Eh, weed I could probably do without on my LSD or all psychedelic trips. Though I do have a hard time in general balancing my consumption as I seem to be prone to over indulgence, and it doesn't help that my close friends are the same. I've smoked weed on pretty much most of the psyches I've tried (LSD, mescaline, mushrooms, 2cs, etc) and while I am aware of its potential to extremely enhance the strength of some aspects of the experience - visuals, abstract-far out thoughts - I feel I often lose the clarity, optimism, and insight that I gain from the substance alone. I often fall into this thought-"hole" where I feel very anxious, I regret smoking and I return to a very familiar thought pattern that makes me feel like tripping is just stupid, pointless, and nonsense.
This is my experience though, and it is shadowed by my struggle with balancing marijuana, and my depression. I have a very schizophrenic relationship with it haha. I wonder if anyone else can relate.
I used to be able to smoke til I couldn't anymore on acid trips, and they would get very crazy and visual and deep, but I feel I gain very little from it in the end and I often end up feeling like I did the night before. I believe the combos probably not right for me, but it seems to work great for my friends and others.
Living to Give