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Alex Jones nut bag anti DMT rant Options
#41 Posted : 6/27/2011 2:12:18 AM

analytical chemist

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I dont think alex jones is completely nuts at all. I think that when he goes off on some of his rants like this DMT one though that he looses credibility and starts to sound crazy..like he walks a fine line. Alot of what he says about the government etc I tend to agree with..but only in general..I dont agree with all of the specifics and I find his approach instills alot more fear than hope. One main thing I agree with is the idea of a larger "agenda" that is not good for most of us..call it "NWO" or whatever you want to call it.

well said.
basically the same way I see it
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#42 Posted : 6/27/2011 3:00:14 AM

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It is very plausible that the elite use psychedelics.
#43 Posted : 6/27/2011 3:28:38 AM

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^yeah I agree. I would bet they do use them. I cant possibly imagine why they wouldnt be..we all know the benifical mental capabilities psychedelics provide..creative/right brain perspectives, metaprogramming, problem solving etc..

People with obsessive delusions about power in indigenous contexts use them..I dont see why those same sort of people in our culture wouldnt do the same thing.

I dont think psychedelics are automatic "enlightenment" at all. I think they are catalysts of higher level realization or awakening when they are used to that end..this is something I have thought about alot becasue at one point I thought the world should just trip and everyone would then just open up and love..I still think psychedelics play a very very important role and will play an even larger role in the future and that everyone should be made aware of them and be given the choice..but I dont think just taking LSD for instance is going to necessary "tune someone in" to a higher level of harmony. It sure as hell will turn them on, but they may just tune into a more effective approach to controll people.

Manson was a perfect example of this. He was definatily turned on and took enough LSD. He was a smart guy..he was also delusional and crazy as fuck and frequently used large doses of LSD on "the family" to program them.

I think more people need to be aware of these things and have access to these experiences, and on they're own so they are having they're own trip and not some pre-programmed religious dogma. People deserve the option to wake up and move past the current state of brainwashed zombie vision they have been programmed into. Psychedelics taken in a context free of dogmatism IMO is the best way to do that.

For this reason I see groups like the daime and UDV etc having less relevance to our situation than at-home psychedelic experiences. I dont mean to say religious contexts are bad necessarily, but we NEED to be having our own gnosis free from any level of exterior programming..and in a context such as the daime you just can not get that. Religions always have a motive, they always have some set of beliefs and stories they tell you and expect you to believe as well. We have all had enough of that I think.
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#44 Posted : 6/27/2011 6:46:17 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
^yeah I agree. I would bet they do use them. I cant possibly imagine why they wouldnt be..we all know the benifical mental capabilities psychedelics provide..creative/right brain perspectives, metaprogramming, problem solving etc..

People with obsessive delusions about power in indigenous contexts use them..I dont see why those same sort of people in our culture wouldnt do the same thing.

I could see how a person like Charles Manson, a cult leader, or a Shaman with power could use psychedelics as some sort of power trip. But in our current society, how could a government person of power use psychedelics for any malicious reason? There's a lot of energy behind psychedelics, I guess that energy, or motivation could be put to bad use. But I don't see how governments could be using psychedelics to control people. What would that look like?

#45 Posted : 6/27/2011 8:24:39 AM

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You also don't have to be a genius to grossly pervert someone else's act of genius... Lots of technology is inspired, but much of its application is questionable. Pleased

Psychedelics definitely facilitate access to the part of the mind that can touch new ideas...

I'm sure it helps to maintain control if you can control who has access to those states of mind (keeping psychedelics elite)... though some prefer control through clever but nefarious ideas (elite use of psychedelic inspiration?), and others prefer a more "vanilla" approach to control, like restricting without taking something themselves (classic drug-fearing law enforcers)... out of a fear of loss of control in themselves! Controls within controls within controls... @.@

Fortunately, I take psychedelics to LOSE CONTROL. Cool

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#46 Posted : 6/27/2011 2:45:04 PM

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ROFL, awwhh man, this video made my day. this guy is HILARIOUS!
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#47 Posted : 6/27/2011 11:54:02 PM
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He keeps exclaiming "I never took DMT myself!"
I keep wondering. What IS he taking?
He looks like he's delirious from alcohol abuse or an amphetamine binge or something.

And why would you go to such great lengths to warn people of hear-say stories about a substance, allthough you have totally no experience of
your own to speak from? Alex Jones seems ripe for a Thorazine-shot and a trip (back) to the Psychiatric Institution.
#48 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:05:42 AM

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SKA wrote:
I keep wondering. What IS he taking?

It's called CRACK my friend, and it kills.
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#49 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:09:37 AM

analytical chemist

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maybe cocaine hydrochloride.
crack is cocaine free base.

or maybe it's just part of his trademark approach.
he's always been a bit radical.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#50 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:13:31 AM

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benzyme wrote:
maybe cocaine hydrochloride.
crack is cocaine free base.

or maybe it's just a part of his trademark approach.
he's always been a bit radical.

