seeing' that i've taken my subsequent journies in silence to better focus on the visual aspects. at this early stage of my exploration, i feel it's important to have a 'pure' experience without 'suggestion' from the music. this is quite a 180 for me, but i'm sure i will be incorporating music again in the future.

i'm also very interested in sounds that may arise from the silence while in hyperspace. so far i haven't had any very intense 'audio' components while in hyperspace like others have reported. i've experienced some milder stuff, like in one non-breakthrough experience i perceived a vibration/tone that sounded like a static filled didgeridoo overhead. my sitter reported there was no such noise. (another good advantage to having a sitter)

of course i'm still new to dmt space, so i'm sure there is much auditory discovery waiting!

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Maya Angelou
#4 Posted : 8/27/2011 9:36:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 24-Aug-2011
Last visit: 04-Sep-2011
Location: Victoria
your travels sound amazing! Blessings!
snake doctor
#5 Posted : 8/27/2011 9:41:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: desert southwest, US
just discovered the 'experience report template'. duh! looks good...i'll use this and get a few more experience reports up as time permits. i feel like i need to get them recorded to a more permanent form than memory soon and i can't think of a better place than here!

should i keep them in this thread or post separately? i can see advantages to both ways, but is there a preference?
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Maya Angelou
snake doctor
#6 Posted : 8/29/2011 5:51:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 23-Aug-2011
Last visit: 03-Sep-2011
Location: desert southwest, US
so i figure i'll put another report on this thread. one of my less profound experiences ('less' being a relative term), and post a couple of gems into the main forum using the template. i really wish i had been more prepared and recorded all of my initial experiences in detail, as some of the finer aesthetics are somewhat cloudy now. i've read a few more of the experience reports here on the nexus and i feel as if my less clear journies/timelines are merging with something larger. it seems so much like a dream where if you don't write it down or record it, only the most significant events stand out. ok, onward to subspace. Smile

my second experience... a sub threshold non-breakthrough experience.
using new material and a new pipe, i eyeballed an amount i thought might be 30mg. i haven't a clue what 30mg of this would look like...so i mentally approximated 1/10 of a 500mg capsule minus a hair. if you knew me personally you'd laugh your ass off, not like me at all. i'm quite methodical and precise normally. so this is the experimental, non-rigid, trusting in the spirit phase. it'll know what to do...

still not dialed in on the vaporizing technique, i heat some up in a traditional glass pipe and draw low and slow. not much flavor, no chemical taste, i hold the inhalation as long as possible. waiting half a minute, i sense a slight stirring in the cev field. ok, i guess i got something.

2nd pull. holding the flame closer, low and slow again, but get it a bit hotter maybe? immediately i sense a tessellating field of triangles. hand the pipe to my sitter. the field deepens and animates slightly. i'm a tad apprehensive, but mesmerized... still holding breath. waiting for breakthrough. blink a few times.. nothing. close eyes, a little residual waviness, and fading pattern.

for some reason, fear? or such immersion and distraction into beautiful geometry.... i don't signal to my sitter for the 3rd pull. i could take the 3rd, but decide i'll stick around in a meditative state to see how the sub-threshold space pans out. a failure to launch, no big deal. i felt like the spirit was inviting me to come forward into hyperspace, like there was something happening that was just a slice beyond... i don't know if this was my disappointment or what, but i feel like i missed a ship sailing without me. i didn't take it badly and enjoyed the glimpse i received, but i felt like missed something important. afterward we take a break, there won't be another opportunity for hyperspace until later tonight.

the whole day i felt very peaceful and patient. knowing that the ship that sailed this morning was but one on an infinite voyage of discovery. my intention was clear, i was going in again tonight
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Maya Angelou
#7 Posted : 8/29/2011 9:07:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 02-Mar-2011
Last visit: 09-Nov-2011
Location: Ohio
I am an audiophile, higher the quality the better. I wish I had more money to spend on higher end equipment however. During non-DMT experiences, such as LSD, mushrooms etc, I can blend my visuals with the audio experience. I also enjoy putting on the headphones and closing my eyes for an intense audio-visual experience. I have heard many things on DMT, usually I make it a role to stay quiet during someones trip. Audio can get very loud and sounds can come from no where. I've heard a lot of chanting and odd voices. One time a large figure came out of my wall and started yelling at me in a tongue I could not understand. Fun stuff indeed.
Peace and Love,

Edit: Your second voyage sounds a lot like some of my early voyages. You really have to get the technique down. I try to hit it all in one go, it can be lung busting but it's worth it.
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