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radiation levels. Options
#1 Posted : 7/22/2011 11:59:47 PM

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Conspiracy theory? Doesnt really sound far fetched to me. Why would they have the name zardoz in there in the first place?..and why are they trying to block people from this information?

Should we all seriousily be thinking about packing up and taking off to south america or somewhere out of the path of radiation? I am very serious here..I wonder if just packing up and leaving is the thing to do at this point. If only I had the money..
Long live the unwoke.

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#2 Posted : 7/23/2011 1:16:12 AM

simply beautiful

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I have been worried... I watched some videos of guy driving across Canada taking samples with a geiger counter... He got some alarmingly high levels in lake louise during a rain storm... Ill post a link to his videos wheni get to my computer.
This, what I'm experiencing now, is a whole new level of my being.
#3 Posted : 7/23/2011 1:21:49 AM

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yeah I am not sure whaty to do. I eat harmala daily hoping the reported properties of harmine cancelling radiation waves helps me..along with a completely clean diet and melatonin consumption wich also blocks radiation apparently. What else can we do? I really dont want a horrible death in the near future from radiation.
Long live the unwoke.
#4 Posted : 7/23/2011 1:50:24 AM

simply beautiful

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I've been trying to stay out of he rain as much as possible... And i'm seriously considering buying a geiger counter for my household.
This, what I'm experiencing now, is a whole new level of my being.
#5 Posted : 7/23/2011 1:51:00 AM


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Worrying is not healthy
#6 Posted : 7/23/2011 2:22:16 AM

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۩ wrote:
Worrying is not healthy

If we are gonna die from radiation worrying about it will only compound our misery... sometimes I wish youtube didn't exist.

I think that the universe has a reason for things being the way they are and I do believe we're going to end up somewhere better at some point even if it currently looks grim.

I think the best thing we can really do is make peace with death .. thank god for psychedelics.
‎"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929


#7 Posted : 7/23/2011 2:31:49 AM

simply beautiful

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RayOfLight wrote:
I think the best thing we can really do is make peace with death .. thank god for psychedelics.

Amen brother.
This, what I'm experiencing now, is a whole new level of my being.
#8 Posted : 7/23/2011 3:47:16 AM

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Just do your best not to eat, drink, or breathe for a few months and you'll be fine... Very happy

EDIT: And just a note: Xenon 133 is used in medical testing. I don't think 1 part in 90 gazillion floating around in the air for awhile is gonna hurt you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenon_133#Xenon-133
#9 Posted : 7/23/2011 5:15:08 AM

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I am most worried about what the ocean is like now in the PNW..I cant find anything that says mcuh about how many hot particles are in the oceans here at the moment..I go into the ocean almost every day becasue I skimboard and surf alot..
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 7/23/2011 12:44:48 PM

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Ummmm, LOL! That could be anything. What are the units? I live on West Coast USA. Guy claims these dire charts were current in May. How come I'm not sick? Teeth continue to fall out at normal, slow rate and hair is firmly rooted. Not shitting blood.

My husband's employer owns an old, functional, 1950's style geiger counter. Takes readings twice a week. We are at background levels here.

Meanwhile, LOL! Anyone ever actually carefully watch the movie Zardoz? Clearly, this guy did not. Remember what "zardoz" really meant? It was taken from an old, dusty print version of the classic book, "The Wizard of Oz." Zardoz was extracted from that title. Just think about it.

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
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#11 Posted : 7/23/2011 7:52:55 PM

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where on the west coast is that? I am referring the pacific north west. If you arent in the PNW, mostly Alaska BC, Washington and Orgegon than I dont know how relevant readings on a geiger counter are to the radiation levels in the PNW..

ALot of sources are saying the levels here after it rains are beyond what the levels were at the time of evacation at chernobyl
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 7/23/2011 8:41:38 PM

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Worrying will make WAY more damage than any SPECULATED radiation. There are devices to see the radiation levels in each country, I'm sure there will be information if the radiation would go high somewhere.
#13 Posted : 7/23/2011 10:01:57 PM

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^what makes you think factual readings will make they're was into the mainstream media? There is alot of $$ invested in nuclear power and having people feel secure with nuclear power plants is benifical to many people who make money off of it.

