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How do you guys smoke it? Options
#81 Posted : 4/10/2007 6:56:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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this is my makeshift pipe, not tried it yet, does anyone think it will work? It's made of a test tube, cork and glass tubing. The cork has a groove down the side to let air in. [imgVery happy8145227b5]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t283/chazzaplaya/IMG_0358.jpg[/imgVery happy8145227b5]

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#82 Posted : 4/10/2007 7:33:47 PM
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The smoke is going to be extremely dense in this tiny pipe. It will of course work, but the smoke will be very harsh. I have finally found an extremely large lightbulb in a local shop and made a lightbulb vaporizer out of it. I have made vaporizers out of testtubes myself as well, but I took much larger onces. I suggest you try to found a larger container for the smoke or connect the pipe you have now to a bong or waterpipe. Both options will make the smoke less harsh and easier to smoke probably (and hopefully) resulting in a much smoother ride Smile EDIT: I'll post pictures of my new lightbulb vaporizer tomorrow.
#83 Posted : 4/30/2007 10:28:10 AM

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SWIM got some DMT of a FOAF Very happy Now all he needs is a medium to smoke it from. It's been infused with what looks like caapi leaves, not 100% sure though. Can he make a homemade pipe to smoke it from, or will he need a proper pipe. He's heading up to the tobbaconist tommorrow, any suggestions?
Chakra Vajra
#84 Posted : 5/10/2007 9:33:21 PM
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I´m using a Vaporizer for my Elfpowder and works really great. Here´s a Picture: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eB...egory=33481&rd=1
#85 Posted : 5/11/2007 3:12:00 AM
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Here's my Siberian penpal's instrument. He places the sacrament in the bottom of the bowl, heats it up and smokes away. [img:e53a7b89fa]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/216/493151015_6cf9fe47ed.jpg[/img:e53a7b89fa]
Chakra Vajra
#86 Posted : 5/11/2007 4:12:46 AM
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[quote:9cd1ffa3ef="ekorocket"]Here's my Siberian penpal's instrument. He places the sacrament in the bottom of the bowl, heats it up and smokes away. [img:9cd1ffa3ef]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/216/493151015_6cf9fe47ed.jpg[/img:9cd1ffa3ef][/quote:9cd1ffa3ef] I was thinking about this Pipe for Outdooraction. How is it to Smoke? I´m asking because of my Smoke Bubble, the Liquid flows always away when i try to heat it and its difficult to get a good Hit. Does that work well with that Pipe?
#87 Posted : 5/11/2007 6:07:34 AM
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[quote:5612a6fceb="Chakra Vajra"] I was thinking about this Pipe for Outdooraction. How is it to Smoke? I´m asking because of my Smoke Bubble, the Liquid flows always away when i try to heat it and its difficult to get a good Hit. Does that work well with that Pipe?[/quote:5612a6fceb] It's pretty good for smoking. The liquid might flow around a bit, but not to an extent of being a problem. With a little practice, excellent results have been achieved.
Deemster Teamster
#88 Posted : 5/11/2007 7:33:44 AM
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has anyone tried "the machine"? [quote:74c8a16c6f] from THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, VOLUME XII, NUMBER 1  VERNAL EQUINOX 2003 WELCOME TO THE MACHINE A problem for some true DMT aficionados is the difficulty involved in effectively delivering large doses—ideally without leaving one’s lungs feeling like they’ve been coated with caustic residue. For those who really want to get a 50 mg dose or more, rather than just burning that much, there is finally a solution. “The Machine” is an amazingly effective drug delivery device that I recently test-drove. It is capable of holding one or many doses, for one person’s repeated use or multiple users. I was introduced to The Machine by an Australian friend who, at the 2002 Burning Man, also taught me about the benefits that can be derived by using mullein when smoking tryptamines. The expectorant properties of mullein help clear out the lungs after smoking, and it also permits deeper inhalations without coughing during smoking. Mullein is also useful for using 5-MeO-DMT due to additionally permitting easier eye-balling of doses, via standardization. The only materials needed to fashion The Machine are a small glass bottle and a bit of extremely coarse steel wool, as is used for scrubbing pans. For the bottle, a single-serving Hennessy Cognac bottle works great, due to its long neck coupled with a handy pre-formed weak spot in the bottom. After breaking or drilling a small hole in the bottom of the bottle, a bit of steel wool is rolled into a plug and then pushed into the neck. Any loose bits inside can be compacted gently by using a probe inserted through the hole broken in the bottom. This is the finished device ready to be charged. To charge The Machine, enough for one or more good doses (the more the better) is directly applied to the surface of the steel wool at the mouth of the bottle. The neck of the bottle is then gently heated just enough to cause the alkaloid to melt into the steel wool plug. If not intended for immediate use or if intermittent use is desired the cap can be replaced over the charge to protect it. Freshly applied DMT resin can be prevented from contacting the cap by placing a small piece of paper between it and the cap (rolling paper works well for this). The Machine can also be charged for multiple users by placing a much larger quantity on the inside of the plug by dropping it through the broken hole. Charging is done the same way, by gently heating the neck until the plug absorbs the alkaloid. To use The Machine, simply point the neck downwards and heat the steel wool plug from below with a lighter, while slowly inhaling through the hole made in the bottom. (Take care not to overheat and ignite the steel wool.) Rotating the bottle while heating will help it volatilize evenly. The high surface area and heat distribution of the steel wool traps the liquid alkaloid, both retaining it and driving it into vapor. This trapping effect also permits the pipe to be simply set down, then picked up and reheated, as needed. There is little to no loss with The Machine and for some unknown reason we have reliably found this pipe to be smoother on the lungs than many far less efficient devices—particularly the glass “crack” pipes. The amount of alkaloid that this device is capable of delivering must be experienced to be believed. The bottle can be reused but the steel wool should be replaced regularly. While The Machine works with many materials, extracted Acacia alkaloid is highly recommended. — Justin Case Note: Having recently tested The Machine, I give it my highest endorsement. Previously the “burned plastic” taste and seared lung feelings from smoking a regular DMT pipe had caused me to abandon smoking as an approach to ingesting DMT. It was simply too painful and I never got a big enough hit to experience much effect, frequently coughing out too soon the hit that I did get. For whatever reason, vapor produced by The Machine wasn’t nearly as rough as that smoked through a normal DMT pipe. And man, does this pipe deliver a punch! — DAVID AARDVARK[/quote:74c8a16c6f] the author of that swears by it and I have read a few other accounts from people on other forums who also swear by it. I made one but havent gotten around to trying it out yet. if you are gonna make one buy several of the hennesy single serving bottles (you'll probably break a few) and drill bits meant for glass. its extremely annoying and tedious to drill through glass without breaking it, so be ready for that. I dont really see how what is basically a crackpipe made out of a bottle instead of a plain glass tube would make the smoke any less harsh, but apparently some people think it does.
Chakra Vajra
#89 Posted : 5/11/2007 9:41:25 AM
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i wanted to try this, but had difficult to find extremely coarse steel wool...
#90 Posted : 5/11/2007 1:25:13 PM

