Hey guys, i dont know if this is in the right place or not, feel free to move.
Just thought this was super cool, my buddy over on mycotopia did an extract on only 300 grams fresh phalaris he found outdoors where he lives, and obtained a little under half gram of spice from it, and bio-assayed it. Very cool stuff! that means there is an unlimited supply of dmt out there, just waiting for us to refine a good extraction method for it. That way dmt is freely availabe, and they cant even attempt to control it!
but enough of my rant, heres the thread, check it out! it looks like a pretty clean extraction, and he has pics and everything and a bioassay!
http://forums.mycotopia....un-phineas-phalaris.htmlHas anyone here done this successfuly?
edit, sorry i lied, he obtained 40 mg from the extraction, not 400, but still he only used 300 grams, and it was fresh.
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