You really think worrying about it is more damaging than doing something to activly fight radiation in the body? Im seriousily questioning peoples sanity these days..there is alot of things we can do to fight radition and cancer these days but if we just decide to not talk about it becasue worrying is bad I think we are worse off. It is stupid to not seriouily concider the concequences of what happened and engage in realistic discussions concerning what we can do now to make things go as smooth as possible for us. Yes I do care about my future, my friends and families futures and everyone elses.

Telling people to just not worry is sort of naive at this point I think, especially when there are things we can do.

People can start taking melatonin supplements..you can be eating lots of seaweeds(not from japan) which help eliminate hot particles in the body and supply the thyroid with iodine so it does not take up iodine131..you can load up on anti oxidants..eat lots of apples for the pectin..if noone talks about it though than noone will know these things becasue I dont hear people talking about it on fox news.
Long live the unwoke.
#14 Posted : 7/23/2011 11:52:33 PM

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and this is why we cant trust mainstream media to tell the truth..

Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 7/24/2011 1:11:16 AM

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Bill Gates seems to be on the same side as Fox News, here.

And he gives a TED talk about using nuclear in a totally new way, that sounds pretty awesome here. He talks a bit about it here, too.
#16 Posted : 7/24/2011 1:30:32 AM

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I dont understand all of that completely, but it is interesting. Thanks SWIMfriend.

My main concern is that I have seen videos where people took readings here in BC of rainwater when we were getting the jetstream from japan..that water tested 1.6 on the geiger metre in lake louis(actaully that was alberta, so not really BC)..1.6 was the highest they found so far..but that is alarming since 1.2 is apparently the level at which you are sopposed to evacuate.

Now this is only in rainwater, that is falling from the clouds that come with the jetstream from japan..all other times the levels do seem to read just normal background levels below the danger level..so until they can contain it, we should be staying out of the rain when we are getting the right jetstream for the hot particles from japan..

So far that is all I can find that is convincing. I dont hear any large mainstream media outlets here warning people of the rain at least here in the PNW though. If we really are getting alot of fallout in the rain here at certain times they should be warning people to avoid the rain those days.

I am less worried about going in the ocean now, after doing more research. I was already in the ocean 2 times today, I just cant avoid that.. It is mainly just the rain that comes with the jetstream I want to avoid until they contain it.

So, what actaully happens afterwords? Is the ammount comming out of fukushima just going to be diluted to safe levels throughout the ocean once they contain it? what about the soils here? I am guessing Japan is done and they're economy is fucked becasue noone is going to want products, especially food from them for a good long time.. I will post the videos of the readings here in BC in a minute..
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 7/24/2011 1:35:37 AM

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You can see the geiger counter measure radiation levels at 1.66 in lake louis rainfall in that video..he has other videos from other places in BC and canada also..he also does a test on a sample in another video to show that his metre is reading properly.
Long live the unwoke.
#18 Posted : 7/24/2011 1:36:32 AM

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The answer to many people's questions about such things is that: You probably get more high-energy radiation exposure during JET TRAVEL than you ever have to worry about in the environment.
#19 Posted : 7/24/2011 2:06:57 AM

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there's poison all around us.... its everywhere, whether its bpa in plastic containers, fluoride in water, high fructose corn syrup in all our food plus whatever that shit they are spraying on us from planes is.. Its really too bad.

I suppose trying to avoid all those things to the best of you ability and take whatever precautions you can is a good idea but with this radiation thing if its really as bad as its said to be we might be fucked already, I dunno if after a month of fallout exposure trying to do something about it is gonna help but then again I'm not an expert on radiation and its effects on humans.
‎"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929


#20 Posted : 7/24/2011 2:15:16 AM

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Most things have radiation in them. Bananas have K-40. Flying in a plane increases your radiation exposure. I would say don't worry. If you want to prevent radiation your best bets are checking for radon in your home and asking your doctor if an X-Ray (or w/e else) is really necessary. My dad fell while running and hurt his face. The doctor recommended he get an X-Ray to check if his nose was broken even though they thought it wasn't. He refused because nothing would change if it was.
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