Hi everybody,
by way of introduction I 'd like to be perfectly honest, I'm a very ordinary person, only
appearing special in the eyes of those dear to me, or those who respect my work. I was for a long time what one would consider a "religious"(in the classic sense) person until over the years the darker side of me got the better of it. It's supposed to work the other way round, but sadly has not been my case. I don't mean by this to say I joined the local "satanic lodge "or am mean to people or animals, simply put, I gave in to my "hedonic nature". Recent experimentation with the ethnogen Salvia divinorum has reinvigorated me with a more diffuse "nature based spirituality" and lifted a multi year depressive state in virtually the bat of an eyelid. ( something that a barrow load of so called mainstream " antidepressants" were unable to do in 8 years) Facinated with the accounts of the brave souls who experiment with DMT, I have recently dipped my toe into these waters, and in doing so have even more respect for those who dare go there in full force.
At the moment I move forward very carefully with this substance, to which my experiences have been few and erring on the side of caution with the dosages. My sensitivity to it seems extreme, to the point that I can detect minor effects simply by deeply inhaling the aroma of the room temp. crystals . ( relaxation, and faint closed eye visuals) First attempts at vaporising it have been very challenging, (cardiac and anxiety load. ) I have many questions about it and I believe the Nexus to be the right place to be to have them answered.
P.S. the above account is about a fictional character who is not myself.