The first thing we want to do, when we are beginning to use attention as a tool, is to direct it to the sensation of our bodies. Begin with the left foot. Concentrate you attention on it--but gently. It's not a matter of forcing anything. Simply open your mind to the way your foot feels, including each toe, and gain as detailed a sensation of it as you can. If you can't sense a single thing, it doesn't matter. This isn't about your foot. It's about the effort.
Then do the same thing with your right foot. Concentrate your attention on it. Then, very gently, include both feet. Then move your sensation up your left leg, first to the knee, than the whole leg. Get a sensation of your leg, not forgetting your toes or your thigh.
Do the same thing with the right leg. Then sense both legs. Hold that for a moment, concentrating all of your attention on your legs.
Next, do the same thing with your hands and arms, in the same sequence. Concentrate first on one arm, then include both. Then add your legs, expanding your attention to include both arms and both legs.
Then take your attention to your coccyx, your tailbone. Move your attention up your spine. The sensation will be very faint, so be careful. Don't let you r imagination run away with you, either. Forget such things as Kundalini energy for now. Your spine is not going to turn into a rope of gold--yet.
Take your attention up your neck and let it include your whole head. Include your face. Then take it down your chest, being careful to follow your breathing rather than interrupting it. Let it go as it will. Just feel the sensation of it.
Go down your stomach, to just below your naval. At that point stop and expand your attention to include your whole body. Sense yourself from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
Next, focus your sensation again into a point just below your naval. Penetrate into your body. You will have little sensation, if any, from the inside. That's fine. It doesn't matter. Go to an imaginary spot right in the center of your body. You will be able to feel hardly any sensation here. Use your imagination. Stretch your sensitivity to capture what little there is.
Now let your attention flow into all parts of you. Sit, being aware of yourself in this way. Don't close your eyes completely. Let some of the outside world in as you work. The state you have entered is one of the most healthful and valuable of all human states. Remain in it. Enjoy it. Even if you're entirely anesthetized to your body, it doesn't matter. If you are partially paralyzed, or entirely paralyzed from a stroke or accident or something, it doesn't matter.
What matters is not the outcome but the attempt. Never forget this. The path is the effort to be on the path. The work itself is the goal.
Now, quiet your mind. Do this by concentrating your attention on the sensation of your physical body you have attained. Stay that way. Let your mind go. Leave the world behind.
How long does this last for you? A couple of hours?
I don't think so. A few seconds beyond mind represents a very effective effort. Your mind will recapture you time and time again. A fly buzzes past, the lights flicker, you remember a call you forgot to make--the list of distractions is endless.
The work is not to remain free of these annoyances, but rather to take the attention away from them and give it to your sensation, and do that again and again and again.
Since the struggle itself is our goal, we should take a whole new attitude toward the distractions that pull our attention away from sensation. These distractions are our gifts, because every one of them makes us a little stronger, even the ones that succeed and break our concentration completely.
An itch distracts me. I bless my itch. A horn honks. My heart is full of gratitude toward that driver. My dog rushes in demanding attention. My heart filling with thanks, I give it.
The energy we gain in the path does not come from being a hotshot at meditation with a special room and fancy robes, etc., it comes from the struggle itself.
This is the work that gains you energy, not being able to perform feats of meditation, remaining motionless for hours or whatever.
Work in this way fifteen minutes a day and you will gain immeasurably. Spend five hours a day engaged in elaborate false meditation, and all you will gain is a sore back.
(written word for word from The Path, by Whitley Strieber)
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