PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: Positive, relaxed, low expectations (didn't believe it was really DMT)
(physical condition) Set: Healthy but highly sleep deprived.
Setting (location): Friend's bedroom, three others present.
time of day: Night, around nine or ten o'clock, light sources; lavalamp and ipod.
recent drug use: No medication, but I was slightly stoned.
last meal: Not recently, I think I may have gone a day or so with very little food before hand.
body weight: (80kg? 75?)
known sensitivities: Few if any, bad trips have never been a problem for me.
history of use: First time with dmt, previous experience includes one disappointing acid trip and many, many hours drunk, stoned or both. I've moved to the beat of alcohol addiction, years ago, but I'm now fine.
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): Marijuana + DMT
Dose(s): Roughly .25g of marijuana, about half an hour later .35g of dmt with a little more weed, how much? Can't be sure. One fat cone?
Method of administration: MJ: joints, dmt: snow cone.
EFFECTSAdministration time: T=0:15
Duration: (.5 hours, roughly half an hour or so)
First effects: Strong instant peak, hallucination overload, visual + auditory.
Peak: Peak was instant, lasting roughly five to ten minutes.
Come down: Slow and soft, about twenty minutes.
Baseline: Five minutes after come down, very slight visual intensity.
Intensity (overall): (3)
Evaluation / notes: My thoughts were incredibly distracting, as well as the other people in the room, they had no knowledge of the drug or its effects, and as such, I truly regretted not going into a room alone, for the administration.
OPTIONALPleasantness: (3)
Implesantness: (0)
Visual Intensity: (4)
AFTER-EFFECTSHangover: (0; it was an instantaneous finish. As though a switch within my perception jumped back to 'normal'
Afterglow: (4 ; pure wonder ; a few hours)
REPORTHmm... where to start? I guess I'll try to... set the scene a little.
I'd just spent six months in Morocco, reading, dreaming and fantasising about dmt. I'd been doing a lot of research, thinking that it would be hard to find (before going on holiday I searched my home city for months, to no avail). I figured I'd need to work for a few weeks before I could even start working down the shopping list I'd created, well anyway, I got back to Australia (FINALLY, vacation was rather horrific) and my mates drove me down to Nimbin after about a week of catching up and binging. So there I am, appreciating the intricate pattern that the beautiful barista behind the counter had left in my coffee. When my mate answers the phone, and a couple of sips later, asks me if he should buy a gram of dmt for a hundred bucks!?!
Well, skip forward a few hours, and I'm now in his bedroom, softly stoned and truly disbelieving. In my hand is a glass bong, layered with weed, then dmt (all that was left by the time I got my hands on the bag, a little less than half of it) and then once more with weed.
I truly did not believe that it was what they said it was, I'd been waiting for SO long, I just didn't think it was possible, add to that the fact that two of my mates had smoked the rest of it, doing tiny little cones continuously over like an hour (fools! Damn fools!), which basically meant that they didn't have anything to tell me about it, except; it's weird man, my body like... stretched. So while I did realise that they'd administered it totally incorrectly, I was still highly doubtful that it actually was dmt. lol, I know that I'm repeating myself, I guess I just really want to stress how much I did -not- believe it was dmt.
So anyway, I lit her up, pulled as much as I could, and was shocked by what felt like a tiny chemical gas grenade being thrown down my throat and into my lungs. It hurt! Fuck it hurt! But the pain was gone as quickly as it had arrived, for by the time I'd filled my lungs with the stuff, my friend (who was sitting infront of me) became the center of the universe. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced, imagine the intensity of a handful of sparklers seen through five hundred microgram acid vision, and now try to translate that sight into sound. It wasn't the sound of sparklers, nothing like them, but the incredible overload of noise that flooded outward from my friend was... indescribable.
The sound was accompanied by an intense light show. It was odd... I could see him, but it's like... in order to do so I had to look.. through... the veil.. of.. energy?
Anyway, the peak was instantaneous, my thoughts were thoroughly shattered by the time my lungs were full, every colour and surface in the room warped into an intensely layered intricately patterned psychedelic rainbow vomit visual trip.
I didn't hallucinate, I mean, obviously I did, but it was only the colours of things which changed, plus, the frame rate of my perception was down to about one every second and a half, or so it seemed (difficult to tell, obviously, lol). Every colour was imbued with a seemingly infinite amount of shades, there was instantly no such thing as a straight line, and within about fifteen seconds (though it felt like MUCH longer) I realised that I was on dmt. I felt a heavy rush of euphoria, remembered that I could breathe and then felt an even heavier rush upon my first inebriated inhale, I burst into laughter, and for the next five minutes or so I felt extreme wonder, intermittently going through the cycle over and over, realising that I'm on dmt, remembering to breath, looking around, touching things, realising that I'm on dmt, etc. etc. After the trip started to wear out, and the hallucinations weren't so intense, I could think much more clearly, what struck me as the most odd, was the way the visuals hung around, I was expecting it to be over any minute, but it dragged out over the next twenty. I spent most of that time trying hard to resist talking to my mates in the room, because I knew that conversation would be just too much effort, so I sat in silence staring at my friends desk of drawers. In retrospect, I think that I was so obsessed with staring at the piece of furniture because it was made of wood, and I could watch the grains swirling and oscillating. (A recent dosage heavy acid trip has shown me that I have an affinity to nature)
Ever since the trip I've been describing it something like this; experiencing the world through dmt is like seeing the computer generated virtual reality of the universe's subconscious, or something.
Yeah, sorry about taking so long to actually write this aye guys. I've been on so many drugs since I've come back that I just never had enough time / energy to jump online and back into all the communities which I joined up while overseas. But, now that I'm back, I'm here to stay!
So, tell me, did I break through? I figure I came close, but missed the mark because of the setting.
Plus, is a thirty minute trip common? What kind of factors might have played into it lasting as long as it did?
You don't know what the Coalition for Entheogenic Liberty is
Click the link! posted by Another Rube is the fictional / false, and not true.