Quite a question isn't it? During a mushroom trip I experienced recently I saw specifically a vision of Buddha as a grey alien with a pointed mushroom top for a head, two adult sized greys giving a much smaller baby sized grey into a portal. After that I saw what appeared to be a squid or tentacles coming from a mesh screen. I originally thought very little of it until reading an essay in "Toward 2012" and came across a picture of a worm hole connection that looked VERY much like what I saw during my CEV's. The way I read the vision was that people such as Buddha and Jesus were human incarnations of greys that were sent here to earth to humble us with truth (and at the time I thought I just got a cool look at an octopus)
The most important part of the essay (the part that made me put the book down) to me was right under this picture.
"These sky conduits are portals to other realms through which deities are "birthed" and descend to earth on serpent ropes, bringing with them otherworldly knowledge.
After reading this I was literally shocked. It related to pretty much all I had been thinking about. To be honest, I was going through a lot of problems thinking I was going crazy because I thought aliens were communicating with me. I started spending a lot of time re reading some of McKenna's stuff trying to find some comfort. After coming across this though I actually now put a lot of my faith into his beliefs about aliens and mushrooms.
Also, December 25th. Why are so many deities born on this day? (I know there are other explanations, but this is just another) Is it possible that when the winter solstice is December 25th the universe is aligned in such a way that beings from the other side of the universe could travel here to be born in our world? There are a lot of ideas about aliens, 2012, celestial ancestors and so on so some of my ideas piece together when I search for answers online, in books, etc. But, just because to puzzle pieces fit it doesn't necessarily mean that is where they belong so I take everything with a bit on skepticism including myself. All I know though is that those visions were very specific. Prior to the vision I hadn't done much research into aliens in regards to religion so I don't feel like I had much in the form of preconceived ideas. To you this could be some other guys theory or things many people have thought before. I don't know, to me it's new and honestly a little disappointing when I find the thinkers before me who already have books on "my" theories
Anyways, I've been pretty blown away today and I wanted to share.