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cancer curiousity Options
#1 Posted : 7/6/2011 2:23:01 PM


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Working in healthcare primarily around cancer treatment i am very interested in all kinds of effective treatments forms

Does anyone here know about a high quality forum where both alternative and school medicine treatments are discussed openly?

so far all forums i found reject one or the other just propagating one or a few solutions while not really listing all the advantages and disadvantages of these

wonder if there even is a place where ALL treatments are discussed openly to identify what is best for which for of cancer, kind of open source research i would say

glad for any help here

blessed be all forms of intelligence

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 7/6/2011 6:38:21 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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I guess you'll have to define what you mean with "treatment". Certainly, both traditional and western medicine treatments are focused on many aspects of cancer, from cure (i.e. total alleviation of cancers/tumors etc) to treatments that slow the severity/progression of cancer to side-treatments for the alleviation of cancer symptoms.

The most effective all-around treatment of cancers thus far is an acute treatment, i.e. their surgical removal, which is traditional too. When it comes to conservative treatments (like medication) there isn't a single traditional remedy nor a single modern-day drug that can completely eradicate cancer, at least to my knowledge.

The complexity of cancer with its many triggers and its many forms are mainly responsible for the toughness of the problem. and I don't think you'll find much truth in forums. This is the best and most authoritative place to query for both traditional and modern approaches to cancer treatment.

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#3 Posted : 7/6/2011 6:50:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The idea of alternative medicine is: Our body heals itself and it can cure almost any desease!

You just need to supply following circumstances:
clean water
fruit and vegetables
in case of cancer: apricot cores and selen-containing nuts combined with grapefruit juice and others.

+raw foods are part of the treatment.
Read this for example
article on raw food

amazon has some good books about that topic.
If I may do some advertisment: In germany we have a shop: www.topfruits.de - they help you deciding the right food for your treatment
legally and ethically responsible, i guarantee

Kind regards

elusive illusion
#4 Posted : 7/6/2011 7:03:55 PM

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bindu wrote:
Working in healthcare primarily around cancer treatment i am very interested in all kinds of effective treatments forms

Does anyone here know about a high quality forum where both alternative and school medicine treatments are discussed openly?

so far all forums i found reject one or the other just propagating one or a few solutions while not really listing all the advantages and disadvantages of these

wonder if there even is a place where ALL treatments are discussed openly to identify what is best for which for of cancer, kind of open source research i would say

glad for any help here

There is an interesting amine called Cycloplamine that causes the birth defect Cyclopia. (The photo of that, I believe comes from this collection of oddities from the St. Petersberg Anthropology & Ethnography museum, which is pretty interesting if you ever go to St. Petersburg). They found it after a bunch of sheep gave birth to one eyed lambs. Pretty unlucky.

Anyway it modulates the start/stop growth hormones or something by suppressing the hedgehog gene with enables cells to react to external chemical signals. More intelligent people than myself believe they can utilize this, I assume, by targeting cancer cells and telling them to stop growing.

Sounds pretty interesting to me!

#5 Posted : 7/6/2011 10:21:00 PM

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Ayahuasca has also been used to successfully cure Cancer. I think that if one has the ability to try it when one has Cancer, that they should.

-The whole diet, purge, visuals, ceremony could be a great way to provide a framework of positive living in order to allow the body to cure Cancer without the regular drugs normally used.etc.:idea:
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#6 Posted : 7/6/2011 10:44:52 PM

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Spontaneous remissions happen in some cancer cases, and is often preceded by some important life change (sudden change in eating habbits, attitude in life, etc). It has happened with people that have taken ayahuasca, but also in other unrelated cases. Statistical significance and real evidence is null at this point. To say ayahuasca CURED cancer is a speculation, and we cannot in this forum claim speculation as fact. Also specially considering depending on how people interpret the words we use, if it isnt explicitly clarified to be a speculation/possibility/supposition, and refuse normal treatment in place of ayahuasca, it can lead to serious problems. And we do not want to be responsible for someone having health problems because they refused other treatment and followed some ayahuasca cancer-curing plan written by some Nexus member.

