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Share original ideas you have brought back from your consciousness exploration Options
#1 Posted : 7/11/2011 12:43:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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My notion of what the psychedelic experience is, for that we each must become like fishermen and go out on to the dark ocean of mind, let your nets down into that sea, and what you are after is not some bahima that will tear through your nets follow them and drag you and your little boat into this abyss; Nor are what we are looking for, a bunch of Sardines that can slip through your nets and disappear.

Ideas like, "have you ever noticed that your little finger exactly fits your nostrils?" What we are looking for are the middle sized ideas that are not so small that they are trivial and not so large that they are incomprehensible. But middle sized ideas that we can wrestle into our boat and take back to the folks on shore and have fish dinner.

For everyone of us who go into psychedelic state this is what we should be looking for. It is not for your elucidation. Its not part of your self directed psychotherapy. You are an explorer and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crises because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree anyone of us can bring back a small piece of a picture and contribute it to the building of a new paradigm then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit. That after all is what its really is all about.

-Terence McKenna

Don't be self-conscious, post anything you deem interesting or perhaps events you don't fully grasp. Lets all make an effort to be open minded with eachother.

What new ideas have you or someone you know come across during psychedelic or non-ordinary states of consciousness.

To get the ball rolling, I had this idea on acid the other night, that because the sensory part of the brain, especially for the hands, feet, mouth and tongue are quite large in comparison to the rest of the body, perhaps pressure points in these areas can be used to recall events, memories, psychological states, by (re)programming them to a point by pressing on it and using that thought. -- haven't explored it any further.

I have had a number, but my brain is failing me. As I remember more of them I'll post again.

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 7/11/2011 4:41:37 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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some of my recent experiences, especially with acid, made me wonder about perception or particularly perceptiveness of inter-subjective spaces or other persons and whether this goes far beyond what we believe it does. It wasn't entirely clear to me at the moment, but I could feel things that did not result from the use of my regular senses, but perhaps from a combination of subtle input from all of the conventional/known senses. And these feelings turned out to be valid/true.

This is not an entirely novel idea, I actually know of a group in my country that does work along these lines, but I never really understood the potential magnitude of these sensations and the impact that they can have on us, especially if they are not properly understood. My goal is to investigate this further in all human-human interactions I perform from now on and see if I can train this type of perception and sensitivity.

Another idea I got from pharma - or rather it was not an idea but a transmission of information about a spiritual technique called "inner gardening", in which you construct a garden of your soul within yourself and tend it, cultivating thoughts and emotions and essences of your being there, weeding out those that are detrimental, supporting and taking care of those that are beneficial to the whole garden... I have not pursued this technique further but I really liked the idea, especially while I was still growing mushrooms. It felt very natural and like a good way to position yourself in a healthy way, with mindful self-reflection, though without necessarily working through everything literally. More symbolically - which I guess is a language some parts of the brain speak.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#3 Posted : 7/12/2011 6:50:20 AM

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A thread of collective knowledge & wisdom that psychedelics helped others bestow upon themselves? I'm O.K. with this. Smile

Humans are naturally curious and we will endlessly try to organize and understand the world around us; The human brain does have limitations on understanding and there are some things about the universe which are indeed impossible for us to even answer, let alone construct a philosophical question about; philosophy exists to help pursue answers, and in itself exists because spoken language is inaccurate in its descriptions, filled with contradictions, conflicts and paradoxes; in the end all this does for humans is create more problems the more we try to understand things. This makes me feel as if the process of human thought resembles a fractal.

We can keep going and going, thinking and thinking and exploring, but with every single new-found answer, two new questions appear.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#4 Posted : 7/12/2011 7:03:59 AM

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On a really strong shroom experience it occurred to me that everything on this earth is just so utterly arbitrary. I was thinking about fish for some reason. Thinking: I bet that there's no fish on other planets. Probably some sea creatures but they probably look different. Fish are totally arbitrary. I thought this about everything around me (in the woods by a lake.) The trees, my truck, my guitar, my body. Sure it all works but it's all thrown together by random historical accident. Utterly arbitrary and strange. I bet there's none of these things on other planets. These shapes just kinda worked early on and got locked in so now we're stuck with them.

