swims done a lot of acid , people can do as much as they want any number of times , it does not matter , its a great analytical tool , an extremly intellectual substance
every trip becomes better and the more you do the more familar you become with it and its effects , after 100 strong trips or so , only an amazing time awaits where one has become extremely familar with it and at home with it ,
the more you do , the more the effectweakens even done several months apart , swims 1st and 2 acid trip does not ever happen , even if upping the dose to a 2-3 blotters or more , first few times wil LSD are really special , then it keeps getting less truly psychadelic
always consume a few months apart , have a mindset to enjoy and learn from the experience and become a stronger psychonaut , everything will fall into place ,
i understand acid can be very speedy or rushy that i guess is the reason for it causing panic reactions , i always have prefered liquid over blotters , but both are fine , no need to miss an oppertunity to consume acid if drops are not there
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth