DMTer wrote:SWIM has about .7 g's of DMT and he just tried smoking it today out of a lightbulb vaporizer. SWIM crudely measured out about 40mg for his first dose. The DMT turned to liquid in the lightbulb, SWIM allowed the lightbulb to fill with smoke then SWIM would let off the lighter and clear it. SWIM got some pretty massive clouds. his pupils dialated. he felt a little unsteady standing and everything looked a little weird. The walls seemed to move a little bit, and stuff looked kinda weird, but that was all. SWIM did not hallucinate like people say you do, nor did he feel so disoriented that he fell or dropped the piece. Is SWIM doing something wrong? SWIM was thinking that maybe the DMT is being heated too much and thus the molecules are being destroyed. Any one have any related experiences? SWIM extracted the DMT himself and is sure it is DMT. It looks like the pictures, But SWIM probably got about 5-10 hits off of 40mg. Basically, SWIM wants to be sure that it is his smoking method that is causing this to not work well.
This is exactly what happened to SWIM until about half an hour ago.
He is/was new to all of this and so thought it would be a good idea to buy a vapourising pipe. The Eagle bill vapouriser to be precise. With this he only got effects as you described above. So then he decided to make a lightbulb vaporiser. Again, only similar effects as described above.
He decided that things with big bowls, like lightbulbs arent ideal, coz when the liquid heats up, it creeps up the side of the bowl and you dont vaporise it all and hence only get threshold effects.
So SWIM thought, hed make a good old fashioned bong, out of a small plastic bottle and a pen as the mouth piece. Put foil on the openeing. He used cigarette ash as the carrying medium and did a ash, spice, ash sandwhich. (the ash really helps with takinvthat horrible taste away too). With this method there is nowhere for the liquid to creep.
All he could say is oh my fuckin goodness. Im about to write a report about it in the experience section, but i dont know how because it is so hard to fuckin explain. It is quite literally beyond words.
Anys, good luck with your technique. If you have no luck, i strongly recomend you just fashion a simple bong like swim did. Its cheap and effective
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