While this wasnt written about cancer but rather initially for mental sickness, the content of this thread is very relevant to the present discussion:


If people want to make complementary treatments using ayahuasca, general improvement in health, etc, I think thats great, but to say ayahuasca cures cancer and that people should go for that instead of/without regular treatment, is against our guidelines and general good sense.
#7 Posted : 7/6/2011 10:46:25 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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christian wrote:
Ayahuasca has also been used to successfully cure Cancer. I think that if one has the ability to try it when one has Cancer, that they should.

-The whole diet, purge, visuals, ceremony could be a great way to provide a framework of positive living in order to allow the body to cure Cancer without the regular drugs normally used.etc.:idea:

This is total and unbridled BS.

Ayahuasca does not really cure cancer. It may help with aspects of cancer like the psychological one. Your claim is both an unfounded and dangerous one.

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#8 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:22:19 AM

Sun Dragon

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Check out this movie about a doctor that has found a method that has ZERO side effects and has a success rate far far greater than Chemo/Radiation. He's cured inoperable cancer in patients, and all done in FDA funded trials...facinating look at what is possible and is being kept from the public as it does not meet with the pharmaceutical companies profit motives...

What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#9 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:47:38 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Saidin wrote:
Check out this movie about a doctor that has found a method that has ZERO side effects and has a success rate far far greater than Chemo/Radiation. He's cured inoperable cancer in patients, and all done in FDA funded trials...facinating look at what is possible and is being kept from the public as it does not meet with the pharmaceutical companies profit motives...


Nah, that's a fraudster

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#10 Posted : 7/7/2011 2:05:24 AM

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Infundibulum wrote:
Saidin wrote:
Check out this movie about a doctor that has found a method that has ZERO side effects and has a success rate far far greater than Chemo/Radiation. He's cured inoperable cancer in patients, and all done in FDA funded trials...facinating look at what is possible and is being kept from the public as it does not meet with the pharmaceutical companies profit motives...


Nah, that's a fraudster

Do you have any links to back that up?

I'm aware my cycloplamine example leads to a Sonic Hedgehog thing on wikipedia (though I think I was more drawn to the cyclops sheep than anything) which makes me dubious of that, though I can imagine someone finding it funny. I realized this year that people will do awful things to get what they want, and cancer and its treatment and "treatment" must be a gold mine for some for people. Seems like one of those pivotal things where all that makes people human will show itself.
#11 Posted : 7/7/2011 2:56:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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It's not necessary to think about these things. All such claims are likely frauds. If they are NOT frauds you don't need to worry about investigating, because if they really WORK then word will get out faster than you might imagine. That calculus is based on 1) The desperation of ZILLIONS of people fighting for their lives against cancer, 2) The power of word of mouth that would snowball when something REALLY AND TRULY works! As I recall, Burzynski has been pedaling his crap for DECADES now--if there was anything to it, believe me, PEOPLE WOULD KNOW.
#12 Posted : 7/7/2011 7:00:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Anyway, the OP was looking for a place to discuss as many different approaches as possible. Everyone here is extremely diverse, from personalities to experiences, which makes this forum such an interesting wealth of knowledge. But if everyone could please keep in mind the original question is coming from a place of concern, so it may be most helpful if we all kindly remember the importance of constructive disagreement... Smile

I personally am a huge advocate of diet, as I have met many others who have gone into complete remission from adapting various styles of a raw food diet (especially green juicing)... and chemotherapy (not cancer) killed my mother... (slight bias on my end, perhaps)

BUT, it is also true that even people with amazing diets can still get sick from other environmental or psychological factors. Cancer can be the end result of years of complex interactions, and people and situations are all to uniquely complex to say something like that could just be made better with one single "cure."

A friend of mine started brewing Ayahuasca to share with her mother that had been diagnosed with cancer. It is still too soon to say how the symptoms are progressing, but it has helped immensely with her psychological/spiritual situation. The first time she drank, she said she felt a tree growing inside her...