I could just have easily driven my sucktopod to the lake to catch propellercreatures and play my grundug. Probably someone does this on nice weekends in some other part of the cosmos. They would think fish looked impossible strange.

#5 Posted : 7/12/2011 8:55:28 AM

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Another one that occurred to me in a series of visions:
This idea is nothing new, however I will still share.
I think most of us have had that feeling of connectedness or quantum entanglement with the whole universe on psychedelix. My first vision was on ayahuasca, where I was able to zoom into molecules and atoms, this thought then occured to me that perhaps the reason we can't measure where electrons are is because, like gravity, it exists on a multidimensional level, I had the feeling that there was in reality only 1 electron being shared among all the particles in the universe, outside of timespace.
The next vision was similar, but on pure dmt: after I VG'd down a big bowl that i was sure would smash my mind in, i was surprised to find that nothing had changed, everything in the room seemed normal. After a few seconds I turned around in my chair and behind me was this big orb, the size of my torso. It seemed to be sitting on the ground. When i had a closer look i realised that in the centre there was a 'singularity point' with these really tiny lines coming off it. It gave me a fright at first because I'd never seen entities in this dimension before this. I tried to look away, but the orb kept jumping right infront of my field of view. Untill i got over the fear and stared straight at it. It seemed to last for 5mins, then i decided to touch it. As soon as i touched it i got this massive shock through my body, from the finger i touched it with the skin was vibrating visably, really fast. The vibrations moved up my arm untill it covered my head then everything around me vibrated, the molecules seemed to shatter and this 'quantum superstring' became visible, when i realised that "its all the one thing" my arm was connected to the desk and the rest of the room and the rest of the world.
I brushed these experiences off for a long time before I started to consider them further.

Next time I'll ask for permission before I touch orbs @.o
#6 Posted : 7/12/2011 9:22:41 AM

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Once on a strong 2c-e trip I got the sensation that I had somehow tapped into the collective unconscious. For a brief moment it felt as though someone else's thoughts were flowing through my mind. I had memories that were completely unfamiliar to me and even felt as though I was no longer myself. It was quite strange, for that minute or two I would look at my hands and they appeared as though they were not my own.
This has happened to me a few times on 2c-e and has led me to believe that there is some degree of shared consciousness between us all. What the implications of this are I don't quite know but it was certainly an interesting experience.

More recently on a moderate does of mushrooms I had started thinking about human relationships and what it is that binds certain individuals together. I then had a vision of a flowing web of energy the connects us to those we are familiar with.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
Like a blue lotus floating on the sea of love.
Lingering in ashantic realms
Lingering in the akashic realms
Lingering in, lingering in the realms.
Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
Some laugh, some weep, some dance for joy.
My mind craves nectar day and night.
#7 Posted : 7/13/2011 3:55:07 AM

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I have had an experience where I was completely deconstructed and allowed to fully integrate with the universal grid. I then reconstructed back into my current conscious state.

The original idea that I brought back which was the meaning of life is right in front of you at all times, in *this* current moment. Another eyedea that I was presented with is that we do have purpose and we should work to fulfill our purpose. Pure Light, Hyperspace, Drums, Blessings
Thanks and Praises, Love and Gratitude, Peace and Unity, Hemp Seed & Honey
#8 Posted : 7/13/2011 12:30:44 PM

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Sorry to break it to you guys, but nothing any of you have said is truly an original idea. The concepts and ideas talked about have all been around, and others having been exploring and analyzing everything everyone has said so far.

Maybe the idea isnt so much having a totally brand new idea or theory of things for the world itself, which I felt the originator of this post seemed to want us to try and concieve.

But that these ideas are new and original to oneself. Like
The original idea that I brought back which was the meaning of life is right in front of you at all times, in *this* current moment.

This is not an original idea, to live for the here and live for the now is an age old practice. So although this may be an original idea to the person experiencing it, it is not a world changing never heard of thought.

But I think that what is important in our voyages. To come back with a new concept, or new way of thinking that never occurred or resonated with YOU before. Sure to live in this current moment is a way of life for me for many years, this is a new and original concept to someone. As is that we are all connected, all one consciousness, that I look at you and see me, ideas and concepts and truths I have lived with forever, but some are just coming to grips with. And good for you.

