flyby wrote:tele wrote:flyby wrote:۩ wrote:I am sure this is more diet / exercise related than anything else. Also stress from the work environment can have those kinds of factors on a human.
maybe its not from syrian rue, but you are definitely wrong
I think he's definately NOT wrong. Everyone's different, so reactions are many.
lol, the general population when faced with a health issue of another will generally give a response/solution of "drink more water, get more sleep, eat healthier, get more exercise, and if that doesnt work keep drinking more water" what do these really fix? Dehydration... sleep deprivation... Lol. Mainly these answers arise cause most people dont know what they are talking about, maybe they are trying to help but are they actually helping? Are they actually trying? I dont know.
"my car broke down" "just put more gas in it"
get the picture?
Uhh do you know what you are talking about? I know I do. I spent years studying health and nutrion when I was sick and spent time studying nutrition at college. I dont think everyone telling you to eat better or get more sleep or live less stressfully is full or shit or does not know what they are talking about.. Dehydration and sleep deprivation cause alot of problems, and simply drinking more water or getting more sleep in many cases can correct more problems than just dehydration and sleep deprivation themselves..
Either something is up with your diet or metabolism..or other factors are effecting you psychologically like stress, fatigue or a mixture of both. What else can it be? The rue cannot be possibly effecting you at this point. It is impossible. You must understand that it is impossible. Physically impossible.
I understand that it is bothering you, but if you say it is not diet related, or stress related or related to your environment at all..and that it cannot be a psycholigcal thing you are dealing with..than what else do you expect people to say? You keep saying your doctors say it is not panic attacks..but it does sound like them. What else do they say? Do they just tell you it is not panic and then send you away? Are they giving you allergy tests to make sure your not having allergic responces to something in your diet?..becasue what you describe also sound EXACTLY like alot of allergic responces that people have..
Have you cut out all stimulants? Do you drink NO caffine at all? Do you not smoke any cannabis at all? No tobacco? Have you had full blood work done specifically for allergies and mineral deficiencies? Have you spoken with a therapist? Have you taken time off of work to collect yourself and see if that makes a difference?
I know from experience what anxiety and panic attacks can do. I have suffered from severe panic attacks and anxiety at one point in my life and was it can definaitly manifest in all the ways you have described...I dont care what your doctors say. If they are all telling you it is not panic attacks then they know something that we dont. I dont know you and I cant know if you are telling us everything, but I just dont believe based on what you are telling us that most doctors would tell you flat out that you are definatily not having panic attacks. Mainstream medicine loves to tell people they have anxiety or panic or depression and drug them to death. Of course diet can fix all of these things, along with a psychologically supportive environment to surround yourself within.
Noone is trying to tell you what is wrong with you..but if you dont want to even engage others or the ideas they put forth than why are you here? Instead of laughing and brushing everyone off you should be damn grateful for anyone that even cares enough to formulate a response in some attempt to help you. I think it should be obvious by now that whatever you are going though it is impossible for it to be due to physical aftereffects of rue ingestion..the day after sure..5 days after psychological effects from stuff brought to the surface I can understand..but this long after taking only 2 grams? It is not possible. So what else do you think it could be?
Maybe make a list of all the things you think it could be besides the rue..and all the things the doctors have told you they might think it is if they really feel that they are sure it cannot be panic attacks..and you might want to get serious blood work done..find out if you are b12 deficient because that can cause some of these symptoms as well, and is common in people with mineral deficiencies. You can eat all the meat you want but if you are mineral deficient you will end up b12 deficient at some point, which is a serious thing.
There is so much that you probabily have not looked into yet..and instead of telling people here that they dont know anything it would be far more productive and benificial on your end if you can come here with some more information for people to go on..and beyond that it is never a good idea to rely on an internet forum when it comes to your health anyway becasue it is so impersonal.
Maybe go find a naturalpath or nutrionist that is also a trained physician for a second opinion. Do not just go to one doctor and take what they say to be the truth ever. I mean that from experience. Never ever just listen to one doctor can only gain a broader perspective from seeker more than one expert opinion.
Long live the unwoke.