Ok that was way too much!!
This was the most hellish nightmare I've ever been through and I still can't believe I managed to get out of it with out loosing my sanity forever.
For the last weeks/months I've felt something like this coming but well not like this. Not so fiercely and brutally. I'm amazed I am what I am after this hell. I was absolutely on the edge of sanity approx. 5 hours ago.
I don't share much of my experiences here because I've never felt words do them justice. But I'm going to tell you my story now.
My wife left the country with my daughter two weeks ago to go visit her sister that lives in Spain. I had decided to use that time to do some tripping and work on myself.
10 days ago I did my first trip of this session with only 1.5gr. of shrooms. I've had 3-4 times that amount before and I have countless trips experienced, but this time I went deeper than ever into ecstasy and euphoria. That trip started a bit rough but I overcame some stuff within myself that night and experienced bliss. I was very surprised how much effects I got from that amount. I have 18 years of experience with shrooms and I thought they could not surprise me but the certainly did that night.
4-5 days later I had another trip with exactly the same amount of shrooms from the same batch but with very little effects. Another surprise. And not a question of tolerance because a friend of mine took shrooms too both these nights and tripped hard the second one too with same amount. Actually he's very experienced with shrooms too but they took him by surprize that night. He got a bit overwhelmed while I hardly felt any effects.
Then last saturday I again took the same amount with very little effects again.
Then last night I decide to go for pharma for the first time and because I only had 250mg's of harmalas I didn't want it to fail I wanted to be quite sure I would feel the effects of both the harmalas and the DMT. Before tonight I had only twice had caapi only brew that was fine and I had done some experimenting with rue seeds.
So at 22:00 I mixed the harmalas with OJ and waited 10 min before drinking it. Then I mixed 85mg's of DMT freebase with OJ and drank that 20 min. later. It took a while to start to take effect and at first I thought maybe I wouldn't feel much effect 'cause I had read how much difference in amount people need.
But then it started and quite fast became quite intense. I've had some anxiety the last months and I wanted to dive into that to try to understand where it came from and how to let go of it.
But what I dove into was not anxiety but pure madness and absolute terror. I felt I was battling some demon inside of me. Later I felt like I was battling a fierce animal. My animal nature. Like I was taming the animal within. first round was what I thought quite hard, but suddenly things went quiet and I could relax a little bit. At that time I thought maybe that was it but I've never been more wrong in my life.
Round two it became more intense and I started to get a bit scared. But again things slowed down a little bit and I started to feel better and I decided to take a hot shower. I was at that point shivering with cold and controlling my body was getting a bit hard.
Then all hell broke loose! There's no way I can explain the terror. I'm convinced this is the hardest most horrible thing my soul has been through in all my existence. I was so afraid I would never come back and my wife would come back home with my wonderful daugther just to discover I was dead or been locked away in a mental hospital for the rest of my life. I just couldn't take what I was perceiving. This was absolute madness. It got so bad that at the end I called 112 and asked for a doctor to come to just put me to sleep. Yes I'm not fuckin joking. I still don't understand how I managed to dial 112 on my phone and talk and explain what was happening to me. But talking to someone helped a lot because it made it possible for me to focus my mind a little.
The guy started asking me a lot of questions about DMT and all that and fuck I just wanted someone to come there and put me to sleep. I just couldn't take more. I was done. The guy told me he could not send a doctor but he could send an ambulance. I agreed 'cuse I could not take the situation any more how it was. He told me I had to wait 10-15 minutes and I panicked even more, especially when he told me police would be with them. I hanged up and then started to freak out even more. How the fuck was I going to deal with all these people and police. How the fuck was I going to survive for 10-15 more minutes, I felt there was no way I could handle it. I would break and loose it forever
I thought about hitting my head as hard against the floor to try to knock my self out. But I just saw a lot of blood and even more problems arise with that. Then I thought about just attacking the police and hit one of them in the face so they would take me down and maybe put me to sleep with some technique they learn in the police academy.
I just couldn't believe I had put myself into this situation. I couldn't believe that state of mind existed. I live in a quiet neighborhood and I knew my neighbors would wake up if they were asleep and witness the whole thing. I just couldn't understand how this state of mind was possible. What happened. I just couldn't understand how my situation was possible. What went wrong?
I'm still surprised I managed to think all this. That I could communicate with the guy from the emergency line. The confusion was so absolute but somehow I managed within all that to do what I needed to do.
But suddenly I heard footsteps outside and someone coming up the stairs to my appartment. First came there 2 police officers. A woman and a guy. When they arrived it had been exactly 2 hours since I took the harmalas and at that point I think things started to get a little easier. I asked them to put me out but they just shook their heads. But they could in no way see my state of mind. Well they saw I was fuckt but they realized I was not dangerous. And they started to ask my endless question about what I had done. I told them everything and tried to explain. I told them I needed to be put to sleep. I couldn't take it anymore. They just asked the same questions again and again. How to spell DMT and what it was and why I did this shit to myself and where I got it and all that.
Then the ambulance came and 2 or 3 paramedics. This was so crazy. I managed to stumble downstairs and into the ambulance where they kept on asking endless questions. But they could hear I knew what I was doing. I told them about harmalas and how they can not be mixed with some pharmaceutical drugs so they wouldn't inject me with some nasty shit. At that time I knew I was safe. I wouldn't need to be put to sleep with some disgusting chemicals.
Fortunetely I live in Iceland where people are generally very nice and the police is mostly human
In the back of the ambulance it was just me, one paramedic and the police woman. Just talking to someone made me feel so much better.
Arriving to the hospital they put a million needles in my arm for countless bloodtests. And the doctorst kept on asking questions about DMT and harmalas. None of them had heard of it. But everyone there was very curious about this stuff but mostly WHY I had done this to myself. I told them these substances could give you the ultimate lessons about life and how it pay's just to be a good person and do no harm. Be friendly. There were some extremely nice nurses there and they were very amused by what I was telling them. At that point I was feeling good, and later fantastic still tripping quite hard but the visuals had subsided. I was so energized and happy to have lived through that I just kept on talking about life the universe and everything. And how happy I was. How I had a wonderful wife and daughter and so many good people around me. I was so happy to be through that hell, and that my daughter wouldn't need to see me in a mental institution for the next 50 years looking like a total madman.
I'm a lucky fella
And when I cry my tears are tears of joy
Be careful people and I hope you don't ever have to go through that hell I went through.
I'm done with psychedelics, I need no more lessons from them. From now on it's yoga and meditation for altered states of mind.
I've studied this stuff for 15 years so I can not be blamed for not doing my research. I do not regret anything but I will need to pay my neighbors a visit and explain what was going on. They are all nice people. Yes I'm surrounded with good honest souls. Thanks God for that
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!