I remember coming up with all sorts of new ideas, and then reading them in a buddhist text, or somewhere else. And always and still does amazes me that a boy with a Lutheran background could come up with such ideas by myself that so closely resembled those in the holy books for which I had never known. This secured my faith in the one true source, and my faith in psychedelics as a valuable tool in discovering and exploring ones own consciousness and the collective as well.


P.S. Here is my original idea, that I am the of a supreme birth, and when the constellations align in 2012 giving me enough energy to propel the full being unto me, I will awaken as the one true God on this Earth. Hows that for original.........................................Shocked
Remember, if the women dont find you handsome.....they might as well find you handy.
#9 Posted : 7/13/2011 1:30:20 PM

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This is not new, but something I have been contemplating. Hyperspace seems to be an internal world at the seat of the soul where biological brain function meets several higher scientific arrangements geometrically. The patterns geometrical and organic we experience are reflections of how life situates itself on a micro / macro level. From this organic biological experiment we perform upon ourselves we witness the fabric of arrangement within our physical being, as much our psyche interwoven through a newly revealed subconscious psychological veil lifted combined with the psychedelic direct experience varied upon our intent, ability to let go, and possible evolve the relational organizational systems we internally take for granted day to day. If traumatic life or death events in our lives have a genetic memory that is passed down, and if releases of DMT in our brain are some sort of "importance" marker, than we are as much partaking in an experiment for evolution as we are self advancement. I see the realms we exist within multidimensional from standpoint of observer and observed when quantifying consciousness in altered states as representational of entire being, while still lacking the objective ability to differentiate internal experience as physiological altercation biochemically, or as personal proof of higher dimensional beings that exist purely as intelligent disembodied form, the abstraction from this (a drug that causes us to feel profound meaning) is as difficult as splitting an atom while being the atom being split (paradox) if one is to not purely detach while being a seed of white light consciousness through experience of this. It stands to reason that integration would be an interesting thing to achieve enough times to the point to where one could withstand such experience (DMT) without the need to integrate afterwards (simply by the understanding of both places simultaneously.

Just my passing thoughts for the day.
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
#10 Posted : 7/14/2011 11:23:11 AM

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during a few sub breakthroughs around a certain time period i met this one entity a few times. he seemed to be a part of my intelligence. he was a part of my personality. i saw him when i was watching elves juggle bowling pins, and judging them, making assumptions when i turned my head around to look over my shoulder (in hyperspace) and noticed this "JOKER" directly behind/inside my head implanting thoughts into my subconscious. ever since then Ive met him on occasion and have come to realize (and since realizing have changed immensely)that we all must have this JOKER within us, we can all be pricks, we can all make "not funny" jokes. but its this ability to look beyond the norm and try things outside our boundaries (even if we have no idea what will result) which inspires creativity and can accelerate our progression of thoughts quickest. and alot of "it" is about time, we only get so much of it.

Edit: seems a bit random without explaining the joker.
the joker seemed to be the cause of all my problems at one point. id blame him for things that i had done in the past that hadn't ended well (when it was really my reaction to their reactions which was fucked). i wanted him to stop altering me. i just had enough of him. he was an enigmatic asshole. but then i made sense of it, he was only there for inspiration and creativity. whatever he is, hes a genius and you just have to learn to love him and he'll love you back. it really, really has alot to do with self-respect. and being honest to everyone including yourself (not becoming contradicted in multiple cases of the same concept).
Sir Terrence McKenna: "and what is real: is you, and your friends, and your associations, your highs, your orgasms your hopes your plans your fears... and were told. no. we're unimportant, we're peripherial. get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that. and then your a player, (but) you dont even want to play that game? (well) you want to re-claim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers: who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash thats being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. ¿where is that at?"