Naa, I'll go with your cocaine hydrochloride. Or too many Red Bulls a stick up his sphincter.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#51 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:14:50 AM

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Apoc wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
^yeah I agree. I would bet they do use them. I cant possibly imagine why they wouldnt be..we all know the benifical mental capabilities psychedelics provide..creative/right brain perspectives, metaprogramming, problem solving etc..

People with obsessive delusions about power in indigenous contexts use them..I dont see why those same sort of people in our culture wouldnt do the same thing.

I could see how a person like Charles Manson, a cult leader, or a Shaman with power could use psychedelics as some sort of power trip. But in our current society, how could a government person of power use psychedelics for any malicious reason? There's a lot of energy behind psychedelics, I guess that energy, or motivation could be put to bad use. But I don't see how governments could be using psychedelics to control people. What would that look like?

I dont mean to imply that they are dosing us somehow and then programming us. What I mean is that psychedelics are amaing cognitive enhancers...they allow a level of power thinking and offer alternative perspectives, ideas etc that are hard to tap into otherwise. Taking psychedelics free from pre-programmed dogma is like seeing a larger picture. If people somewhere up the chain of power are accessing these states it is definatily a cognitive advantage they have over the adverage citizen. Most people never really get that chance to wake up out of the pre-programmed reality tunnels they walk around in.

MDMA is a perect example of this. Look how many people have been completely snapped awake through MDMA guided therapy. People will spend thousands of dollars and waste years on conventional therapy, then take mdma once and face all of it. Those people usually are seeking out a deeper connection with they're lover, or family members, dealing with PTSD etc..but imagine someone with other intentions that include controlling the masses, maybe in marketing, taking LSD trying to devise new approaches to achieve that end. Not really that far fetched.

I think that if more people were accessing these states as well it would even the playing field somewhat because less and less of us would remain as walking robots. Having access to psychedelics is to have access to an amazing catalyst for the evolution of paradigms. It does not necessarily mean you will want to make the world a better place for EVERYONE. Some people might just realize much better paradigms in which they can manipulate other people..unless more and more of us are accessing those same states of mind so we can think for ourselves.

that said..I do not believe that one can reach the highest states of unity etc accessable through psychedelics when they are used with less than honerable intentions behind them, but that does not mean they are not used with such intentions quite successfully. I think the highest states achieved always has less to do with just taking large doses and more to do with your own personal internal alchemy. People using psychedelics in a negative way, such as found in brujaria IMO are alchemists working at a far lower level than others who use them for moer postivie personal transformation and to heal and help other people.
Long live the unwoke.
#52 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:18:43 AM

analytical chemist

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a1pha wrote:
benzyme wrote:
maybe cocaine hydrochloride.
crack is cocaine free base.

or maybe it's just a part of his trademark approach.
he's always been a bit radical.

Naa, I'll go with your cocaine hydrochloride. Or too many Red Bulls a stick up his sphincter.

I doubt it.
I've been watching him off and on for about six years, you guys basically just heard of him last week. Laughing
he's always been ranting, and some people are very receptive to it.
I observe some of his points, as they are valid points.. but reject most of his commentary.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#53 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:49:27 AM

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I've been listening to and reading Alex jones since his cameo in a skanner darkly. And a little bit before that but didn't really clip til then.

Not too close... I visit one of his websites every week or so.

Some of the news he puts up ... Is stuff I really only find there. The articles are very opinionated, but they do site sources, so you can read one step closer. Although, they likely only link docs that support they're opinion.

Most articles are not written by jones.

This dmt rant hits me funny because I am not sure that the elves/entities are even real. So, to hear that bilderberg elites are getting their plans and marching orders from elves is f'ing crazy.

I believe bilderberg is real (why wouldn't the super powerful elites get together and try and change the world for what they see is better?)

Elves. . . . I'm just not there yet.

Bilderberg plus elves. . . Wtf?

That was the sound of my brain making a sound that Im not ready to hear.
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#54 Posted : 6/28/2011 12:57:05 AM

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Lulz. This is epic internet meme material.

I also think this is a major PR boon for DMT. To have someone as obviously imbecilic and unsavoury as Jones speaking out against it will give it a tremendous credibility boost in a lot of reasonable people's minds.
Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon.
#55 Posted : 6/28/2011 1:01:11 AM

analytical chemist

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that's pretty wishful thinking.
it's fairly obvious [inter]national media is doing their best to demonize MHRB.
even so-called 'reasonable' people have preconceived notions on psychotropics which they've never even tried.
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#56 Posted : 6/28/2011 7:28:00 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I dont mean to imply that they are dosing us somehow and then programming us. What I mean is that psychedelics are amaing cognitive enhancers...they allow a level of power thinking and offer alternative perspectives, ideas etc that are hard to tap into otheriswe. Taking psychedelics free from pre-programmed dogma is like seeing a larger picture. If people somewhere up the chain of power are accessing these states it is definatily a cognitive advantage they have over the adverage citizen. Most people never really get that chance to wake up out of the pre-programmed reality tunnels they walk around in.

