Setting: evening, candles, trancemusic in the bathroom. Lights are on.
I'm laying in the bathtub and start about vaporizing my first inhaled DMT.
I didn't expect much - Expected a pharmahuasca-like experience...
but once I was in I could not believe what i saw.
As I inhaled - deeeeep breath - ~25 mg DMT - water hot, - me relaxed and chilling to the music. The music began to pitch, suddenly it sounded brighter and "faster" - like the frequency was increased.
The acoustic of the bathroom was fascinating!
My legs felt like they didnt belong to me anymore - the feeling of heat was replaced by another sensation which i won't try to describe.
I put my GVG aside and my eyes as well as my body relaxed - i had a CEV of a round ball sourrounded by 3-6 other balls which were spinning around an axis.
And then: Boooom - I opened my eyes and i couldn't believe what I saw:
My whole bathroom has been replaced by a future version of it! Everything slightly larger, more modern shapes/high quality materials, futuristic touch, like it was a the bathroom of a millionaire in the year 2060 (but with similar components)!
I couldn't stand up, but i moved my head freely around. The visuals did NOT change - it was a static alteration of reality.
Until - the DMT wore off.
After that I watched myself in the mirror and enjoyed the afterglow.
F***ing amazing- I tell you!
elusive illusion