"But now technology throws a curve. and the curve is that we live so long, that we figure out what a scam this is. we figure out that what your supposed to work for isn't worth having, we figure out that our politicians are buffoons, we figure out that professional scientists are reputation building gravitating weasels. we discover that all organizations are corrupted by ambition. we figure. it. out... and as you come to see that you are alienated you realise that culture is not your friend."
EquaL Observer
#11 Posted : 7/14/2011 7:59:23 PM


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First, great thread!

unclesyd wrote:

P.S. Here is my original idea, that I am the of a supreme birth, and when the constellations align in 2012 giving me enough energy to propel the full being unto me, I will awaken as the one true God on this Earth. Hows that for original.........................................Shocked

Glad I'm not the only one to have had messiah moments. These are more fantasy than tangible idea... though there's been a few of them

On Hawaiian baby woodrose I made a small stone or crystal by grating a banana between my teeth... a part of the crystal touched my table and turned into a red plasticy layer. I managed to smoke some and got tryptamine-like visuals from it. My idea was that the vitamin B and potassium somehow reacts with the strange tasting saliva that is formed in the mouth on HBWR... and the popular cultural image of the monkey and the banana was some foreboding of my rediscovery of this novel use of the human body... and something about humans really evolving in India through eating fruit with psychedelics..

After some more HBWR experiences, I've realised that delirium can occur, usually by result of excitement (read report of a guy who thought he lifted some massive unmovable stone).

Another one I've had is that our universe is a loop. At the end of history we manage to hack space/time and become hyper-dimensional gods for some time. After a while, unlimited potential, infinite life, being an ethereal spirit etc - becomes dull, boring, glutinous and ends up creating more despair. We realise the perfection of our earlier humanity. As we recreate the start of the universe to add restriction, direction and mystery back to being human, for a mere moment we realise the answer to the question that plagued us all along, how did the universe begin? We created the universe at the end of time, duhh

Your depth is your integrity
#12 Posted : 7/14/2011 9:43:59 PM

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Many things, but the one that has been coming through loud and clear the past 6-12 months is basically something like: It was my personal fantasy/hallucination when I believed DMT was about mysteries and secrets. Secret knowledge, mysterious realms, being part of a class of folks that is higher and priveledged in this way.

What I keep getting slammed with (in a mainly positive way) is (I stress this is personal): No, that's not true. I know DMT exists endogenously throughout all levels of nature. I know that ego death and mystical and shamanic experience is potentially accessible to everyone, and definately members of all cultures and beliefs. My trip is my trip. Everyone has their own personal trip. Everyone must find their own way. Keeping this in mind, love and support can be offered.

I am not special (and yet I am part of the Entangled All-One, he he). I do not stand out in a crowd. I'm looking at people and wondering a lot more about them than they are looking at or wondering about me. I am not going to change or save the world. I cannot.

What a relief.

I revel in my annonymity with accompanying freedom of thought and a great deal of freedom of action. I can make a difference in individual lives. Doing the right thing at the right time. Being ready to make a personal sacrifice if it's the right thing to do and the opportunity presents itself. Being willing to volunteer and step up. Being willing to stand aside and let someone else do so.

Keeping it relatively Simple.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#13 Posted : 7/15/2011 1:42:50 AM

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Sometimes after my trips while coming down I write down some of my ramblings. The following was something I wrote a long time ago.

MetaXIII wrote:
Consciousness + 100% Awareness = Enlightenment

All living beings are conscious, but that doesn't mean they are aware. Consciousness is like a light switch either it's on or off. Awareness on the other hand is more like a sound controller. It can go all the way from 0 to 100 and anywhere in between.

Being conscious means you can perceive all the physical things within the spectrum of your senses. Being aware means able to perceive non-physical things. Non-physical things like love, hate, fear, sadness, happiness, but not just your own but also that of other people as if it was your own.

This ability of being aware is not universal in a sense that if you are clearly aware that your loved one is feeling a little sad that you will be able to tell if the person you just passed by on the street is also feeling sad. While this is not impossible at some point of your life for a little bit, it is impossible and impractical to be in-tune to the feelings of all the people of the world all the time.

To be aware of the fact that a total stranger may require help requires strength of character to perceive their weakness. To do something about it requires even more strength. Because you think to yourself about all the possible consequence of what could happen. Could that person lash out at you, or feel embarrassed because there are other passerbys, or will he feel scared of you, what he will think we can't know. So it would require great strength, compassion and understanding on your part to offer a helping hand rather than pretending you didn't see anything. That's why I believe all people want to help it's just that not all are strong enough to offer.

