Lie flat with your arms at your side, palms flat to the bed and head straight.
When you get the urge to roll over onto your side ignore it, this is simply the brain asking the body if it is asleep, rolling over says "NO" "why are you asking such a question" ?
This tends to stop the mind from playing around.
Also, when you find your mind to be fixated on anything or wondering, try to focus on your slow relaxed breathing.
As you drift off to sleep remain focused yet relaxed, almost in a meditative state.
It may take a few attempts but eventually you can find yourself in vast space with CEV, I find this time is perfect for those struggling to reach deeper stages of meditation.
Anybody fancy trying this? Good luck
I would love to hear any experiences
Much Love and Peace
Left Eye Of Horus
Also sorry about my Over pronunciation of paragraphs