"Can psychedelics, along with the right mindset, some willpower, some determination, and some meditation, show me what I need to be happy? Can I use them, as a tool, to bring me to the answers I seek? Or should I look elsewhere?"
Someone to love, something to do, know yourself, know your inherent value towards society. You can go on living a social outcast, without a woman, without babies, without societies acceptance, without material wealth, without a life involved with other people, and without other people's love, but I much more respect life under the pretense that I owe it to nobody other than myself to get to know what I love, what I do that makes me happy, and to not hinge my happiness upon any social norms, nor to get caught up in the perceived expectations society imposes. Once you are free from feeling obligated to anyone/thing other than your own goals you envision, you will be unstoppable so far as you allow yourself to achieve greatness. I know that my place of happiness is a combination of inner peace, self actualization (which psychedelics can come in handy for sparingly every so often) as well as a bit of fortitude, but not too much, otherwise you get hung up on little things, and are incapable of appreciating life's little beauties and nuances. mindset will come as you understand more about awareness, and that requires discipline and fortitude in learning new things in order to constantly advance your horizons.
As humans, we often get so much information, that we overlook applying the simplest of lessons. There in lies the beauty of the psychedelic mindset (for myself personally) because time and time again it's given me the ability to look/(feel through) at myself objectively without harboring judgement, or resentment after my past actions, reasoning, or history & simply change (By being/ outshining the light) accordingly. The white light of spirit can be truly transformational once the initiate (you the initiate towards bettering yourself by your own free will) learns how to work within their subtle body. (where the energetic neurological learning of one's own brain and body can lead to healing and strengthening of the mind and help overcome various illness) All & all the important thing I believe is to find a balancing point of challenging your personal creativity, curiosity, learn & grow + do what you have to do in order to get there (school) without worrying about the impressions of others and retaining your will power at the same time while not over analyzing things or forcing things so that minimum effort is required. This will require a combination of events in your life one of which it seems for you is psychedelics. =)
& Yes they will help you achieve things faster based upon the "base of understanding" you currently have. It seems the more the subconscious mind has in depth questions about the meaning of life, the more fruit there is to bare from a psychedelic experience! (At least for me personally)
I bootlegged my enlightenment (3TB of information online) from self help, meditation, hypnosis, health information, NLP, mind control, religious texts, mystery school texts, various works throughout history, magic books, spiritual music, inspirational writings, inspirational speakers, audiobooks galore, personal experience in real life, and playing with the forces of human psychology; applying them to business in real life! Psychedelics are a side venture towards abandoning all this towards Zen beliefs at the end, but I designed my self training course in order that it would unlock my fullest potential, and different substances (DMT as the graduating last step) helped me to achieve it all.
May your legacy be as much by your actions as by your offspring that is assuming you choose to bring them into this world. I would hope one would want offspring out of a genuine loving compulsion to bring to new life a better quality of life than what fate has handed you so far and thus it is up to you to decide if such action is conscionable. To each their own when it comes to giving up on raising a family, or staying single, but to allot of people whom have remained single, they have all told me at least that it gave them more time and financial freedom to pursue the meaning behind this grand mystery that is life. Happiness is not something you attain, its a state of being that comes about. Attaining this is as much an intimate task as running a relationship with the opposite sex. This is hinged upon a few things, but if you were to hinge your happiness based upon a substance, I would rather you hinge it upon the grander outlook and perspective reached through it, and work to internalize it (and make it eternal) more so than to glorify the substance alone as a path towards happiness. It's personal for every person. Perhaps if you share the more personal happy revelations that come in due time, (or better examine them) then there will be something of value but really it's the feeling of freedom one finds in autonomy which has as much to do with happiness as does feeling the reciprocation of love and appreciation from others/peers gives you.
Moment to moment realize that you are nothing more than what you're meant to be (even when doing homework or arduous tasks) in so far as a knowing-ness that you will advance personally at a pace that is faster and better than other people in areas of life (which might not be directly relative to homework at this time) however, because you are choosing the psychedelic experience in life are afforded the luxury of seeing things as they really are opposed to the way society intends you to accept them as being, and with that will come a little feeling of alienation. The trick is to show others the amazement there is to be found in your thoughts and perspectives from a completely free place of being while retaining enough of yourself to fully function in the normal tasks of every day life. (Hope I don't sound like I'm repeating myself)
It's belief in one's self with a strong will (Towards self inquiry at first, and later the intention to become omnipotent towards one's self) that is the key (for me) of harnessing the psychedelic experience towards self enlightenment. I set goals I intend to accomplish internally each time I have a trip I will partake upon. The stronger the will, (The launching point is intention) the farther the purpose, the more you will accomplish. Imagine multiple steps. Things I sought out to accomplish personally in the past:
Awaken energy body.
Open third eye.
Activate the chakras.
Become the godhead.
Have instant recall.
Experience a Near Death Experience.
Experience a Out of Body Experience.
Unlock inner perception of my nervous system.
Blast out white light from my top chakra in order to cleanse it.
(Different substances for each of these) (Or each in different degrees)
The list is infinite. Sometimes I explore complex math, or mysteries of the universe / physics. Other times it might be to get in touch with my heart and heal it, other times to re-balance myself. I tend to do all these + more simultaneously. To each their own by their abilities however, as to rush such things is sometimes not good, as it's always important to start out letting the experience naturally roll through you, (Until you have a complete understanding of the substance, and yourself) and then plan to launch off in towards something greater!
If you pay attention to setting it is fine, but to partake in any psychedelic substance recreationaly shows your higher self an unorganized and lazy mind and those are some pretty important warnings for you to impart to anyone who wishes to enjoy an experience like this to it's fullest. Being by yourself (Or with a close intimate friend) in a non-noisy (sometimes dark) environment is so essential (Depending upon drug & ideal setting for it) & again when starting out on this path, It's nice to have a sober sitter / friend to watch over you in case you delve into darker parts of your psyche because we all know how uncomfortable and counter productive that can be. (at times) Once you are more advanced, psychedelics (or dissociatives) with proper training can be healing experiences in order to clear up your dark shadow so that visiting that terrain intentionally is not so overpowering; however this is reserved for the adept.
& for the record I am truly psychotic, and the ability to switch off emotions at will can be a great advantage in life! Welcome to the Nexus fellow psychopath!
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.