I completely agree with you aegle
I have a bunch of bookmarks of things related to this. For those buying apple products, know that you are supporting a very very nasty company that cares nothing for its employees.. This is in spanish but goes about how apple IPAD makers in china are in inhumane conditions, working way over the 36 hours a week limit (some worked 98 hours a week!!), etc..
http://www.elmundo.es/el...avegante/1304241726.html(I have no guarantees though that makers of other parts from for example Acer or HP or whatever are any better, it all comes from china and tracing products and their industries is very hard, but gotta try.. And anyways just avoiding buying electronic stuff all the time also, unless its really necessary, like for example not changing our cellphones every couple of months or what not, already is a great reduction of the problems)
Or buying clothes too, where do our clothes come from? For example, jeans that are made with sandblasting technique which gives them some special appearance, is giving silicosis to workers in india, bangladesh, pakistan, etc (also in spanish sorry):
http://www.elmundo.es/el...idaridad/1299067287.htmlOr even the food we buy, not even to get started with meat, but for example in europe most (non-organic) vegetables come from south spain where illegal immigrants are working in horrible conditions and getting really underpaid (this one in english:
http://www.guardian.co.u...b/07/food-spain-migrantsWe could gather thousands of examples like this.
So yes, lets research what we buy. Personally I feel that when I buy a product I am co-responsible for all the process that the product took from the gathering of raw materials to production to packaging to transport. If I buy something that has been unsustainable, that has caused suffering to others, etc, its as if Im agreeing with it.
Its hard/impossible living in modern society without having any weight on others, on nature, but we can definitely diminish as much as possible, by refusing to buy from companies we know for a fact have unscrupulous tactics, and supporting those we know are (more) sustainable and fair.