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Someone whom I know told me that initially he had serious difficulties to smoke from a small lighbulb pipe. He explained that this was because he tried to smoke it like salvia : huge inhalation of pretty dense vapor -> immediate cought of course. Then he plugged a smaller hollow tube and learned to inhale slowly but deeply, keeping the flame as far as possible as long as there is some vapor visible. That way, no problem at all to hold the smoke a while. With practice, it is probably the easier smoke he ever inhaled Smile, leaving almost no irritation afterward. He said he got amazing results Smile !
#91 Posted : 5/11/2007 7:41:05 PM

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[quote:412884d507="Chakra Vajra"]i wanted to try this, but had difficult to find extremely coarse steel wool...[/quote:412884d507] You want to get a pot scrubber like they sell next to the SOS pads and sponges and stuff.
Deemster Teamster
#92 Posted : 5/11/2007 9:48:34 PM
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actually what you want to get is #4 steel wool. most hardware stores should have it in the paint section. steel wool goes from #0000 to #4 with 0000 being the most fine and 4 being the most coarse. its more like a bunch of wires tangled up than a brillo pad. I would assume chore boy would work too, thats what the crackheads use. either way burn that shit with a torch before using to get any residues off of it. it should not produce any smoke when its heated red hot when its ready for use. I'll post on how well "the machine" works when I have a chance to use it. I've had shitty alergies and a sore throat lately and we all know that wont go too well with dmt smoke Shocked if anyone else has tried the machine post your opinions!
#93 Posted : 5/12/2007 1:33:33 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Can anyone post a picture of this machine?

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

Deemster Teamster
#94 Posted : 5/12/2007 3:58:06 AM
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theres a pic in this thread on bluelight: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=302269 its not really anything special its just a single serving henessy bottle with a small hole drilled or broken in the bottom and coarse steel wool in the neck.
Chakra Vajra
#95 Posted : 5/12/2007 4:47:31 AM
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[quote:96407a3e25="Noman"][quote:96407a3e25="Chakra Vajra"]i wanted to try this, but had difficult to find extremely coarse steel wool...[/quote:96407a3e25] You want to get a pot scrubber like they sell next to the SOS pads and sponges and stuff.[/quote:96407a3e25] The Pot Scrubber i found in the Stores here, where all just thinner so maybe to easy flammable ...
#96 Posted : 5/16/2007 5:18:40 PM
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Am keen to try 'The Machine' , as I still hav'nt really found a method that I'm happy with. In effect would you let the bottle fill up with vapour before inhaling into the lungs ? The capacity of the bottle seems kind of big .. what about the air in there ?
Direct Mystical Transmission
#97 Posted : 7/17/2007 1:10:12 AM
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Here is what i use. it works great. it has a small hole where the tube meets the ball, so you can't suck TOO fast. The hole inside is about the same size as the opening hole on top of the ball. [img:b9c3ce2a23]http://shop.grasscity.com/images/item_detail/1088_400.jpg[/img:b9c3ce2a23] best method for me, is to heat the spice just hot enough for it to release some smoke, then start the airflow. Slow and steady. Inhaling very softly. Try to regulate the temperature to maintain that melting point of the spice by bringing your flame closer, or farther away. If you burn it too hot, you will get a very harsh smoke and a burning or numb feeling in your mouth. Which is not very pleasant. Also with the round type of pipes like this, if you spin them back and forth while melting, you will spread out your liquid for more air contact, and can more easily vaporize the entire dose. Whereas if you have a pile of melted spice just sitting there, it may not all vaporize by the time you're ready to set it down.

Do not be
Chakra Vajra
#98 Posted : 7/17/2007 4:22:09 PM
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Since a while i use this : http://www.aromed.com/en/index.html Its a great medical Vaporizer, absolute smooth end effective...
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