slewb wrote:I have smoked DMT a number of times, but i have never "broken through" into the spirit world either because of the quality of the drug on hand or because of my shitty ass lungs.
perhaps it could be your technique? what kind of device do you use? how many hits do you take?
if vaporized properly it will be much smoother and easier to take less and larger hits.
maybe your mindset? do you do it alone, relaxed and without distraction?
i have smoked DMT many times as well an have only broken through a small percentage so far
and i find these variables play a big role in effects.
slewb wrote: I've always felt the angels and the demons and the benign spirits inside of me. I've met them face to face, but not in the context of what you might call waking consciousness. they do not seem a part of me, more like a far off influence yelling from the waking world to a too-soundly sleeping man to WAKE UP!! and that's why i'm here.
i know what you mean but i still always had this feeling that the angels/demon/entities/intelligence's are apart of me, at least in some way.
Enoon wrote: I very deliberately tried to achieve this kind of deprogramming by abusing DXM for a while. To this day I have mixed feelings about the issue. In a way I feel I achieved my goal but it caused me a lot of suffering in turn as well.
Enoon, i can completely relate to that.
i have gone through something very similar i believe.
i abused it even though while it was happening i didn't think of it that way, rather deprogramming/reprogramming.
i also still have mixed feelings and am now still suffering both mentally and physically.
i took it a lot farther than needed, one of my biggest regrets.
Enoon wrote:
How to achieve this progress though is, I guess, the question that will never fully be answered. It is the question that we live I guess, the path we walk. All we can do, from one moment to the next is choose to use our consciousness and our present capacities to transform everything, by means of our perception and processes of thought and feelings, into something more positive, something more translucent, and more filled with the essence and intensity of life that it seems we yearn for. In the end, I often feel like it is not about searching and finding something, but rather about figuring out how to create exactly that which we desire within ourselves, and extrovert this, to create it also in our surroundings, in every moment. How? Again, this is a never ending quest, an ever changing answer, a path we choose to walk... I think.
yeap prety much said it, thats what i like to think.