Swim done STB tek only he left the lye and bark together for over a month in a hot place. He knows this is not how it's done, but lets just say there was some tricky covert circumstances going on. So he added fresh Naphtha. Now he has tried everything to separate this, he is not just being lazy and asking he has researched everywhere as best he could. Here is what he has tried. Warm bath,more lye,more water,vibrations,sucking solution up with pipette and jet squirting hard and deep(carefully) to disturb it...and yes he also tried sea salt....shaking rolling cuddling, kissing...he even asked nicely. She's not budging captain. This solution is not thick and no emulsion has formed.
Any advice so as Swim can procure some precious spice would be high five kinda great. He want's to see her again (some may know what he's talking about) any suggestion that is not mentioned about he is willing to try...any takers???
Whilst I am here I may as well ask when doing as sodium carbonate wash Swimm has noticed some rather white salt substance looking suspiciously like sodium carbonate, when it comes out of the freezer. I am def doing the wash correctly and am sureish that I am not leaving any SC solution in with the Naphtha. So is this just him being paranoid. Thanks fellow travellers.
P.s any spelling mistakes, bad grammar....are all Swims fault.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil