you should not extract dmt if you're living with your parents
there could be hassales , pls you're parents could be very strict and send you to a juvenile centre or a drug rehab , also it would be bad for nexus
here are the alternatives:
move out of your parents house , if not possible then choose the next alternative
get a friend who is living alone interested in dmt and help him extract dmt
find a friend who already has dmt , since i hear you only want to try it - it might be you may or may not like it
try other entheogens like mushrooms , lsd , which might be easier to get - also if you've not done this before go for it rather than jumping straight to smoked dmt
the alternatives are many , you could also get ayahuasca , brewing this over at your parents house might not be as risky as an extraction , also extraction has a lot of safety hazards which you've to be careful about - really , so brew ayahuasca , you might easily do it in your parents house when you're alone , if caught you could also say you're making exotic tea (hopefully they'll not ask you to share some tea with them
a good recipe goes like this - get 10 g mimosa and 3 g syrian rue , don't brew the syrian rue along with mimosa , just steep the syrian rue in hot water like you make tea for a couple of minutes , this will help you get only the goodies out of rue and not the badies , so go ahead and drink some aya
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth