Hello everyone
I must say with the little bit of lurking I’ve done here, I’m quite impressed with overall attitude and contributions. It makes me happy to see others treat this particular issue with genuine interest and maturity. Although I have not ever experienced DMT, I hope to in the not too distant future. I consider myself a moderately experienced psychonaut, usually willing to try almost anything, as long as I’ve done my homework on it. I’m a 24 year old college student (hey I’m in no rush); a philosophy major minor in mathematics, and I generally love the sciences. Although in between this forum and some others and knowing what I know now, I would have been Chemistry major.
I still remember my first experience from some potent fungus. The realizations I came to that day have deeply shaped my life, and they continue to carry me further. The death of the ego and the realization of one’s own insignificance were so humbling to me. Yet the feelings, realizations and ideas that flow into me afterwards inspire to me to push myself forward. Even the so called “bad” trips, that weren’t so much bad as maybe slightly unpleasant at the time, have their own place in my experiences, and something positive can usually be drawn from them.
But one of the most rewarding things for me is finding others that share both my love of the psychedelic experience as well as the quest for knowledge and the search for truth. Not too long ago at some music festival I was able to share a trip or two with some neighbors, one of which was a Neurologist and the other an Engineer. It made me so happy to find others that, for lack of a better phrase, the square community would respect, yet here they were sharing experiences and swapping stories with us. I guess this stems from a fear that being a recreational drug user makes me some kind of social degenerate. But I’m beginning to see that it’s not the case at all.