I've seen confusion on what equates to 'novelty'. Since this is a keystone component to the theory, I'll speak on what I've gathered about it. Some say there is no sure definition of novelty, and even Terence's brother, Dennis McKenna,(as SyZyGyPSy pointed out) stated in a book that the term is rather ambiguous. This supposed relativism would give way to pseudo-science rather than science.
What I submit is that the definition of novelty is in fact
not subjective. The beauty of the Time Wave is that it is self-similar as is a fractal, and there are resonances within this wave. The 3rd Reich was a lower resonance of dynastic Egypt which is interesting enough. If you dig deep you can find other similarities like the symbolism of the swastika, huge land structures, and word origin similarities between 'fuhrer' and 'pharaoh' That being said, something 'novel' isn't simply something that's 'interesting' it is a moment, an event, a thought, an action that propels the human race forward. Now at this point there can be a few arguments like we not propelling ourselves, but are being pulled towards transcendence by something from the future. Or the 'Quickening' is actually the novel singularity.
I think that the fundamental concept behind all of these is the point worth noting. The point being that something is happening, rather quickly, abruptly, and it is changing the way human thought, language, and ultimately the inter-connectivity of our species and planet materialize themselves.
Now on to how I think this singularity will manifest itself. I think the Internet is going to be a huge player in this inter-connectivity. Just look at what services like Twitter have done in the Middle East. Recent experiments in physics have been able to 'cloak' some event in time. They are able to actually slow down a space-time event and spit it back unmodified. It's the GEO600-esque experiments that go searching for gravitational waves, yet find 'experimental noise' to boil down to the bubbly nature of a quantum space-time fabric.
Science is already at the point where somethings must be taken and accepted on faith. Even with mathematical proofs on whiteboards that have things summing on both sides of the equation, somethings are inherently impossible (as of now) to form experiments for. We by physical law cannot see something smaller than the Planck length. It's fundamental. Below this length the amount of photon scattering would blur any and absolutely everything. What's below this? Math, as a language, attempts to explain this. The union, I think, of science and spirituality, is upon us. The science community, especially particle/quantum physics and cosmology, have been coming out with more and more psychedelic concepts.
I think farther we abstract from the 17th century notion that Science can reach an ultimate understanding of nature, the closer to what the psychedelic experience shows we, as a collective, come closer to some sort of spiritual, angelic, god.
A new way to say "hooray!"