I've heard great things about Gerson therapy, too, might be something to check out. Essiac, chaga mushrooms, raw food and sprouts...
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
corpus callosum
#13 Posted : 7/7/2011 8:19:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think Infundibulum has it right here; the term 'cancer' refers to such an heterogeneous range of pathologies and there never will be a single modality of treatment that will cover them all.IMO, the way forward will relate to a large degree on identifying and if possible excising the aberrant genes which are causative but it remains to be seen if this alone will be sufficient.Theres alot of DNA which is commonly regarded as 'junk'-only because we thus far have no clue as to its function, if any- and I suspect that as our knowledge base expands, it may well be the case that this junk DNA does have some purpose as a function of its interaction with non-junk DNA.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#14 Posted : 7/7/2011 1:02:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Infundibulum wrote:
christian wrote:
Ayahuasca has also been used to successfully cure Cancer. I think that if one has the ability to try it when one has Cancer, that they should.

-The whole diet, purge, visuals, ceremony could be a great way to provide a framework of positive living in order to allow the body to cure Cancer without the regular drugs normally used.etc.:idea:

This is total and unbridled BS.

Ayahuasca does not really cure cancer. It may help with aspects of cancer like the psychological one. Your claim is both an unfounded and dangerous one.

- I would not be so quick to call this BS. Ayahuasca works by helping people sort themselves out in a great many ways that are in tune with the individual, and help retune one to their original true selves . Therefore it is helpful.

-In essence Cancer is an Illness caused by a a problem that has beed left to manifest itself. Not always, but mostly due to a unhealthy lifestyle. Ayahuasca can help show people what is wrong, wheras normally their egos wouldn't allow it. This itself is useful for making a positive change. Maybe the Ayahuasca can tell you how to treat your cancer yourself, if you have it , etc.

-Having said this, if it's too established and incurable...there's no harm in trying it, i mean what is there to lose???:idea:

-I go along with "manic minx", what she's saying seems to be the most enlightening. To me anyhow.Cool
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#15 Posted : 7/7/2011 11:19:20 PM

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kyrolima wrote:
The idea of alternative medicine is: Our body heals itself and it can cure almost any desease!

You just need to supply following circumstances:
clean water
fruit and vegetables
in case of cancer: apricot cores and selen-containing nuts combined with grapefruit juice and others.

+raw foods are part of the treatment.
Read this for example
article on raw food

amazon has some good books about that topic.
If I may do some advertisment: In germany we have a shop: www.topfruits.de - they help you deciding the right food for your treatment
legally and ethically responsible, i guarantee

Kind regards


^This is spot on. I would like to add a diet rich in Omega Fatty Acids (Hemp Seed, Fish, Chia Seed) will help your bodies Endocannabinoidal System to regulate your bodies natural defenses to cancers/inflammation. Phytocannabinoids which reside in the resins of the cannabis plant also can help homeostatically regulate your bodies cannabinoid system. Sunlight, Raw Food, Clean Water, Exercise, Laughter, Music, Art, Grounding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7Qv8wmAlpc < 5 Part series worth watching.
Thanks and Praises, Love and Gratitude, Peace and Unity, Hemp Seed & Honey
#16 Posted : 7/8/2011 12:30:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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A..."fact" that many people don't have intimate understanding of is that we have EVOLVED (to be vertebrates, mammals, primates, and ultimately as we are as humans) from a process (no doubt) VERY MUCH like "Darwinian evolution" as it is currently understood.

That means that...nature doesn't care about you, your feelings, your experience of life, the length of your life, or even your overall health. The only thing that really "mattered" to ALL your ancestors bodies and genes (and thus presumably to you--your body and the core of your mind) is producing children before you die--and, of course, that you lived long enough to do it (within the framework of mating as it occurred within your species).

