gibran2 wrote:“death is the front door to the afterlife, a DMT breakthrough is the back door”.
That is a great quote. I like it a lot :o)
As on death and what we believe; I sometimes think we don't actaully know what we believe on a surface level, so constantly events occur that we find ourselves saying 'I don't believe that!' or 'How'd did that happen?', in disbelief. I think this is a lack of understand the self and a reason we are here and not permantley focussed in the realms of hyperspace or beyond.
So an athiest may say on a very surface conscious level that he is one but if he delved down inside himself he might discover he is not. I certainly use to be one until I started to interogate myself.
But this is only my view. I do think every event happens to reinforce what we really believe and gives oppertunity to learn who we are and were we are at. We create all events ourselves as individual and a mass consciouness in my opinion. I wanted to say something else here but have forgotten it now. It will return.
gibran2 wrote:You mention parallel universes and the multiverse – have you ever tried salvia? The sense of visiting parallel universes is often very strong during salvia experiences.
Hmmm yes Salvia. A long time ago a freind had a bag of pure leaf (not extract) and I smoked about 10 bowls with no effect other than a headache. My friends got more from it and likened it to Ketamin.
I used to like to trip hard. I didn't like being caught in the middle if you know what I mean. So I would frequently take huge amounts compared to freinds, who on there smaller doses were all over the place. In my opinion caught between two worlds, whereas I went full in and found it easy once fully there.
Alas, Ketamin was the only substance I had a problem with. Gram at a time, a Pink Floyd album, perhaps. BLISS! In rectrospect I was running away from many personal issues and using K as my escape and not to teach me things, though I learnt a lot from it.
I remember my favourite trip would be literally expereincing the existance before the big bang and watching everything unfold in 30 minutes or so right to the point of now. All evolution from, not nothing, but as close as, to a vibration state that started it all off, to gas planets, to physical mass, to plant life, pond life etc etc etc to me, high in my bedroom all rotating round in spiralss. Forgetting everything and experiencing it all fresh again.. the senses, everything!
However, that time is over and the likeness to K my friends told me has kind of put me off buying some Sally extract as that part of my life is long gone history. I have read many Erowid reports on it. Maybe the time to try it properly is coming up. I am a wiser and more stable man than I was back then.
Mescaline is my next trip planned though. My girlfriend wants to try more pyschodelics. She doesn't get on with DMT as struggles to let go and I think she is very attached to planet Earth so I think Mescaline will be more up her street as I find that increadably connected to this planet :o)