My friend just finished doing his first extraction from 200 g MHRB and obtained about 2 g pure white spicey crystals and decided it was time to adventure into hyperspace again. Previously had very intense ayahuasca journey.
3 grams syrian rue extract was ingested 1 hour prior to launch, approx 40 mg was tapped into ash-sandwich in water bong and sparked up, the result was astounding and documented in this poem. Enjoy!
Also if anyone else has hyperspace poetry I would love to hear it!
The spark of a flint,
A rush of plastic mothballs,
Train careening through head,
Consciousness falls,
My body starts to rattle and pulsate with energy,
A warm fuzzy love permeates, divine chemistry,
Shot into the void at magnificent speed,
So much to see, so much to believe,
Transported through a labratory filled with beings,
Who are telling me not to be amazed with what I'm seeing,
I say ok, become calm, and say bring it on,
A flood of incredible perceptions is then shone,
In front of my eyes but my eyes aren't even there,
They're still in my body, of which I'm still aware,
So how am I here? How does this technology work?
A split of (un)conscious bodies, just like at birth?
But back once again to the lab-ra-to-ry,
With the beings still talking tel-ep-ath-ic-ally,
They say they're are performing some tests and upgrades;
The equivelant of an emotional stomach-pump;
And a energy implant much like a small lump,
Of highly compressed yet expanding potential,
A squeezing and pulling betwixt my physical eyes,
The purpose of this I've yet to realize,
The beings float around on octopi tentacles,
And their heads that attached were shiny, black, elongated bowling balls,
Shifting and swirling colors of bliss,
Swim around through their skin, they're quite hard to miss,
I am then loaded into a sealed, space-looking pod, of which many are around,
And expelled back through the void, and back to my town,
Reconnect with my body, the astral memory returns,
Begin sputtering words and emotions that are hard to discern,
Sit up in my bed, renewed if still shaken,
The power in the spice should not lightly be taken,
More questions than answers but that's to be expected,
My sense of possibility profoundly affected,
Contemplating the event will occupy the rest of the week,
But perhaps I may feel the need to take another peek.
Psychonautical musical adventuresI am the Pickled Herring, raging through the streets of Aurangabad. Smiting the simian fortress of Agartha I fly with pan liners and garbage bags attached to my million tentacles of horrid putrefaction, eating souls and raining down corpses on the mighty city of Gruad.
Hail Er