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Worries for aya efficiency Options
#1 Posted : 8/14/2011 5:23:34 AM

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I plan to journey with aya soon for the first time, and I fear the purge. It's not the actual vomitting that I'm concerned with, but that vomiting will empty my stomach and leave me without any trip or journey. I've read reports on those who vomit and feel no effects and I am trying this for a reason. Should this be a concern?
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman

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#2 Posted : 8/14/2011 5:28:43 AM


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Don't be concerned at all. There is an allotment of preconceptions regarding ayahuasca I have found. You may purge, you may not. It is commonly observed in those who have never drank before, or who have not drank in a long time. It cleans you out and allows your digestive system to work better. Just let it do it's thing. If you feel the need to vomit, don't hold it back. It can be an incredibly liberating feeling rather than lying wishing you did.

Nowadays I rarely purge. Only at super high doses. If you are brewing like 50g after a few times your body will have adjusted and you can just relax and not worry about nausea or anything. This is how it is for me, at least.

You could brew 100g and drink half, and save the other half for if you purge too soon. This way you have nothing to worry about. If I brew some real ayahuasca with some chaliponga or something, I like to make a batch, rather than a single dose. This is because yes, some people purge quickly when getting adjusted to the medicine, and also, you are just going to want more and more, because it is SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD.
#3 Posted : 8/14/2011 5:42:55 AM

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Thanks, you always post good advice. My next question is how should I buy my aya? Would a kit from an online source be good and effective? It seems easier that way, but I would much rather have quality over ease.
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
#4 Posted : 8/14/2011 5:49:30 AM


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I do not condone the purchase or sale of kits, let me explain why. First off, it is much more expensive. Second, it is evidently sold for human consumption. Third, in the past I have seen some kits where the dosages were extremely off. Obviously prepared by someone who didn't have a clue what they are doing. That is why it is important that you, however, do!

I would suggest checking out the supplier subforum for anyone that offers shredded cielo vine, for example. It's hard to go wrong!

Also pick up some large tea bags from a health food store or the like. Makes it easy to just stuff 50-100g, tie with a cotton string, and brew without the need to filter...
#5 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:05:48 AM

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Should I brew mhrb separately from the Syrian rue or all in one pot? I have read a recipe that says both brewed together is very effective method, but I would like some experienced opinion
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
#6 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:10:32 AM


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You can do it in one pot. With b. caapi you would definitely need to brew that more than mimosa hostilis.

WIth syrian rue you may be able to get away with brewing them the same 3 x 30 minutes would probably snag everything you need. Caapi would need at least 4 in my opinion. So if you used caapi you could just add the mimosa after the first caapi pull. Does that make sense? You just don't want to brew mimosa too long.

If you find the brews are pretty harsh to drink, you can drop an egg white in the brew when it has cooled down. Heat it up and stir until the egg white has cooked. You can filter this by running it through a filter like a cotton shirt or something. It will have cleaned the brew of tannins. Cheers!

#7 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:18:03 AM

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I've been looking at recipes online but they seem rather vague, can you give me a good method for brewing using mhrb and Syrian rue/b. Cappi? Which MOAI would you suggest also?
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
#8 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:23:49 AM


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OK sorry guess I wasn't articulate enough.

I prefer caapi but rue is more economical.

take 50g b caapi shredded, brew in a teabag in a good sized pot. Do not use any acid like vinegar, it is not necessary.
Every 30 minutes remove the tea you made, and put in a bigger pot. Extract from the teabag 4 times or until it stops giving a color to the water. 4 is usually enough. What you do is you take all the liquid tea you extracted at the end and simmer it down to a cup to drink.

Mimosa hostilis does not need to be cooked that long, because it will make your brew disgusting. Experiment with adding the mimosa to your pot in another tea bag shredded decently after the first caapi pull, and the second.

For example, when you remove your water from the pot the first time, its now time to add the mimosa, and cook them together.
Try this, and also try next time adding the mimosa bag to the brew after 2 pulls. See which one you like better effects and taste-wise.

