[quote:0cad313ca3="gardentoad"]A friend did his first extraction and got 4.8 gr. by following the teks closely. ( He was sooo happy). He then procured some more bark and duplicated his experiment exactly. The second extraction resulted in 3.2 gr. of beautiful spice....Is this representative of the average differences between barks from differing sources?[/quote:0cad313ca3] When you say sources do you mean vendors or parts of the world where the plant comes from. The bark can be very different. The Mexican rootbark is supposed to be very potent. It can yeld 2-3 times more than some average bark from Brazil for example. Well that's what I've read but I don't have much experience on extraction. But how much bark did your friend have in these extractions and what tek was he using?
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!