It's even harder when it's with people you know. Because there are set patterns we fall into. So to break the pattern and offer help when never before have you offered it seems scary.

Enlightenment is impossible with an ego so I chose selective ignorance. - MetaXIII

The void is not empty. It has you in it. - MetaXIII

Most of it is just personal ramblings, but sometimes it manages to spark some new thought or an idea within me. Maybe it can do the same for someone here.

Best wishes,

Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. - Bokonon

To fathom Hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic. - Humphry Osmond in a poetic exchange with Aldous Huxley
#14 Posted : 7/15/2011 9:23:30 PM
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I believe I have come to the end of my search for answers.

I can no longer stop and enjoy hyperspace. The last two times I have done a tryptamine (pharma once, then the other time, only about 2g of shrooms), I have had awful apotheosis experiences--I became God.

The funny thing is, most people can't imagine that being God is a bad thing. But it's awful! If you think of it, God is nothing more than the sum of all consciousness experienced at once. Imagine your mind filled with infinite disjointed personalities who don't even necessarily like each other!

The message was that everything is paradox. The thought loop caused by paradox is what caused the big bang (or something like that). The only solution to paradox is love, since love is the only force outside of the yin/yang circle. Love binds yin to yang, thus allowing God to feel sane. So, as God, we decided that we had to enter our own mind, so that, via subjective experience of each personality (fraction of our consciousness), we could unite all of the dissonance via love.

SUMMARY: Find those who are the hardest to love and who are apparently unable to love, and do everything in your power to love them and get them to realize that they can love you and everyone else. Iboga can help with this, as Iboga super-sensitizes us to love.

Killing those who spread hate will not help, because their fraction of consciousness will learn nothing from that (nor will you); they will be reborn and the cycle will continue.

P.S. The interesting thing is that I feel I have come to all of this step by step with each trip I've taken. Of course we've all heard about "love thy enemy" --but it simply is not explained in the bible why we should love our enemies, so it is hard to take seriously until you become God.
#15 Posted : 7/17/2011 6:55:10 PM

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After some explorations with freebase DMT I've noticed some "ideas" that have arised:
One "summons" his/her own higher self or the oversoul/spirit/essence through the use of DMT. The matter that there are all sorts of beings, such as jesters and others is a puzzling matter(if they are part of you or not),, whether or not these beings are parts of your own spirit I don't know, but for sure they have alot to teach us.
However, one matter that makes me think they are part of my spirit is this:
When I play certain kind of music, it attracts certain kind of entities, that is: When I played song "brooklyn heights" by "down to the bone", it attracted a PARTY to my room, all sort of "cool guys and gals", which is actually corresponding to the style of the music. On another occasion I was listening to a song with a more happy sound, and it attracted a family of beekeepers! And it made my mood so happy that it was hilarious and I had to laugh. This is just couple examples.
Sometimes the music fades out as the carrier wave's sound overcomes it(or just the experience's strenght distracts from the music), but usually even if I'm way beyond I still can hear the music(30-40mg dose).

One interesting matter is by the first "flash" that you can see, you can see what sort of experience is coming up. For me it's usually a "coded" ball that can manifest also as a bee, for example(the beekeepers). Often the whole hyperspace is filled with the "code" of the ball/spirit, which can manifest into anything. I feel like this "ball/rounded energy" code has an important factor in these experiences. This ball's energy is usually changing constantly, but it kind of reminds me of chinese "longevity" symbol(see attached image)

Another thing that makes me think that there entities are separate from our soul is the matter that on two occasions, the entities came to mess around into my room and making loud SNAPPING noises with my poster, a sort of message that "we are really here in your room", and actually I can see them with my open eyes.

These are just some thoughts I've come across, but I'm sure answers will come as time passes. I can say so far DMT has changed my life and strenghtened my core/spirit, and I'm deeply grateful for this. No wonder it's illegal, it's just too much information for most people.
#16 Posted : 7/24/2011 8:53:33 AM


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My last breakthrough brought me to a high tech civilization.

They told me that they live in my cells and that each and every one of my bodies cells powers another civilization or universe. Frigging weird idea that my bodies cells have enough power to maintain universes but that's what they say

Anyone else also had this notion?

i can hardly believe it myself
blessed be all forms of intelligence
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