That's really all you need to do. Like I said, if you use rue, you probably don't need to cook as long as caapi. I think that's all the info you really need. You can boil it, it won't destroy the alkaloids, it just causes sugars in the plants to caramelize and taste all nasty. So a simmer is preferred. Enjoy.
#9 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:32:40 AM

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About 8 grams of pure mhrb would suffice for a bold effect?
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
#10 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:34:25 AM


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8g prepared this way will cause a tremendous soul explosion. You would be wise to start with 1 gram and every brew you make go up 1 more gram until you find your sweet spot. They can be that powerful if you are sensitive enough. I wouldn't personally advise starting @ 8 myself.
#11 Posted : 8/14/2011 6:53:17 AM

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Thanks, I probably would've blown my mind strait to the stars without your advice ( not that it would be BAD just rather unwise ) Smile
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
#12 Posted : 8/14/2011 9:49:07 AM

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Yeah I would start with maybe 3g, definitely not more.

Eat some ginger or take 5 or so drops of essential lemon oil a few minutes before ingesting aya, to help preventing nausea (and helping keep the contents in your stomach for longer)
#13 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:46:26 AM

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Would adding something acidic like vinegar to the brew aid it at all in making it potent and effective?
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
#14 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:52:17 AM


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All that does is make it disgusting. Pleased
#15 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:57:36 AM

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vertigoshaman wrote:
Would adding something acidic like vinegar to the brew aid it at all in making it potent and effective?

If you want to brew for shorter periods of time then this is a good tip. I got a pretty potent brew this way, but really I prefer to just do a longer brew.

Energy in and energy out and all that...

and yes... the taste Pleased
#16 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:09:44 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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You may want to brew the caapi/rue and the MHRB separately, as the MHRB has some rather toxic sediments that really should be removed before consumption, whereas the caapi sediments are tasty/potent (hmm... tasty is perhaps the wrong word).

A note about the purge... THE PURGE doesn't come early enough for it to mess up your trip. Sometimes you vomit right after taking the medicine, and all is wasted, but to my understanding this is both spiritually and physiologically different than la purga, which usually occurs at the onset/in the middle of the experience and with a violence surpassing any mere pre-puking (if it comes at all).

Two more things: Did you make sure to read the "All About Aya <3" thread in the ayahuasca subforum? An essential document.

aaaaand... a little bit of dosage quibbling, 1g of MHRB is nice and all that, but 1.8-2g isn't unmanageable at all (with a 3g rue or 40-60g caapi experience). Whenever I introduce a friend to ayahuasca, they take 2g worth of MHRB, and although it's definitely intense at times I've never known someone to regret it in the least.


#17 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:24:32 PM

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I did an experiment regarding acid when brewing ayahuasca in this thread. Acid appears to more thoroughly extract the alkaloids.

As others have said, the purge is incredibly healing...my first ayahuasca journey focused around one large purge about 2 hours in, where on an entirely empty stomach, I released a tennis ball-sized volume of black viscous liquid and felt insanely powerful upon doing so. After returning to my bed I had visions that were much deeper than prior to the purge.

If you're using rue you should extract the alkaloids to make it easier on your stomach, it's easy and very worthwhile, there are several guides around the forum.
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#18 Posted : 8/15/2011 8:05:19 PM

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I don't know. All puking on aya has been uncomfortable. Regular pukes from an upset stomach (because it doesn't fancy dmt and caapi too much). But the feeling afterwards is great. Just make sure not to eat ginger to combat nausea. Puking that up hurts...
#19 Posted : 8/16/2011 2:05:12 AM

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I would skip the ginger and embrace the purge. You want to try and hold off from purging for at least 45 minutes, then afterwards if you can have some ginger to get rid of the subtle nausea. If you take ginger to try and suppress the purge, then I have found it just makes it low grade nausea that comes in waves - in short I wish I had just purged. Don't be afraid of it, don't try and force it, forcing it is the most uncomfortable in my experience.
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