ok so I am not sure if anyone here will be able to help me or not..but maybe someone can.
I have been building skimboards for a number of years now..these are high quality skimboards and not the cheap walmart boards etc..since in the skimboard industry there is a lack of sustainable skimboard technolgies, compared to the surf industry where hollow core wood and solid balsa boards with green or "entropy resins" and epoxies are more and more common, I have started riding wood boards again alot and shaping some...but they are heavy...
I want to shape a replica of my foam core wave skimboard from wood, but for obvious reasons when riding waves and not sandbars you need alot of float, so I am going to attempt to get into using hollow core surf construction designs for my skimboard..the thing is alot of them use these natural or eco friendly resins..and I want to try them out as well but I know nothing about them.
I am most familiar with working with polyester resins and fiberglass cloth..I am looking for a more sustainable green resin(s) that will work well with fiberglass cloth, as well as maybe even other types of cloth. I have heard that some people have used a hemp weave cloth on boat, sailboard, surfboard constuction but I cant find alot of info on it..has anyone here ever worked with these industrially or otherwise?
Long live the unwoke.