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Drug-Free Society Options
#1 Posted : 7/15/2011 8:36:00 PM

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A goal of many people is to turn society into a drug-free society, it blows my mind to try to comprehend how these proponents believe that this is a possible outcome of the war on drugs. Here is a link to a Twitter Feed that is called 'Drug Free World': http://twitter.com/#!/drug_free_world

Here is the Twitter Feed Description:

'Official Drug Free World: There is a lot of talk about drugs in the world, don’t be fooled. You need facts to avoid becoming hooked on drugs.'

From the context of the statement their first sentence implies that there is a lot of positive talk about the benefits of drug use in the world but we should not be fooled into believing that this is the reality of drugs. We here at the Nexus need facts so that we can avoid becoming hooked on drugs.

The UN General Assembly hopes that the overall drug supply and demand of the world can be 'eliminated or significantly reduced' by 2019. The UN General Assembly believes that it is possible that world-wide drug demand can be eliminated by the year 2019. There is no bias or exaggeration in that statement, the General Assembly truly believe that by the year 2019 that they will be able to make it so that no person in a population of about six billion will want to use recreational drugs in their life-times. How can an organisation make that possible without the imprisonment and permanent mind-control of every human on the plant? I did not see anything in the UN's drug report about plans for comprehensive world-wide mind-control programmes that eliminate the possibility of free will for every human on the planet. Without a comprehensive free will elimination scheme how does the UN believe that the complete elimination of drug demand on the planet will be possible?

'Unless everybody becomes the guardian of keeping their environment clean from all kinds of drugs, the world will never be free from drug abuse and trafficking, UN officials and activists have agreed.'

It is good to see that UN officials agree on something that makes sense, as long as people want to use drugs in the world there will be drug abuse in the world, that sounds right.

'There are an estimated 3.8 million drug users in Indonesia, a 200,000 increase since 2008.'

It doesn't appear that a drug-free society will happen soon by looking at statistics like that but the UN believes that despite increases in the number of drug users in Indonesia they can make the number of drug users in Indonesia drop from 3.8 million to 0 by 2019 as well as also eliminating drug use everywhere else on the planet.

Are the average cannabis-hating drug-free society proponents unable to comprehend that creating a drug-free society is not only difficult and improbable but impossible?

Do anti-drug people not understand how destructive and harmful their ambitions are? Do anti-drug adults believe that a drug-free society is a positive and possible ambition for the children of the world? If a child believed that they would be able to make society drug-free if they contributed hard enough to the effort would they not end up angry and resentful if when they became a teenager they found out that despite all their hard work of telling their friends not to get hooked on cannabis that they were unable to change anything in society? Would this not be counter-productive to the goal of the creation of a drug-free society?

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#2 Posted : 7/15/2011 8:48:11 PM

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drug free society? sounds like a recipe for brain damage personally. Our brains thrive on "drugs" of all kinds..without them we would cease to function. People are just naive and riddled with deluded ideals is the thing. Psychoactivity is something people take for granted every day, every time they eat or drink something..

Ask any anti-drug person if they would like to ban chocolate, coffee..green tea..any food containing even natural sugars..what about tryptophan containing foods?..melatonin food sources...what about breads and dairy products containing addictive opiate peptides??..the anti-drug stance is rediculous.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 7/15/2011 8:53:39 PM

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Fortunately for me, I rarely underestimate how profoundly stupid people can be...

One of the surest certainties about humans: they will not stop taking "drugs."

Another certainty: Most or all such people who wish to "end drug use" are probably addicted users of caffeine--and they would take affront at a policy to end caffeine use.
#4 Posted : 7/15/2011 9:00:43 PM

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Sounds like the kind of dangerous organization that can only exist in the USA!

And lo and behold, with a little research, they're related to Scientology.
#5 Posted : 7/15/2011 9:59:22 PM

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[begins extracting all DMT and DMT producing organs in the body] This is the way to happines... [falls over dead]
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
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#6 Posted : 7/15/2011 10:38:32 PM

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Isn't the brain is the most sophisticated compound pharmacy on the planet? Guess we'd have to remove it to be on the same page as these guys...
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#7 Posted : 7/15/2011 10:44:12 PM


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I want a free drug society.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
corpus callosum
#8 Posted : 7/15/2011 11:12:48 PM

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Does this mean that they are going to make glue illegal?Wink Rolling eyes Rolling eyes Wut?

The desire in all human societies to alter ones consciousness through many different means, of which 'drugs' are but one, is innate and is impossible to quell.I really do think that if all 'illegal drugs' were somehow magically made to become "absent" from the planet, people would turn to other means.Such as glue!Very happy
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#9 Posted : 7/15/2011 11:53:03 PM

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corpus callosum wrote:
Does this mean that they are going to make glue illegal?Wink Rolling eyes Rolling eyes Wut?