Indeed, psychedelics are certainly cognitive enhancers. However, does such an enhancement really translate in to any kind of advantage over others? People in power use power as their advantage. No? What cognitive advantage do they need, other than an understanding of having power over others? I'm talking of people in power who use that power for what most would call bad purposes. Psychedelics are so introspective. I could see how someones weird experience on psychedelics might motivate them to go in different directions in life. I have just never experienced any kind of effect dmt has where I feel I have learned to control anything outside of myself better. Control my own emotions better? Yes. Control other people? No. Theoretically, what you say about cognitive enhancement should make sense.

MDMA is a perect example of this. Look how many people have been completely snapped awake through MDMA guided therapy. People will spend thousands of dollars and waste years on conventional therapy, then take mdma once and face all of it. Those people usually are seeking out a deeper connection with they're lover, or family members, dealing with PTSD etc..but imagine someone with other intentions that include controlling the masses, maybe in marketing, taking LSD trying to devise new approaches to achieve that end. Not really that far fetched.

It does seem far fetched to me, actually.... although again, seems sound in theory. MDMA and/or other psychedelic medicines are useful in therapy because they are good at that sort of thing. They are good at bringing people together, they are good for empathy. I am trying to imagine someone with other intentions like controlling the masses, and I'm at a loss as to how psychedelics could be used for this purpose. What can psychedelics teach about control that nature doesn't already show naturally? People in power know that people in general fear pain and the unknown. I know that Alex Jones has suggested that government leaders are using dmt for some evil purpose, but I didn't see any evidence. I looked up the document he referenced, and I didn't read anything in it of note. And you suggest that psychedelics may be used for bad intentions, but I can't see any specific example, other than directly dosing people to alter their perceptions. I'm interested in thinking of an example of a person who takes psychedelics on their own, and somehow realizes how to control people. It just doesn't make sense to me.
#57 Posted : 6/28/2011 2:13:15 PM

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Apoc wrote:
I have just never experienced any kind of effect dmt has where I feel I have learned to control anything outside of myself better. Control my own emotions better? Yes. Control other people? No. Theoretically, what you say about cognitive enhancement should make sense.

I think this may have more to how you apply yourself regarding life in general, and the use of psychedelics specifically. I personally know a few computer scientists who used LSD regularly to help them in their work. LSD doesn't give me any particular insight into Computer Science, should I say it doesn't for them?

We also have the famous story of Kary Mullis using LSD while working out the process of PCR. Someone without his background wouldn't have been able to do so, and he doesn't think he could have held all the necessary information in his mind at once without the LSD.

Why wouldn't someone who studies social manipulation also be able to apply themselves similarly? I've certainly had experiences with psychedelics, where I learned something about my own reactions that gave me huge insight into the behaviors of people around me. Someone who put a lot of thought and practice into it could certainly "weaponize" these realizations.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#58 Posted : 6/29/2011 6:35:06 AM

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clouds wrote:
I agree. Just wanted to declare that McKenna Bros, Shulgin, Sagan, etc.... are people that base their opinions on a lot of verifiable evidence and a lot of "science" but they add their opinions on certain points including spirituality, etc.

People like Jones, Maussan, and others like to create polemic debate based on controversial topics like UFOS, CTS, etc because it is healthy for their wallet since they work in the media. If they have good intentions or not is another topic.

I've never heard Sasha make any ridiculous claims regarding psychedelics or spirituality, ever. McKenna didn't believe everything he said, he was just a proponent of new ideas, and free thinking.

As for people having insights about their ability to "control" other people from psychedelic use, I believe they are a little confused. I had this thought after I first started having really profound experiences with LSD. If you start behaving differently around people, they receive you differently and in turn act differently towards you, it's just human interaction. Psychedelics can just make this plainly obvious, though.
“The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
#59 Posted : 6/29/2011 7:18:46 AM

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ragabr wrote:
I think this may have more to how you apply yourself regarding life in general, and the use of psychedelics specifically. I personally know a few computer scientists who used LSD regularly to help them in their work. LSD doesn't give me any particular insight into Computer Science, should I say it doesn't for them?

We also have the famous story of Kary Mullis using LSD while working out the process of PCR. Someone without his background wouldn't have been able to do so, and he doesn't think he could have held all the necessary information in his mind at once without the LSD.

Why wouldn't someone who studies social manipulation also be able to apply themselves similarly? I've certainly had experiences with psychedelics, where I learned something about my own reactions that gave me huge insight into the behaviors of people around me. Someone who put a lot of thought and practice into it could certainly "weaponize" these realizations.

Hmmmm, I suppose it is possible someone might come up with some evil idea while on psychedelics. I've come up with plans on psychedelics, though not with bad intent. Often times the ideas that arise are spontaneous.
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