Wanted to take a brief minute to introduce myself to all the wonderful people out there. This forum has been a great experience for me thus far and thought it was time to be invololved. There have been a couple experiences with spice up to date but nothing breakthrough...just as far as what can best be described as LEGO land...nonetheless, holy shit. Very excited at the perspective of a breakthrough, which should be just around the corner one hopes. Theres a bit of anxiiety, perhaps because of previous uses and only appoaching the threshold where seperation begins but doesnt occur, was a little jarring, to be aware of such a divide happening. Heavy. But theres been alot of supportive reading done on this site and its almost time. Looking forward to the first step into understanding, which if suspicions are true, will probably leave more questions than answers lol god bless
All posts are hypothetical and are not an endorsement of said activities. All said activity, if real, occurred where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional. Meant only to expand ones knowledge and place within the functions of the universe.