The desire in all human societies to alter ones consciousness through many different means, of which 'drugs' are but one, is innate and is impossible to quell.I really do think that if all 'illegal drugs' were somehow magically made to become "absent" from the planet, people would turn to other means.Such as glue!Very happy

A big voice would boom 'Drugs are bad, m'kay' from the sky and all the drugs in the world would disappear, even glue. If there were no recreational drugs other behaviours would be given higher priorities and the world would be a freaky and scary place to live in, it would be like a non-stop orgy of obese people who when they're not having sex or attacking each other they would be playing video games. At least there would be no druggies though, I don't think drug-free society proponents understand what they're advocating, I think they think it would mean that no one would smoke cannabis any more and there would be no junkies and everything would be wonderful but there would be unintended consequences to creating a drug-free society, whether that would be large increases in depression rates caused by the non-existence of drugs or an increase in rape or some other consequence I can't say.
Infinite I
#10 Posted : 7/15/2011 11:54:25 PM


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I ordered 4 information packs from them a year or two ago, sent them to friends and family. I thought it would waste theyre resources but then your just wasting paper and energy so bad idea, theyre obviously idiots not worth the waste of time and energy, though the DVD is comedy cold, good for audio samples lol
#11 Posted : 7/16/2011 8:28:48 AM

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Isn't the brain is the most sophisticated compound pharmacy on the planet? Guess we'd have to remove it to be on the same page as these guys...

Cheers, a1pha.

I need to go light my MARBLE PIPE to comprehend how truly disturbing this is.

But you know, let's say for a minute that (my favorite theory about the world) humans are all, to some degree, brain-damaged because our diet does not provide optimal fuel, as far as the specifications of our brain is concerned (to what degree, we can all argue endlessly, but let's assume for one minute there is just a grain of truth in this. I'm not here to derail a thread with arguments or prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt, I'm just offering some food for thought (ha Pleased ).

This means two things: the human tendency toward drug abuse is likely a result of countless generations of less-than-optimal brain nutrition... meaning, we have been starved, by no fault of our own, for generations and generations. What if our brain evolved in a trippy forest of Eden that disappeared with a cyclical climate shift? There exists a very real compulsion to self-medicate. Maybe those tubers out in the savannah just didn't cut it, when your ancestors used to chow down on uber-figs the size of melons and a whole spectrum of flowers (sometimes full of insects!). And now we have, what, food dyes and vending machines? Confused Lots of pigmented fruit has weak MAOI activity... How many people are depressed these days?

And also, the human tendency toward control, domination, and fear, is likely a result of countless generations of less-than-optimal brain nutrition...

When I look at it this way, it seems imperative that I need to A) work on myself as much as possible and B) sincerely take into consideration the environment in which I raise my children, because the problem that seeks control, e.g., creates prohibition (mental illness, structural brain damage)... is HEALED with drugs!

There are those who would ban your herbs along with a lot of organic foods, etc., in a heartbeat, had they enough despotic power. Foods are drugs. Those idiots drawing up Codex Alimentarius are no different than those idiots in Australia who want to make Acacia trees illegal, and I daresay they are very similarly flawed.

I have a friend who said that if you really want to see how much something threatens a power structure, simply look at the legislation.

It's like this inner self-feeding demon, an ego that has gone out of control, inventing paranoid fears and lies, denial and delusion, using every trick up its sleeve to prevent anything that might dissolve its self-generating terror into bliss, because it is damaged to the point where it can't even recognize what's good for it anymore...

Just something to consider... I mean, if you look inside your mind, if you really look hard enough, do you find anything remotely similar inside? I drink Ayahuasca religiously because I feel like it puts a muzzle/sends to puppy school that part of me.

I think this condition is much more pronounced in politicians, generally, and, well, places of power... The more you seek to control, the more out of control you have to be on the inside, grasping at straws... when really, we are all connected, and everything is actually okay. Very happy

So, you know, maybe the frantic need to use drugs, along with the frantic need to ban them, are really just two giant indicators that we are all slightly out of balance, to some degree, and should work at addressing that balance. I don't mean some kind of halfway-compromise between both extremes: I mean it's time to look at everything in the world and determine what constants need to be in place to ensure human mental health in all spheres of life... Isn't that what spice teaches? Isn't that ultimately what we all really need?

Sanity includes lots of things like real food, grass, and trees... What does sanity look like to you?
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#12 Posted : 7/16/2011 7:43:13 PM

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Seraph wrote:

Do anti-drug people not understand how destructive and harmful their ambitions are? Do anti-drug adults believe that a drug-free society is a positive and possible ambition for the children of the world? If a child believed that they would be able to make society drug-free if they contributed hard enough to the effort would they not end up angry and resentful if when they became a teenager they found out that despite all their hard work of telling their friends not to get hooked on cannabis that they were unable to change anything in society? Would this not be counter-productive to the goal of the creation of a drug-free society?

Don't forget about all the kids who spend all their effort in telling their friends "just say no" and everything like that, only to try cannabis in their teenage years and wonder, "why in the world was I ever telling people that?"

Ewok wrote:
I want a free drug society

Amen Very happy
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#13 Posted : 7/17/2011 7:31:08 PM

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Has the UN thought about what do to with Big Pharma in their plans for a drug-free society? Wink

Mass psychosis in US
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#14 Posted : 7/17/2011 7:33:48 PM

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I dont think the words "thinking" and "UN" go together too well.
Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 7/17/2011 7:35:25 PM
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Personally, i prefer the grammatically accurate "dragged". I am SO sick of hearing neanderthals grunting things like "we shot the pig then drug him to the pickup truck". Count me in for the "drug" free society

seriously though, doesn't it depend on what "drugs" are? We were a drug free society back when they were still plants and herbs and suchlike.
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