In other words: evolution built your body to make it mostly likely to REPRODUCE, and "everything else" is just a by product of that. If people didn't breed until they were a hundred years old, you can be sure that the VAST majority of people would live to be at least 120, and that no degenerative diseases (like cancer) would show up in meaningful numbers until then.

That being said, ideas that "the body will heal itself" are not "ultimately" true. The body will do VERY WELL INDEED on it's own if it's taken care of well...up to a certain age. After that, there has been little or no SELECTION for good health beyond that.

Furthermore, even before that age, the genes you have ended up with are only "the best they can be" for taking care of you--they are not PERFECT. Related to that is the fact that, for example, bodies built so that 90% of their owners would do well are BETTER (and would have been selected over) bodies built so that 85% of their owners do well. There's NOTHING about reality that says just because ALL YOUR PROGENITORS maintained breeding health until breeding age, that you will, or are genetically well-designed to. Eating properly and living properly are GREAT WAYS to stay healthy; but they are not guarantees, and the idea that you don't need to concern yourself with health or "medicines" beyond that is...unwarranted.

That's reality--not something well addressed by most, unfortunately.
#17 Posted : 7/8/2011 12:49:24 AM

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Talking with my wife about this a bit. I don't think you will find a forum where everything is laid out for both sides and very objective, it is just too polarizing to be rational. Not many internet communities exist like the nexus.

Anyway though, my wife was diagnosed with a hyper aggressive form of Cancer years back. You may be pleased to know that in a very big cancer center in Boston (Dana Farber) they are very open to giving all sorts of options to patients there. Of course this includes the standard chemo/radiation based on the diagnosis, but the point is that they have this "Alternative Therapies Program" or something like that. This was all available to anyone there. It included things like acupuncture, massage, medidation etc. The people there (doctors/nurses/staff etc) WANT to help you get through this stuff and these at the very least are good for the patients psyche which could very well (I certainly think it does) help on the road to recovery. I don't know how things are at other places, but I hope that this is where things are going to a more integrated area where our western medicine is combined with things for the psyche.

It's very easy to sit around an internet forum and say you can just cure cancer by taking Aya and diet and all that Jazz, but I would be very surprised if cancer does actually come up in your life to you or someone very close that you are going to be willing to trust totally ditching all the work that Western medicine has done in this regard. We also actually did change our diet quit a bit even though we thought we were eating pretty healthy. We went vegetarian based on some research we checked out along with other non cancer related stuff.

Of course you better believe that if things had turned out differently after the treatment for my wife and things were going down hill I would have taken her to any "quack" out there to work their voodoo on any small chance that it might work.

#18 Posted : 7/8/2011 6:31:08 PM


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In any case i was just asking if anyone knows a forum that has the qualities i mentioned. Most likely it does not exist, been looking for it for years.

Bye the way, by treatment i mean symptomatic and causal

thats all i wanted to say in essence, looking at all these replies some other words come up too.

Please don't get me wrong and don't nail me on the cross if you don't like my lewd display of personal affairs, i will state my position to give an example and clarify some viewpoints:
Im working in a hospital specialized on combining some effective measures to help people with their disease, alternative and school medicine.
So i have a good idea about what helps and what not. Which problems people that use non standard methods face and so on. Not an M.D. myself please don't ask me for personal professional healthcare advise.

Still i don't know everything and we cant help everyone, continuously we attempt to improve treatment results. Of course keeping the operation going, which is not always easy, has priority over R&D which is continuously going on anyways.
There is some exchange between professional holistic practitioners, doctors and hospitals that use alternative therapy additionally, in the field of oncology.
But its very little as most effective practitioners prefer to do their work rather silently unless approached directly by the worthy and interested.

there are many restrictions towards healing cancer with non standard methods. Even if these methods are just used additionally to conventional methods.

legal restrictions
all kinds of laws hiding behind consumer protections that prohibit effective cures and disturb open information about it
Some american doctor friends even report having to go to jail for effectively curing people...

