I always wanted to go there, but never have. I heard they needed to be cleaned up because people made a mess of the place. How much of a hike is it?
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.