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Could DMT turn Republicans to liberals/radicals? Options
#101 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:39:34 AM
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You did not answer my question...

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#102 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:40:51 AM

analytical chemist

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i remember it being....surreal, not real. not my reality.
did I love it? define love.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#103 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:42:15 AM
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Wow. That's interesting. For me, and I think for most, it is more real than this reality, at least while we're there. I'm not going to define love, but I assume if it did not feel real to you, then you would not have enjoyed it much.

Just to be clear--we are speaking of the divine source, where our souls are from, right? Or what did you experience?
#104 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:44:01 AM

analytical chemist

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I both enjoyed and loathed it; but I never thought, "gee...i want to forfeit myself to some cult mindset, where we all have one consciousness." I was never willing to live in a perpetual "trip".

I felt 'something else', and figured it was a mind construct. that is what I observed.
I observe...energy, and various forms of it.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#105 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:46:54 AM
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Well, that is interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience. I will be more careful with my assumptions.
#106 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:51:41 AM

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no problems, sry for the stern words.
I am a realist, an individual.. and I'm very wary of collective thought processes, particularly under the influence of megalomaniacs like harold camping. groupthink can be very dangerous, charles manson exploited this, so did jim jones.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#107 Posted : 7/7/2011 2:14:24 AM
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I'm not arguing for random groupthink, but rather love. I've been shown that love is the answer to every question. If that doesn't sound right, you're asking the wrong question! Smile

If the groupthink is "let's spread love" then that's my kind of groupthink. If it's "let's be some weird insular cult" then that's not for me either.

Anyway, I guess you get out of these psychedelics whatever you want to (subconsciously). I wanted the message that we are one and love is the answer, and that's what I got!
#108 Posted : 7/7/2011 2:42:09 AM

analytical chemist

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I have different questions, which love doesn't answer. I have to apply a method to answer them.

that method can produce psychedelics, i supposed that's inspired by love;
but love doesn't really answer anything for me, it's more of an understanding.

funny thing...when I first started doing psychedelics, i actually favored the republican party.
after watching neoconservatives making a mockery of conservativism, i swayed left. psychs had nothing to do with it, paying attention to what was going on did. reality is sobering.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
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