State of the Mind's Theory .
All current drugs should be given a relative risk rating, based on addiction, health risks and damage on society. From these ratings, two groups should be formed; The high relative risk group and the low relative risk group .
High relative risk group .Drugs in this category would include:
Possibly Cocaine, however I am undecided .
How to deal with these:High relative risk drugs should be semi legalized and could be attained in special drop in centers set up around the country . You would have to sign in and fill out documentation at these centers and after paying, a nurse would come and administer x drug to you . The centers would also offer help for people trying to come off the drug ect . The aims of these centers are to take the drugs off the streets and allow them to be administered in a safe environment, thus reducing the risk of the spreading of diseases and also of overdoses . One thing to note is that the price would have to be considerably lower than the equivalent street drug .
Low Relative Risk Group .Alcohol
Classic psychedelics
How to deal with these:Low relative risk drugs should be legalized, however you would need a licence to buy these drugs . You could apply to the government for these licences . After you have your licence, you can go and buy drugs from drug dispensaries, or other stores . At these locations you can buy the given drug if you have the correct licence . When purchasing, your licence card would have to be swiped and this would forward the information of your purchases to a database . All of this information of all of the drug purchases could in turn be analysed to increase the understanding of the effects of the drug risks . For example, if there was an increase in psychotic illnesses in 18-21 year old men smoking cannabis, than the rest of the population, this could prompt further scientific study to see if this is a causation . If so, adequate adjustments could be made, for example increasing the age of use of cannabis up to 21 .
One of the new penalties this could bring for the police to use would be the temporary removal of licences . For example if someone was found being aggressive whilst drunk in the city center, they could have their licence to purchase alcohol removed for x amount of time . This period of time could be increased for repeat offenders . Such offences that could result in removal of licence could be; Selling to minors, antisocial behavior ect . I think this seems like a really fair penalty for the crime .
People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.