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Please check out my Psybient music! Options
#1 Posted : 8/12/2011 4:28:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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As a member of this wonderful site, I am inspired everywhere I look, especially in the area of music. I have begun making psybient music in the vein of Shpongle, Shulman, Kitaro, etc. etc. It would mean the world to me if any fellow nexians could check out my tracks, and tell me what you guys think! =D

(not self-promoting, but the more psybient DJs out there, the better, imo!)

Thank you so much!

"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."


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#2 Posted : 8/12/2011 4:41:54 AM


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I would suggest reading about how to optimize your production quality and basic mastering techniques. Also, it is very evident you are using samples with little changes performed so it's repetitive. It sounds like it was just kind of cut and pasted together with live or garageband.

Please do not take offense to this. I studied sound engineering so I can be a bit of a harsh critic. With all that said, I think that creating music is one of the most important and beautiful things we can do as people. You are off to a good start and you have some great influences! I hope you don't stop just because I gave you some honest advice :] Please continue to share your music, I am really looking forward to your evolution as a psybient producer.

#3 Posted : 8/12/2011 4:42:06 AM

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Whoa...didn't know that was out there...I tried changing it just now, so let's hope...creeeeepy...but thanks man! lol
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#4 Posted : 8/12/2011 4:43:39 AM

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Samples? Everything is played on an m-audio radium midi-board...I'm not sampling anything other than fx patches....I appreciate your criticism House....got any of your tunes we could listen to, maybe compare and see what you mean?
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#5 Posted : 8/12/2011 4:44:38 AM

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anything would be appreciated, as I Would like to take it to the next level..
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#6 Posted : 8/12/2011 4:48:41 AM


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Just read some books on basic mastering and how to properly mix your tunes. There are thousands out there. It's a good thing to know and will make your music sound more engaging and exciting to the listener.

One old trick people would do is listen to your influence and then listen to your music directly side by side so you can hear how they differ, and you can hear what you need to do to make your sound like theirs, for example. Like listen to shpongle, and then listen to tobecomeone. There is a big difference! Simon knows ALL about this stuff, and you can too, it just takes a bit of studying and praxis.

Training your ear takes a lot of time and effort but it gets better as time goes on. Nowadays they probably even have all of this knowledge on the internet, you probably don't even need to buy books. I am old school, I guess.

#7 Posted : 8/12/2011 5:01:36 AM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
Whoa...didn't know that was out there...I tried changing it just now, so let's hope...creeeeepy...but thanks man! lol

Again, be careful. We're dealing with dangerous things here and I've tracked you down with just a few bits of info.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#8 Posted : 8/12/2011 5:22:45 AM

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I'm impressed, but I'd really prefer you not post that on here....I'd much rather take your word for it
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#9 Posted : 8/12/2011 5:24:37 AM

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Please delete it...thanks
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#10 Posted : 8/12/2011 5:27:44 AM

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tobecomeone00 wrote:
Please delete it...thanks

Done. Just be careful, okay?
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#11 Posted : 8/12/2011 7:13:51 AM

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how'd u get that?
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#12 Posted : 8/12/2011 11:18:40 PM

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I posted this thread yesterday, but it was derailed by comments regarding privacy, and ended up with a nexus member posting my picture for everyone to see...yes, I know "anonymity" is something I should be more aware of, but to actually go through the motions of getting my info, posting my name, and then a picture of me just to prove how "unprotected" I am, REALLY creeped me out...It was uneccesary, and bothered me. If I am easy to find, I don't care...I do DMT, I don't sell crack...if the cops bust me, I'll deal with it...please never do that to anyone again, it was pretty weird....anyways, here's the original post...

As a member of this wonderful site, I am inspired everywhere I look, especially in the area of music. I have begun making psybient music in the vein of Shpongle, Shulman, Kitaro, etc. etc. It would mean the world to me if any fellow nexians could check out my tracks, and tell me what you guys think! =D

(not self-promoting, but the more psybient DJs out there, the better, imo!)

Thank you so much!

"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#13 Posted : 8/13/2011 4:05:43 PM


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tracks sound good man!
have been enjoying making a few tracks of my own recently

"Pay attention. And keep breathing." Terence McKenna

Aetherius Rimor
#14 Posted : 8/13/2011 5:00:54 PM
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A Walk through Astral Park is half way over, and I'm already wishing there was more of it Sad
#15 Posted : 8/13/2011 8:16:18 PM

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Mastertree, I tried checkin out your link, but it brought me to my own homepage...any other url to your music? And Rimor, thank you! I need to work on longer songs, i see now....NO journey is ever just 3 mins, is it? lol
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#16 Posted : 8/14/2011 12:31:38 AM


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"Pay attention. And keep breathing." Terence McKenna

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