it's been a while since i last visited the nexus, due to some shortage in the networking and communications department concerning the - collective-rooms-we-share-our-dreams-in.
on my previous trip to an interactive hyperspace, profound discoveries were made but with consequences. Presented me with an insight that, that which resides and feels, extends CPU's and Internet technology. Thought that maybe it was good to rest and relocate the GPS points of the source.
literature has suddenly exploded with new meaning. Word's have deeper understanding and movements of physics and chemistry are equally valued, however it's important to remain with in the boundaries of form and structure.
My work with spice has shown me a new way of functioning. I only had a vague idea about it pre mature hood (if that means anything). Interesting that throughout my travels across the globe, the same phenomena is observed. Only diff. now is that one is more aware of it happening. Giving me more control of my reality.
Now, the catch, is that in several encounters with tribe members, who are equally eloquent in this language - differ in form and functioning. yaxar is now trying to learn this particular form in order to communicate in a clearer fashion, which is very much required in a family business oriented setting. Why is it required u may ask? This might lead us to deeply conditioned responses that have been bred by love and butter
a fear surrounds the enviornment. fear of sounding absurdly idiotic. So stupid that one might be denied entry to this shared reality.
So, I extrapolate the unknown with hopes of meeting a friend, who might make use of this opportunity to extend their dreams in this reality.
Observing in Silence!
Everything posted by this user are the insane ramblings of an itch that is in the deepest oceans and highest skies. The author holds no responsibility for any content published.-------------