A friend of mine got his lincense revoked by his national doctors commission regardless of any facts that backed his methods. Got it back eventually after a higher court (europe) gave a more objective look towards it. Now he works on a very small scale, no advertisements, few patients and always on his tiptoes. Very expensive too, but what can you do a man gotta eat. And drive an american convertible btw, but thats irrelevant.

Ok, quacks exist. But they can be easily identified by objective monitoring of treatment results.

contradicting information
Liars exist in every area of life and in every business. Healthcare is a business, an extremely rewarding one for the unmoral too. And by the unmoral i am not talking about the little shithead quacks and nutty idiots that truly believe think they have found the holy grail because they are so great.
Im talking about the puppet masters that pull societies strings, making laws, creating opinions, programming the masses for control. Long story, not relevant at the moment.

Back to quacks and liars, i mean i have people lying to me everyday to steer outcomes to their peronal advantage and most have not much to do with healthcare. This one has to be tackled like everything else with care/awareness and intelligence. Trust every sweet story told by nice looking people and you fail in life, fact.
Risk has to be taken of course and shit has to be eaten by most, but the biggest chunks can be avoided. Even if you are desperate.
Well don't be desperate if you can help it by staying focused on what you want and aware in the direction of opportunities and options regarding it.

Basically keep your mouth closed, eyes open and feet moving in the shitstorm

ok back to the cancer healing restrictions

Not much support from insurance companies for alternative cures regardless of their, often prooven, efficiency and cost.
Some companies pay but that's the minority.
Very little funding for research that can not be patented, in other words knowledge that cant be protected.
Why should somone bust their ass in the lab if they dont get payed for it? Gotta eat and live too, buy some himosa momilis maybe.

To know some ways how to and actually do heal people, living the resemblance of a normal life while its illegal to get paid for effective but not really legal means of healing people from disease that has been labeled as almost a death sentence. Not easy but there is many people doing it very well. Medicinal subculture i call it.

The medicine we use have been scientifically evaluated, but just at the basic levels because there is no funding and we dont want to shovel millions into proving to others what we do works. We rather just apply it and be happy about it. Many other providers think in a similar way.

SWIMfriend wrote:
It's not necessary to think about these things. All such claims are likely frauds. If they are NOT frauds you don't need to worry about investigating, because if they really WORK then word will get out faster than you might imagine. That calculus is based on 1) The desperation of ZILLIONS of people fighting for their lives against cancer, 2) The power of word of mouth that would snowball when something REALLY AND TRULY works! As I recall, Burzynski has been pedaling his crap for DECADES now--if there was anything to it, believe me, PEOPLE WOULD KNOW.

This statement, although held by many educated people is simply not true. The logic is based on false presuppositions. Zillions of people, ok almost the correct number but it does not really work like that.

Do you really think people that have been healed by alternative ways go around with banners telling everyone how great this doctor/healer is? No they just move on with their life and dont want to think about their disease anymore. They work, love, travel, renovate their living room and whatnot. Thats my expierience with the majority of hundreds of patients that i have personally encountered.

Information is supressed, big surprise, so a few can profit of the pain of many. Science is the new religion, control the masses by telling people what the "truth" is about the world.
I love science and all that but nowadays its not really objective. If you earn billions every month like big pharma does then you could just write any science you wanted. Its not that hard to just measure the favourable factors in a study and ignore the negative to make a product look good. Just takes a couple millions here and there and its done.

Getting fed with mainly wrong or contradicting information makes decisions for cancer patients rather difficult. Clock is ticking too.
Some treatments really and truly work for some people and can be repeated in most cases with similar or the same disease and state.
There is also a big psychological factor, some peoples life is perceived by them as very very painful. By wishing the pain away but not being able to root out the cause somehow there is a confusion in the system which sparks problems coming up in the physical body.

And yes, there is nice info on pubmed. I think its like 2,5 million hits on cancer. Wonder who has time to use it as a research tool...

Basically all our patients come by word of mouth. We don't have a cure but can do much much more then the establishment. And we are not the only ones, there are several experts out there, that have prolonged the life span and quality significantly, years of good quality life, or healed many "hopeless" cases.
Use your common sense when someone explains you their treatment procedure. The wondercure might exist but i have yet not met it, although i have seen a lot of people that are quite sure they have it... If you meet the real Mr. or Mrs. wondercure please pm me about it.

Luckily your own mind is a huge factor in healing too.

OK, point is, there is a medicinal subculture that has much better treatment options then the established medical providers.

Like Ibogaine which stops addiction effectively in the majority of people, but its not mainstream. Why? Much more money to treat for the rest of their life instead of healing people.

So dont rely on the information you have been fed with and dont believe doctors, you are your own best doctor. Take the doctors as advisors and caretakesrs with limited knowledge and human faults. Because thats what they are.

Why does ayahuasca work with some cancer patients and not with others?

It potentiates the influence you have on your own mind which you can use to heal yourself.

With that i dont mean that you should just sit in a cave and chant a healing mantra, but focusing a strong mind will also most likely open up opportunites for help to come in your direction.
Dont expect the UFOs to land in your garden and the greys healing you with an anal probe but you can leave room open for unusual options to appear.
In any case, once you have something you think is good. Stick with it as long as it helps and a bit longer if needed.
Dont jump from this to that, happens quite often as cancer patients get advise from all their friends and family. Can be quite confusing.
And eat what you like as long as its not full of shit and in moderate amounts... Drink more fresh juice. Reduce sugar intake. Fresh is good...
All this food crazy is almost fanatic. But if you like raw food, why not.

Underlying problems that led to the disease have to be dealt with too. So get your immune system up and fix your inner bullshit while not hanging out around toxic places and avoiding shitty food.

Post is too long anyways so i dont want to go into more detail with this long story. Hope at least some can squeeze out the info that will be beneficial to them.
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#19 Posted : 7/8/2011 6:41:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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bindu wrote:
SWIMfriend wrote:
...The power of word of mouth that would snowball when something REALLY AND TRULY works!...

This statement, although held by many educated people is simply not true. The logic is based on false presuppositions.

One of the most reliable social truths is that individuals tend not to keep secrets. Accumulate MANY people holding the same secret, and surely one will spill it. How much MORE true is that when it's not a "secret" they're holding, but a TREASURE for everyone!

The fact is that even PURE QUACKS acquire legions of praisers. But you're saying that someone who actually DID cure lots of people wouldn't have anybody who would bother to relay the information? Who's making false presuppositions now?
#20 Posted : 7/9/2011 2:39:38 AM

Sun Dragon

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SWIMfriend wrote:
One of the most reliable social truths is that individuals tend not to keep secrets. Accumulate MANY people holding the same secret, and surely one will spill it. How much MORE true is that when it's not a "secret" they're holding, but a TREASURE for everyone!

The fact is that even PURE QUACKS acquire legions of praisers. But you're saying that someone who actually DID cure lots of people wouldn't have anybody who would bother to relay the information? Who's making false presuppositions now?

He gave a detailed and well thought out explanation why your statement is false...plus we are conditioned to believe that anything that doesn't come from "Dr. Establishment" is pure quackery...therefore people are prone to dismiss even true healing as quackery because it falls outside of their parameters of what they have been led to believe is possible.

SWIMfriend wrote:
A..."fact" that many people don't have intimate understanding of is that we have EVOLVED (to be vertebrates, mammals, primates, and ultimately as we are as humans) from a process (no doubt) VERY MUCH like "Darwinian evolution" as it is currently understood.

That being said, ideas that "the body will heal itself" are not "ultimately" true. The body will do VERY WELL INDEED on it's own if it's taken care of well...up to a certain age. After that, there has been little or no SELECTION for good health beyond that.

That's reality--not something well addressed by most, unfortunately.

Those are YOUR facts and YOUR reality. Therefore it does not mean it is so for every other being.

I've expeirenced things your world view would deem "impossible", so I feel confident in expressing the sentiment that you are as clueless as everyone else, no matter how hard to try to push your so called facts upon everyone.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
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